Materials performance and corrosion protection in the valve industry: Part 2
2. Elastomers A wide variety of elastomers, generally synthetic, are used in modern valves of the butterfly and diaphragm types with the dual function of lining/protecting internal metal surfaces in contact with the duty and providing the necessary interference for sealing. Without resorting to exotic and expensive metals of construction, even most aggressive services can be successfully handled by variation of elastomer type, while the particular compound is designed to still retain the physical characteristics necessary for optimum sealing. The number of permutations is thus large and indeed one manufacturer offers as many as 18 different resilient liner options. The main elastomer types are summarised:
Saville, R. (1980), "Materials performance and corrosion protection in the valve industry: Part 2", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 27 No. 11, pp. 11-13.
Copyright © 1980, MCB UP Limited