Contextual factors of psychological empowerment
This paper examines the relationships between four contextual factors related to empowerment (communication with supervisor, general relations with company, teamwork, and concern for performance) and the four components of psychological empowerment (meaning, impact, self‐determination, and competence) identified by Spreitzer and her colleagues. We surveyed 203 employees of a manufacturing firm, using new and established measures of contextual factors and Spreitzer’s measures of empowerment components. The contextual factors were found to be differentially associated with the elements of psychological empowerment. Communication with supervisor and general relations with company were significantly related to the empowerment facets of meaning, self‐determination, and impact, but were not related to the facet of competence. Teamwork was related to meaning and impact. Concern for performance was related to meaning and self‐determination. These associations also varied by type of job. We conclude with implications for research and practice.
Siegall, M. and Gardner, S. (2000), "Contextual factors of psychological empowerment", Personnel Review, Vol. 29 No. 6, pp. 703-722.
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