Academic and social deficiencies
, 3–4
Academic STEM practitioners
, 28
ACL. See active-collaborative learning (ACL)
Active-collaborative learning (ACL)
, 213
Active-learning computational activities
, 239
Administrative policy
, 175
African American communities
, 23
African American telecommunication
, 103–104
Algorithm-generated multimedia with cultural context
, 252
American Chemical Society
, 38
American educational systems
, 16
American Society for Microbiology
, 38
Anti-religious sentiments
, 55
Apostolic communities
, 55
Arduino micro controllers
, 78–79
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
, 78
ASCII beep character
, 217
Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI)
, 74
Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
, 2, 229
TIDES Institutes
, 106
TIDES program
, 219
Association of Technology and Social Sciences
, 148
California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
, 218
, 110, 218–219
culturally responsive content development
, 220–223
gender gap
, 224
minority-serving institution (MSI) status
, 218
peer mentors
, 225
underrepresented minority women campus
, 218
, 224–225
Campus-based professional development
, 67
Campus-based project
, 262
Campus initiative goals and boundaries
, 27
Campus-project-level data
, 262
Campus-wide teaching symposium
, 213
Catholic cultural expectation
, 55–56
C. elegans, quantitative analysis
, 143–145
CGP. See Cybernetic Girls Can Be Pinky (CGP)
Challenging introductory courses
, 103
Challenging us to change
changes in students’ computer attitudes
, 197
CS results across institutions
, 195–196
learning community background
, 188–189
partner institutions
, 193
process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL)
, 189–190
TIDES community
, 187
, 190–192
Westminster College
, 187–188
Westminster results
, 194–195
Chemistry–CS learning community
, 192
Classification accuracy
, 144–145
Class-restricted pathways
, 17
, 139
, 190–191
, 252
management software
, 205–206
, 64
Classroom-based research experience (CRE)
, 138–139
Closing the Achievement Gap Task Force (CAGTF)
, 155
, 78
, 25
Collaborative learning into classroom
, 61
Color-blind racial attitudes
, 42
Combined online and classroom teaching
, 119
Common Academic Program
, 54
Common Academic Program (CAP)
, 58–60
, 59
service learning
, 223
“Components of Academic Mindset” model
, 156
, 225
Computational art history module implementation
, 140–142
Computational Data Science (CDS)
, 230
certificate program
, 233–234
, 229, 237, 240
Computational notebook
, 120
Computational sciences (CS)
, 36–37
Computational Studies of Speech Production and Perception
, 80
Computational thinking
, 239
Computer analysis module
, 139
Computer and mathematical sciences engagement
faculty development
, 253
graphing techniques
, 254
hands-on, music-related classroom activities in CS1
, 253–254
, 252–253
institutional context
, 250
introduction and background
, 250–252
, 249–250
, 254–256
Computer Attitude Questionnaire
, 195–196
Computer for Technical Majors
, 251
Computer literacy
, 239
, 41
Computer Organization
, 251
Computers and the Human Mind
, 80
Computer science
, 3
, 58
, 139
Computer Science Department
, 88
Computer Science Freshmen (CASF)
, 195–196
Computer Science I (CS I) course
, 202
Computer Science on Florham Campus
, 108
Computer Sciences certificate program
, 244
Computers role in science and medicine
, 192
Contemporary US educational strategies
, 15–18
Content development, culturally responsive
, 220–223
Controlling registration
, 80–81
“Cookbook” experiments
, 137
Co-principal investigators
, 175
C4Q (Coalition for Queens)
, 87
CRE. See classroom-based research experience (CRE)
“Creative Media Applications”
, 64
Critical consciousness
, 22
Critical evaluation of our times
, 59
Critical intelligence
, 159
Critically conscious learners
, 22–23
CRT. See culturally responsive teaching (CRT)
, 100, 89–90
grade distributions for
, 84
CS for Insight (CS35)
, 179
CS-interdisciplinary psychology module
, 142
CS results across institutions
, 195–196
Cultural change
, 70
in classroom
, 62
Cultural competence
, 66, 165, 230
Cultural diversity
, 221, 250
“Cultural iceberg” model
, 156
Culturally competent learners
, 22–23
Culturally congruent approach
, 25
Culturally responsive approach
, 147
Culturally responsive computational science
art history, quantitative analysis
, 139–142
biology and computer science module
, 143–145
evaluation method
, 145–146
evaluation results
, 146
, 138–139
, 145
psychology and computer science module
, 142–143
Culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP)
, 4, 18–20, 263
, 20
, 20–21
diverse learners
, 22
faculty members view
, 23
faculty role
, 21–22
power of
, 21
Culturally responsive strategies, addressing recruitment
, 115–117
, 119–120
, 118
computational modules
, 120–123, 126
faculty workshops
, 123–127
participant feedback
, 128
TIDES activities, participation in
, 118
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT)
, 66, 68–69, 230, 250
, 158–159
, 159–160
background and significance
, 155–156
concept of culture
, 156
, 154
cultural factors
, 154
cultural sensitivity and responsiveness
, 154
impact on faculty
, 161–162
impact on students
, 162–164
implementation deltas
, 160–161
, 156–157
implementation pluses
, 160
operational definition
, 155–156
, 157
, 161
scholarly influence
, 156
TIDES journey
, 165–166
Culturally responsive teaching principles (CRTP)
, 237, 244
Culturally sensitive content
, 147
Culturally sensitive pedagogies
, 77
Cultural responsiveness
, 7, 11, 157
, 25
and musical traditions
, 221
CUNY-Cornell Tech-Verizon initiative
, 87
community property
, 66–67
, 205–206
Cyberlink Brain Body Interface
, 104
Cybernetic Girls Can Be Pinky (CGP)
, 37
curriculum revamping
, 40–41
faculty development activities
, 41–42
gender inequities
, 38
, 37–39
programming workshops in different languages
, 40
quantitative analysis and critical thinking
, 39
science interests and perceptions survey
, 39–40
student empowering program outcomes
, 42–44
Women in Science undergraduate course
, 40
Cybernetic Girls Program (CGP)
, 36
Facebook status updates
, 142
Face-to-face classroom instruction
, 119
, 60
, 41–42, 252–253
focus groups
, 67
, 4
Faculty culture, changing
background and significance
, 58–62
implementation and methodology
, 62–67
institutional challenges and responses
, 56–58
mission and catholic identity
, 54–56
, 67–68
Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)
, 97
Fayetteville State University (FSU)
, 249–250, 252
from students
, 67
on workshop
, 127
Festival of Computer Science
, 220, 225–226
Fostering an environment for all students to succeed
background and significance
, 102–103
class enrollment
, 107
CS concepts and real-world systems
, 111
female and minority students percentage
, 108
, 110–111
graduation rates
, 109–110
inherent learning difficulties
, 112
TIDES course enrollment
, 108–109
underrepresented minority (URM) students
, 111
women and minority students
, 111
Frequent lowstakes assessments
, 112
Freshman Year Initiative (FYI) program
, 79–80
FSU. See Fayetteville State University (FSU)
Full-time faculty member
, 189
Machine learning system
, 144–145
Male-oriented stereotypes
, 78
, 54–55
, 59
Matched-comparison t-tests
, 264
Measurement and assessment
, 259–260
, 264
evaluation framework and structure
, 261–262
evaluation limitations
, 269–271
methods and data
, 262
outputs, outcomes, and evaluative findings
, 265–269
project fidelity
, 260–261
TIDES-level metrics collected directly
, 262–263
TIDES-level metrics collected indirectly
, 264
Mentors Enable, Connect, Help, Advocate, Nurture, Intervene, Sustain, and Motivate (MECHANISM)
, 182–183
, 34, 118, 174
Middle-class cultural values
, 19
Minority and non-minority students
, 56
Minority-serving institution (MSI)
, 218
Mission and catholic identity, faculty culture
, 54–56
Mission-level commitments
, 3
Montgomery College (MC)
, 154–155
Morgan State University (MSU)
, 229, 233–235
Morgan TIDES Program (MTIDES)
, 229–231, 233
, 242
data collection methods
, 236–237
, 245
, 242
Multiple programming languages
, 207
Multi-racial students
, 179
Music in programming
content development, culturally responsive
, 220–223
Festival of Computer Science
, 220, 225–226
gender gap
, 223–224
, 219–220
institutional context
, 218–219
instruction modules, culturally responsive
, 223
introduction/background and significance
, 219
peer mentors
, 225
, 217–218
YouSpeak classroom interaction system
, 218, 220, 224–225
Participant feedback
, 128
Partner institutions
, 193
Pattern recognition algorithms
, 140
Peer-to-peer interactions
, 239
Personal and cultural strengths
, 20
Physical computing and personified feedback
, 252
Pitzer College
, 178–179
CS courses
, 178
faculty thought
, 176
individual perspective and approach
, 175–176
intercultural understanding
, 176
lower division computer science courses
, 181
multi-racial students
, 179
students ethnic and racial backgrounds
, 176
theory of social justice
, 176–177
upper division computer science courses
, 181
POGIL. See process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL)
5-point Likert scale
, 145
Pre-college education
, 17–18
Predator/prey relationships
, 43
Pre/post qualitative attitude surveys
, 210
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
, 234
Primarily white institution (PWI)
, 33
Prior accomplishments
, 20
Problem-based learning
, 103, 112, 137
Problem-solving skills
, 65, 261
Process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL)
, 189–191, 198
Process skills development
, 189
Program Design and Implementation
, 251
Program Evaluation Standards
, 236
, 78
, 66
, 77
modules with programming concepts
, 222
Programming Methodology
, 251
Project-based learning
, 64, 66, 88
Project-based teaching
, 21
Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)
, 3, 38
Project Kaleidoscope Regional Network meetings
, 36
Project-oriented environment
, 137
Project-related activities
, 213
Prussian system in America
, 15–16
Puerto Rican ethnicity
, 34
Python programming language
, 120–121
SCALE-UP/Active-Learning teaching
, 213
SCALE-UP approach
, 202–205
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program
, 174
, 1–2
education initiatives
, 89
, 234
, 259
, 219–220, 250
and non-STEM majors
, 244
Second-language program
, 155
Secure copy (SCP), open-source tools
, 140
Secure shell (SSH), open-source tools
, 140
Seeds for Success Workshops
, 42
, 99
, 204
Self-assessment and reflection
, 214
, 7, 99, 164, 267
Self-managed learning teams
, 189
Semester-based academic calendars
, 201
Sensor network optimization
, 136
Sinclair Community College
, 57
“Sink-or-swim” mentality
, 199
Skin-color hierarchy
, 41–42
Social media, studying patterns in
, 142–143
Social-professional cohesion
, 66
Social responsibility for individual privileges
, 25
Society for Toxicology
, 38
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
, 220
Society of Women Engineering (SWE)
, 220
Sociology/Computer Science learning community
, 189
Sociology–CS learning community
, 192, 194
Sophomore-level labs
, 126
Specialized recruitment
, 80
“Spinoff” professional development events
, 161
S-STEM initiative grant
, 182
Statistical computing
, 238
STEM-literate citizenry
, 16
STEM-oriented mindset
, 148
Strengthening Computer and Information Sciences Engagement and Learning (SCISEL)
, 251
Student-Centered Active Learning Environment
, 202
Student-centered learning approach
, 189
Student-centered teaching
, 267
Student–faculty relationships
, 22
Student learning
, 59
and retention
, 68
computer attitudes
, 197
, 42
cultural factors
, 158
, 57, 61
, 69
, 19–20
Student Success and Persistence Team (SSPT)
, 56
Student–teacher relationships
, 23
Student teaching assistants
, 56
Survey of Music Technology
, 253
Systemic marginalization
, 3–4
Systems thinking
, 184
and project conceptualization
, 26–27
SYSTEMS VIEW of Program Evaluation
, 236
Teacher–classroom interactions
, 244
Teacher–student relationship
, 156
Teaching introductory programming courses
, 101
Teaching scientific knowledge and skills
, 36
“Teaching to Diversity in CS” workshop
, 193
Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES)
, 4, 15, 229, 256–257, 262–263, 271
campus-based projects in
, 18
community of practice
, 28
contemporary US educational strategies
, 15–18
faculty teams
, 25
, 5
journey into the deep
, 9–10
journey into the unknown
, 7–9
journey into the world
, 10–11
professional development program
, 6–7
program-level objectives
, 6
race and gender of students impacted by
, 267
, 4
STEM faculty professional development domain
, 4
“Teaching Toolkit”
, 160–161
Tech Talent Pipeline (TTP)
, 87–88
“Think-pair-share” approach
, 83
Thought-provoking sessions
, 175
, 187
Community of Practice
, 88–89
, 100
learning communities
, 187, 194
TIDES courses
, 108–109
interest in STEM
, 146
thematic focuses
, 145
, 217, 220
, 222
Tiny Earth initiative
, 40
“Toolkit” of teaching ideas
, 160
Traditional educational tribalism
, 18
Traditional interpretation of students
, 157
Tri-college community
, 119
Tri-College workshop
, 126–127
UD. See University of Dayton (UD)
Undergraduate research
, 137
Undergraduate STEM programs
, 36
Underrepresented groups
, 204
Underrepresented minority groups, recruitment and retention of
, 236–238
institutional context
, 233–234
introduction/background and significance
, 234–235
, 229–232
, 238–244
Underrepresented minority (URM) students
, 111
Underserved minority (URM)
, 218
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
, 121
University of Dayton (UD)
, 63
base funding for targeted programs
, 55
curriculum changes at
, 59
faculty development
, 66
, 60
mission and catholic identity
, 54–56
problems at
, 56
religious identity
, 55
in STEM fields
, 57–58
teaching and learning importance
, 54
University of North Carolina (UNC) system
, 250
University of Puerto Rico in Humacao (UPRH)
, 33
University of Puerto Rico (UPR) system
, 35
Unofficial CRT principles
, 157
Unstructured Data Analysis Tool (UDAT) text classifier
, 142–143
Upper-level physics courses
, 126
Upside-down pedagogies
, 202
Utilization-focused evaluation
, 261