Books and journals

Browse over 3,300 eBook titles and a portfolio of over 300 journals authored by renowned academics and industry leaders from over 150 countries. Our books and journals collection boasts titles from a vast range of subject areas from management and finance to criminology and social media.

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Book serial
Book serial
Cover of Big Ideas in Public Relations Research and Practice
Editors: Finn Frandsen, Winni Johansen, Ralph Tench, Stefania Romenti
Book serial
Cover of Communication in Uncertain Times
Editors: Sabine Einwiller, Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, Stefania Romenti, Chiara Valentini
Book serial
Cover of How Strategic Communication Shapes Value and Innovation in Society
Editors: Betteke Van Ruler, Iekje Smit, Øyvind Ihlen, Stefania Romenti
Book series
Cover of Journal of Communication Management
Editor: Prof Jesper Falkheimer
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