This study aims to provide an overview of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, identify areas where libraries can play crucial role in effective implementation of NEP 2020…
This study aims to provide an overview of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, identify areas where libraries can play crucial role in effective implementation of NEP 2020 and explains the role of libraries in higher education for implementation of NEP 2020 in India.
For the purpose of the present research, the researcher has evaluated The “National Education Policy 2020” document consisting of 65 pages. The contents of NEP 2020 are evaluated to find out major areas of working for libraries and in the context of major areas, the crucial role which a library can play in implementation of NEP 2020 is described. Hence, the research methodology followed is “descriptive research method”.
NEP is bringing out tremendous positive changes in higher education in India. The changes can be effectively implemented with the help of libraries and library professionals to adapt to course, curriculum, research and infrastructure-related changes. The challenges of the 21st century in the field of higher education are related to personality development, strengthening of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs), internationalisation of higher education, specific skills and values for students, motivation for researchers and teachers as well as for equity and inclusiveness of higher education can be effectively imparted by libraries and it can contribute as a catalyst for overall national development.
Research limitations/implications
The study covers NEP of India 2020 and the role of libraries in HEIs of India are described.
Practical implications
NEP 2020 and its implementation are mandatory in HEIs in India. All universities and colleges in India had started implementing India’s NEP 2020, and hence, accessing the role of libraries in higher education for the successful implementation of NEP 2020 is essential. Elaborating on the “Role of Libraries under National Education Policy 2020” of India, libraries play a very important role in implementing the NEP 2020 of India. The sub-chapters from 9 to 19 under Chapter III on higher education are thoroughly studied by the researcher and on the basis of the contents related to NEP in the higher education system of India, the library parameters that can identify the role of libraries in NEP 2020 are explained.
Social implications
Libraries contribute to “personal development” as well as “to inculcate certain prescribed skills and values”. “Interdisciplinary research” is intended to develop an active community of research in various disciplines as well as to increase the efficiency of both physical resources and human resources. Promoting interdisciplinary research is done through libraries. Many libraries have developed “inclusive education centres” to provide library facilities to visually impaired and disabled students.
Overall personality development, strengthening of educational institutions, optimistic move towards multidisciplinary education through identification of business skills and specific skills and values, internationalisation of education, a motivation factor for students, teachers and researchers as well as equity and inclusiveness in higher education are all the areas occupied by libraries. It is described elaborately and it is of social and educational value for all.
Sunday Adewale Olaleye, Saheed A. Gbadegeshin, Oluwafemi Samson Balogun, Friday Joseph Agbo and Emmanuel Mogaji
This study aims to investigate scholarly works on higher education management from emerging economies. It investigates how higher education management has evolved in emerging…
This study aims to investigate scholarly works on higher education management from emerging economies. It investigates how higher education management has evolved in emerging economies.
This study is quantitative, and the authors retrieved the metadata from the Web of Science, an extensive pool of interdisciplinary peer-reviewed literary databases for bibliometric analysis.
The results show the strengths, weaknesses and prospects of higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing countries based on the scholarly output in various journals.
Research limitations/implications
Though the study contributed to the knowledge and expansion of literature in HEIs research, it was only limited to the Web of Science database.
Practical implications
Policymakers and practitioners who want to improve the efficiency and viability of HEIs in developing countries can find a helpful guide in the form of a framework for higher education management in developing countries.
Social implications
It is important to note that the bibliometric impact of higher education management in developing countries might vary depending on various factors, including the quality and relevance of the research, the level of funding and resources available for research and the level of international collaboration, among others.
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the research landscape in higher education management in developing countries by identifying the most influential authors, institutions and countries and the key research topics and trends. This information can be helpful for researchers, policymakers and practitioners who seek to understand the state of research in the field and identify gaps in knowledge.
Higher education as a field of study has been relatively ignored by social scientists. Yet it is a growing area of research, especially applied research, as higher education…
Higher education as a field of study has been relatively ignored by social scientists. Yet it is a growing area of research, especially applied research, as higher education itself becomes more visible and important within advanced ‘knowledge economies’. Higher education is seen by some to hold the key, at least in part, to the achievement of both greater wealth and greater social equity; the former through the creation of new knowledge and the production of new ‘knowledge workers’, and the latter through the provision of opportunities for all to develop, contribute to and benefit from the greater wealth. For others, however, the role of higher education is seen to lie more in the reproduction of existing social inequalities.
The African continent is filled with a textured history, vast resources, and immense opportunity. The landscape of higher education on such a diverse continent is extensive and…
The African continent is filled with a textured history, vast resources, and immense opportunity. The landscape of higher education on such a diverse continent is extensive and complex. In this review of the landscape, four primary topics are evaluated. The historical context is the foundational heading, which briefly covers the evolution from colonization to independence and the knowledge economy. The second main heading builds upon the historical context to provide an overview of the numerous components of higher education, including language diversity, institutional type, and access to education. A third section outlines key challenges and opportunities including finance, governance, organizational effectiveness, and the academic core. Each of these challenges and opportunities is interconnected and moves from external influences (e.g., fiscal and political climate) to internal influences (e.g., administrative leadership and faculty roles). The last layer of the landscape focuses on leveraging higher education in Africa for social and economic progress and development. Shaping a higher education system around principles of the public good and generating social benefits is important for including postsecondary institutions in a development strategy.
Karin Amos, Lúcia Bruno and Marcelo Parreira do Amaral
For the longest period of its history, the university was the guardian and transmitter – not the producer – of knowledge. This relatively recent change of transmitting canonical…
For the longest period of its history, the university was the guardian and transmitter – not the producer – of knowledge. This relatively recent change of transmitting canonical knowledge and generating new knowledge is normally associated with Wilhelm von Humboldt. Other highly influential university models were provided by France and Great Britain. The association of certain types of universities with particular countries is a strong indicator of the intricate link between nation-state and education. Hence, the history of tertiary education and its elite institutions, the research universities, must be considered in relation with a sea change in educational history – the gradual emergence of national education systems. Only under the conditions of the by now standard form of organizing modern societies as nation-states did education become a central institution (Meyer, Boli, Thomas, & Ramirez, 1997) collapsing individual perfectibility and national progress. The nationally redefined university was integrated into the education system as its keystone while also being considered the motor of societal development. From a social history perspective, the latter aspect in particular indicates the pragmatic (training professionals, imparting military and technical knowledge, etc.) and symbolic expectations, “myths” of the nation-state that have been so aptly described and analyzed in numerous macro-sociological neo-institutionalist studies (Meyer, Ramirez, & Soysal, 1992; Meyer et al., 1997; Ramirez & Boli, 1987). In a macro-phenomenological perspective, the term “myth” is used to denote a fundamental change in the self-description of European society which since the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries no longer views itself as consisting of separate collectivities divided from each other by social origin – as was the case under feudal conditions – with each collectivity providing itself the necessary education for its members or being provided for by others in the case of neediness. Instead, as a result of a number of material and immaterial changes, society now defines the individual as its key unit, with the nation being consequently the aggregate of individuals and not of collectivities and the state redefined as the guardian of the nation. This conception might be taken as a kind of overlapping area which includes different approaches, such as Michel Foucault's concept of the disciplinary society (Foucault, 1977), Balibar and Wallerstein's (1991) deliberations on the relation between race, class, and nation, and Benedict Anderson's (1991) description of nations as imagined communities. All these studies could be taken as sharing the notion of “constructedness” (cf. Berger & Luckmann, 1972) of modern society with the neo-institutionalist perspective. The concept of a “world polity” which encompasses the “myths” society is based on, the overall notion of a cognitive culture, which takes Max Weber's concept of rationality as a point of departure, is identified as the basis of isomorphic change in the organizational structure of modern education systems (cf. Baker & Wiseman, 2006). However, the strong emphasis on international, world system embeddedness of nation-states and their education systems is not to be taken as a unidirectional dependence on external forces. While modern nation-states originate from and remain tied to international dynamics and developments, they are conceived as unique entities. For most of their history, modern nation-states have been preoccupied with making themselves distinct from each other. Thus, while international competition has always been present, looking abroad traditionally meant reworking, adapting, and reshaping what was imported, or borrowed (Halpin & Troyna, 1995; Steiner-Khamsi, 2004). This is true for education as well as for other areas of society.
Tertiary education in Ghana has seen rapid advancement over the past two decades. This growth is the result of transformative policy reforms such as upgrading polytechnics into…
Tertiary education in Ghana has seen rapid advancement over the past two decades. This growth is the result of transformative policy reforms such as upgrading polytechnics into higher education status; the establishment of the University of Development Studies (UDS) in the northern part of the country; the amalgamation of existing Colleges of Education into degree awarding institutions; the creation of the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) to provide supplementary financial support for infrastructure, faculty research and development; expansion of distance education programs; modification of the student loan scheme; and a conducive regulatory environment that encourages private sector participation in higher education provision. In spite of these developments, the system continues to face several challenges such as limited funding to support academic programs; limited participation rates for low-income students, females, and minorities; difficulty recruiting and retaining young academic and research faculty; inadequate research capacities; limited ICT infrastructure to enhance instruction and curriculum delivery and inadequate facilities to support science and technology education; etc. This chapter focuses on the state of public higher education in Ghana with emphasis on current growth and challenges. The chapter offers descriptive analysis based on government policy reports and documents, enrollment data from universities in Ghana, and data from the Ministry of Education and the National Council for Tertiary Education in Ghana.
Leadership in higher education has become of increasing importance as the size of the enterprise has grown, and this has naturally led to a growing research interest in the topic…
Leadership in higher education has become of increasing importance as the size of the enterprise has grown, and this has naturally led to a growing research interest in the topic. Using systematic review methods, this chapter interrogates and synthesises the research literature on leadership in higher education in terms of its meanings, application and practice, and the issues and critiques raised. It concludes that research into leadership in higher education has been both extensive and global in nature, identifying a variety of understandings, practices and approaches adopted, and the continuing dominance of white men in senior leadership positions. There is clearly scope for more research on this topic, which could both emphasise different issues and give greater recognition to the particular nature of higher education and higher education institutions.
Chijioke J. Evoh, Christopher Byalusago Mugimu and Hopestone K. Chavula
This chapter evaluates the readiness of the higher education system to contribute to the competitiveness of African countries in the knowledge economy. Using institutions of higher…
This chapter evaluates the readiness of the higher education system to contribute to the competitiveness of African countries in the knowledge economy. Using institutions of higher learning in Kenya and Uganda as case studies, the study demonstrates that the higher education system in Africa is ill-equipped to fulfill the role of knowledge production for the advancement of African economies. The chapter proposed promising ways through which higher education in the region can play a more fulfilling role to the global knowledge economy through the formation of relevant skills for the growth of African economies. In an era where knowledge assets are accorded more importance than capital and labor assets, and where the economy relies on knowledge as the key engine of economic growth, this chapter argues that higher education institutions in Africa can assist in tackling the continent’s challenges through research in knowledge creation, dissemination, and utilization for improved productivity. These institutions need to engage in design-driven innovation in the emerging knowledge economy. To enhance their contributions toward human capital development and knowledge-intensive economies in the region, it is imperative to employ public-private initiatives to bridge and address various challenges and gaps facing universities and research institutions in Africa.
Jennifer Dusdal, Mike Zapp, Marcelo Marques and Justin J.W. Powell
Informed by multiple disciplines, theories, and methods, higher education scholars have developed a robust and diverse literature in many countries. Yet, some important…
Informed by multiple disciplines, theories, and methods, higher education scholars have developed a robust and diverse literature in many countries. Yet, some important (organizational) sociological perspectives, both more established and more recent, are insufficiently linked. In particular, we identify two theoretical strands – institutional and relational – that, when joined, help to explain contemporary developments in global higher education and yield new organizational insights. We review relevant literature from each perspective, both in their general formulations and with specific reference to contemporary higher education research. Within the broad institutional strand, we highlight strategic action fields, organizational actorhood, and associational memberships. Within the relational strand, we focus on ties and relationships that are especially crucial as science has entered an age of (inter)national research collaboration. Across these theories, we discuss linkages between concepts, objects, and levels of analysis. We explore the methodological approach of social network analysis as it offers great potential to connect these strands and, thus, to advance contemporary higher education research in a collaborative era.
Observation is a neglected data collection method in higher education research. Yet observation holds out the promise of seeing what people actually do, rather than what they say…
Observation is a neglected data collection method in higher education research. Yet observation holds out the promise of seeing what people actually do, rather than what they say they do (in interviews or surveys) or write down that they do (in documents). It may also be pursued quantitatively and/or qualitatively, using a highly structured data collection instrument or in an open-ended and flexible fashion, carried out live or using recorded material. This chapter explores the limited existing literature on the use of observation in higher education research, speculates on the reasons for its lack of use, and argues for its greater usage in the future.