ISBN: 978-1-78560-461-4, eISBN: 978-1-78560-460-7
Publication date: 7 December 2016
Woodside, A.G. (2016), "References", Case Study Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 501-530.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Building Theory from Case Study Research
- Chapter 2 Bridging the Chasm between Survey and Case Study Research
- Chapter 3 Storytelling Theory and Research
- Chapter 4 Creating Visual Narrative Art for Decoding Stories
- Chapter 5 Subjective and Confirmatory Personal Introspection
- Chapter 6 Overcoming the Illusion of Conscious Will and Self-Fabrication
- Chapter 7 Using the Forced Metaphor-Elicitation Technique (FMET) in Subjective Personal Introspections about Self
- Chapter 8 Surfacing Executives Interpretations of Self and the Roles of Co-Workers in Enacting Front and Back Stage Strategies
- Chapter 9 Personal Exchanges, Social Behavior, Conversation Analysis, and Face-To-Face Talk
- Chapter 10 Exchange (Talk) Behavior in Natural Settings: An Exposition of Variable-Based Analysis of Case Study
- Chapter 11 Constructing Thick Descriptions of Marketers’ and Buyers’ Decision Processes in Business-to-Business Exchange Relationships
- Chapter 12 Case Study Research on Means-End Laddering Chains
- Chapter 13 Building in Degrees of Freedom Analysis in Case Study Research: Empirical Positivistic Testing of Data to Alternative Theories
- Chapter 14 Applying the Long Interview in Case Study Research
- Chapter 15 Tipping-Point Modeling in Case Study Research
- Chapter 16 Participant Observation Research in Organizational Behavior
- Chapter 17 Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling
- Chapter 18 Visualizing Matching Generalizing: Case Identification Hypotheses and Case-Level Data Analysis
- Chapter 19 Fuzzy Set Social Science and Qualitative Comparative Analysis
- Chapter 20 Constructing Cased-Based Macro Models: Cultures’ Consequences on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Quality-of-Life
- Chapter 21 Conclusions: Principles for Doing Case Study Research
- References
- Index