2. Elastomers A wide variety of elastomers, generally synthetic, are used in modern valves of the butterfly and diaphragm types with the dual function of lining/protecting…
2. Elastomers A wide variety of elastomers, generally synthetic, are used in modern valves of the butterfly and diaphragm types with the dual function of lining/protecting internal metal surfaces in contact with the duty and providing the necessary interference for sealing. Without resorting to exotic and expensive metals of construction, even most aggressive services can be successfully handled by variation of elastomer type, while the particular compound is designed to still retain the physical characteristics necessary for optimum sealing. The number of permutations is thus large and indeed one manufacturer offers as many as 18 different resilient liner options. The main elastomer types are summarised:
Summary The variety of approaches used to combat corrosion and afford protection of structures and components are outlined. Factors governing selection so often favour…
Summary The variety of approaches used to combat corrosion and afford protection of structures and components are outlined. Factors governing selection so often favour combinations of traditional metal and modern polymeric coating or lining. Emphasis is placed on the vital importance of surface preparation and comprehensive specifications. In this context, the role of Specialist Painting Inspectors is outlined and their contribution to quality assurance and improved standards of workmanship is illustrated by reference to bridges, offshore platforms, telescopes and lined components. Future trends are indicated with emphasis on newer methods of surface preparation and protection.
Ensecote Ltd. of Sheffield have specialised in the field of polymeric linings for anti‐corrosion applications for nearly half a century.
Summary This paper examines the function, protection and applications of complex components such as valves in off‐shore environments. Materials of Construction and the…
Summary This paper examines the function, protection and applications of complex components such as valves in off‐shore environments. Materials of Construction and the coating/lining techniques and procedures available to ensure acceptable function and protection are discussed, while the limitations of existing painting specifications from the point of view of the component manufacturer are emphasised. Off‐shore services utilising valves are summarised and the types of valves to be found in service on production platforms are indicated.
A DSIR Sponsored Research Programme on the Development and Application of the Matrix Force Method and the Digital Computer. The present issue gives a summary of the basic theory…
A DSIR Sponsored Research Programme on the Development and Application of the Matrix Force Method and the Digital Computer. The present issue gives a summary of the basic theory of the matrix force method together with some necessary extensions for the fuselage problem. The equilibrium conditions for the idealized structure are then examined in detail and the relevant equations of equilibrium established in matrix form.
Anne Dickinson and Elizabeth M. Ineson
Examines the use of two selection techniques, i.e. biodata andpersonality assessment, which have been found to have high predictivevalidities when used in other industries, in the…
Examines the use of two selection techniques, i.e. biodata and personality assessment, which have been found to have high predictive validities when used in other industries, in the context of hotel employee recruitment. In the first phase of a pilot study, Saville and Holdsworth′s Customer Service Questionnaire (CSQ) was used together with a questionnaire designed specifically to collect biodata (biographical information). The research was carried out at a four‐star hotel in central Manchester, with the aim of identifying any characteristics which were common to those hotel operatives who frequently interacted with guests, who were reliable and who produced a high standard of work consistently, so that a specific selection tool which isolated these characteristics might be developed.
Jennifer P. Bott, Daniel J. Svyantek, Scott A. Goodman and David S. Bernal
This study examines the role of personality and work experience in predicting two measures of job performance: Proficiency on the job tasks assigned to employees (task…
This study examines the role of personality and work experience in predicting two measures of job performance: Proficiency on the job tasks assigned to employees (task performance) and discretionary behaviors (e.g., helping) that may or may not be performed by employees (contextual performance). The two types of performance measures were shown to have different patterns of association with work experience and personality dimensions, such that personality was more predictive of contextual performance, while job experience was more predictive of task‐based performance. Noticeably, conscientiousness did not predict task‐based performance. Implications and limitations of the present study, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.
Chieh‐Chen Bowen, Beth Ann Martin and Steven T. Hunt
The current study extends previous research by comparing empirical data on ipsative and normative versions of the 30‐scale Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ)…
The current study extends previous research by comparing empirical data on ipsative and normative versions of the 30‐scale Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ). Participants were randomly assigned to “honest” or “faking” groups. Results support the proposition that when the number of scales is large, the measurement dependency problem associated with the ipsative format is negligible. There was satisfactory convergent validity between ipsative and normative forms in both groups. On both forms, the distance between an ideal profile and participants' ratings were narrower in the faking group than in the honest group. The results suggest that though ipsative measures were not completely free from faking, they were relatively more effective in guarding against faking than more commonly used normative measures.
THE fact that the forthcoming conference of the Library Association is to be held at Eastbourne this year should provide it with an additional official interest, as it is here…
THE fact that the forthcoming conference of the Library Association is to be held at Eastbourne this year should provide it with an additional official interest, as it is here that the Association Hon. Solicitor and Legal Adviser holds the important office of Town Clerk. Mr. Fovargue is the authority on Library Law in all its aspects, and is the author of several books on this important subject. We are particularly happy in being able to print an article from his pen in our special Conference number. The programme of the proceedings is by now, no doubt, in the hands of our readers, and will be found to be less crowded, but no less useful for that, than in previous years. Apart from the usual business programme, which should prove full of interest, the social side has been fully catered for and delightfully arranged. Several interesting motor trips are to take place, and delegates will be afforded an opportunity of enjoying the charms of the beautiful county of Sussex as well as those of one of our most favoured of seaside resorts.
Peter Saville and Andrew Munro
That R. B. Cattell, in the development of his model of personality in the late 1930s and early 1940s, made an outstanding contribution to the measurement of personality is widely…
That R. B. Cattell, in the development of his model of personality in the late 1930s and early 1940s, made an outstanding contribution to the measurement of personality is widely recognised, and needs no further comment here. But it has, of course, been the potential applications of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) in the occupational field that has been of most interest to those working within personnel. Certainly, the 16PF came to be the preferred instrument for the assessment of personality in many organisations, and is now extensively used in occupational selection, placement and counselling.