The goal of this work is to include the new economic-based approaches related to entrepreneurship that have been published in the literature. Based on the neoclassical and…
The goal of this work is to include the new economic-based approaches related to entrepreneurship that have been published in the literature. Based on the neoclassical and Austrian schools, some sociological, psychological and economic theories about entrepreneurship. In this work, some unknown economic-based approaches related to entrepreneurship will be summarized, as they are included in the work of Saiz-Alvarez and García-Vaquero (2017). These approaches are: (1) The Jack-of-all-trades Theory, (2) The Mezzanine Theory, (3) The O-Ring Theory, (4) The Theory of Resources and Capabilities, (5) Entrepreneurial Bricolage, (6) The Processes’ School, (7) The Feedback Loop Theory, (8) The Theory of Effectuation, and (9) The Theory of the Optimal Triangle. All these theories will be summarized in this chapter.
Juan David Gonzalez-Ruiz, Alejandro Arboleda, Sergio Botero and Javier Rojo
The purpose of this paper is to develop an investment valuation model using the mezzanine debt mechanism based on blue bonds that explicitly allude to public–private partnerships…
The purpose of this paper is to develop an investment valuation model using the mezzanine debt mechanism based on blue bonds that explicitly allude to public–private partnerships (P3s) and project finance (PF). Additionally, this study proposes the financial captured value (FCV) theory for measuring how much financial value lenders may capture by becoming sponsors through financing of sustainable infrastructure systems (SIS).
The investment valuation model was validated through the Aguas Claras wastewater treatment plant as a case study.
The empirical results show that lenders may capture financial value by converting outstanding debt into equity shares throughout the operation and maintenance stage. Furthermore, case study results provide new insights into the implications of the debt–equity conversion ratio on the relationship between the sponsors’ internal rate of return and the FCV.
Research limitations/implications
The most significant limitation is the lack of primary and secondary information on blue bonds. Thus, robust statistical analyses to contrast results were not possible.
Practical implications
Researchers and practising professionals can improve their understanding of how mezzanine debt, P3s and PF into an investment valuation model allows financing SIS using a non-conventional financial mechanism. The recommendations will benefit both the academia as well infrastructure industry in bridging the gap between design theory and practice.
Sustainability components have not been addressed explicitly or combined in the financing’s structuring. Therefore, the investment valuation model could be considered a novel methodology for decision making related to financing and investment of SIS.
The purpose of this paper is to study the funding difficulties of innovative SMEs in traditional sectors (ISTS) and asks whether current conditions represent a financing market…
The purpose of this paper is to study the funding difficulties of innovative SMEs in traditional sectors (ISTS) and asks whether current conditions represent a financing market failure.
The study explores the financial tools available in Israel and their relevancy to ISTS by conducting in-depth interviews with different key figures in the financial industry. These include managers at venture capital (VC) funds, banks, private equity (PE) funds, mezzanine funds, as well as officials from the public sector.
In this study the authors identify the existence of a market failure relating to the funding of ISTS and suggest that the current VC, PE and mezzanine fund models cannot provide adequate financing solutions for ISTS in Israel.
Practical implications
In light of the importance of these firms to the economy, governmental intervention is required, if more innovative activity of ISTS is desired. To this end, the study proposes a funding scheme that addresses the special needs of these companies.
The study contributes to the literature by focussing specifically on the challenges of ISTS and by using a qualitative approach to analyzing the relevancy of different financial mechanisms to their needs.
Scholarship on alternative organizations and cooperatives has argued that networks and intermediaries foster organizational form stability and protect collectivist-democratic…
Scholarship on alternative organizations and cooperatives has argued that networks and intermediaries foster organizational form stability and protect collectivist-democratic organizations from rationalization as well as decoupling. This study of field-level organizing among food co-ops in the United States shows that rather than buffering collectivist organizations from conventional market and rationalization pressures, meta-organizations can also serve as a conduit for rationalizing pressures, subjecting vulnerable organizations to what I call quasi-coercive isomorphism. Using interviews of field participants, ethnographic observations of conferences, and content analysis of organizational documents, I examine the formation and impact of National Co+op Grocers, a meta-cooperative created to leverage scale and pool resources among food co-ops. I find that this meta-organization enforced grocery industry-oriented norms of operation, management, and presentation among its member organizations in return for providing mutual liability and economies of scale. This focus on select operationally scalable processes and structures for support generated isomorphic pressures that exposed, rather than sheltered, co-ops, especially smaller, resource-poor ones, from industry standards. The meta-organization thus promoted a sectorized model of more marketized practices for the field’s cooperatives that pushed co-ops to adopt conventional grocery store practices and distanced them from the practices of other cooperative form fields. Moreover, the potential of cooperative form-specific elements for scaling was not realized: collective ownership and democratic governance remained local concerns. These findings suggest that whether meso-level cooperation among cooperatives can support alternative form maintenance is contingent on the structure and scope of the meta-organization and on the perceived scalability of operational and governance elements of the cooperative organizational form.
Long D. Nguyen and Hung T. Nguyen
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between building floor and labor productivity of the structural work including formwork installation and rebar…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between building floor and labor productivity of the structural work including formwork installation and rebar fabrication/installation.
The case study methodology and learning curve theory are adopted for the paper. Records from the structural work of a 20-storey apartment building were analyzed to calculate floor-based labor productivities.
Labor productivity of the formwork activity increased more than twice in the first five floors. If the first cycle (floor 2) is omitted, the straight-line learning curve model shows a learning rate of 83.5 percent. Labor productivity of the rebar activity tended to increase in the first 15 floors. If the first two cycles are omitted, the straight-line learning curve model indicates a learning rate of 83.6 percent.
Research limitations/implications
Future research is needed to examine and quantify factors that affect the level of learning in high-rise building construction. The relationship between building floor and labor productivity should be further investigated for other construction activities.
Practical implications
Practitioners should consider the relationship between building floor and labor productivity and learning effects when planning manpower and construction duration for individual activities and for a building.
The paper substantiates the hypothesis that labor productivity does not reach 100 percent of the normal level at the very first floors while they do not support the hypothesis that labor productivity does not reach 100 percent at the top floors.
The questions of loan availability and pricing were considered from the perspectives of financial economic theory and practice as well as a survey of lenders capable of financing…
The questions of loan availability and pricing were considered from the perspectives of financial economic theory and practice as well as a survey of lenders capable of financing a one-year bridge loan to determine the market's willingness to make such a loan and what rate of interest would be charged. Utilizing the sources above, in conjunction with professional knowledge and industry contacts, 101 lenders were selected as representative of the universe of lenders who had the capacity to make directly or otherwise to arrange, a $192 million bridge loan. The survey of lenders involved interviews with 67 of the 86 selected lenders from 59 firms. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Loan availability and pricing were considered from perspectives of financial economic theory and practice plus a survey to determine market's willingness to make a loan at what price. Utilizing professional knowledge and industry contacts, 101 lenders were selected as representative of those which had the capacity to make a $192 million bridge loan. When lenders were evaluated against criteria of size, product type, geographic territory, and willingness/capability to provide nonstandard loans, list selected for telephone interviews was narrowed, then subsequently expanded with referrals that led to identification of new potential lenders to be contacted.
Nine lenders offered conceptualized deal structures to provide the required financing. Though the price may be expensive, especially relative to what borrowers may wish to pay, financing is available. Developers’ and deal-makers’ protestations that “it's impossible,” should be discounted and rejected. Because the subject property is characterized by high-risk, it is logical conclusion that the lenders expressing a desire to provide the bridge loan would expect to earn a high return, meaning that the interest rate would approach, if not exceed, 20 percent.
Research limitations/implications
Because the nature of the research required that the specific identities of the building and the parties were not revealed, some lenders might decline to consider this financing opportunity. And, real world negotiation of financing terms could result in higher rates than quoted and/or disinclination of lenders to proceed. Because of very specialized circumstances surrounding this proprietary research, conducted subject to nondisclosure agreement, publication had to be deferred until those constraints no longer applied. Though the data are more than a decade old, this consideration does not compromise the relevance, validity, or generalizability of the findings.
Practical implications
Markets can accommodate transactions that might be perceived as improbable. Investors which approach opportunities with creativity and open mind, can make deals that would not be possible, were strict, rigid, unbending eligible deal preference parameters to be employed. Strategists establishing policies for real estate enterprises should insist on progressive, expansive thinking in turning the scope of their potential venture involvements. Real estate education and training should address more attention to financial economic theory, strategic initiative, and creative deal making, which priority topics are too seldom prioritized, with the consequence that too many in real estate think narrowly rather than expansively.
Social implications
This research substantiates a fundamental theory of financial economics and refutes conventional applied wisdom. Seldom do researchers and investors have the opportunity to “get inside” the lending decision process for a large scale commercial property, especially one characterized by daunting circumstances and considerable complexity, such as studied here. A unique real world date set – not normally accessible to property scholars – enables study of the proposition that every commodity has a price, no matter how severe or difficult the circumstances, in a manner fully congruent with the new AACSB Business School Deans policy emphasis on relevance in addition to rigor.
As commercial mortgages much less studied than residential mortgages, this paper is significant addition to undeveloped segment of literature. As the majority of mortgage finance research, estimated to be in the range of 90 percent, has been limited to single family residential financing, the study of commercial mortgage financing is relatively under-researched. Further, the studies of commercial mortgage finance tend to be illustrative case studies with stylized facts rather than explorations of empiricism-based investigations. As most researchers engaged in exploring real estate topics limit themselves to public information, research that provides access to real world private transactions is especially important.
David J. Brophy and Michael R. Haessler
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how probabilistic simulation can be used to assist prospective general partners (GP) and limited partners (LP) of a venture capital…
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how probabilistic simulation can be used to assist prospective general partners (GP) and limited partners (LP) of a venture capital limited partnership fund to evaluate alternative investment strategies for the proposed fund. The model presented in the paper is based upon observed characteristics of the venture capital market reported in the finance, economics, and management science literature. The body of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II we review the structural characteristics of the model. In Section III we present the results, in terms of ending wealth, obtained from simulating the fund's operations over its life under selected alternative investment strategies. In Section IV we show evaluations of the fund's simulated results under expected return, mean/variance and four moment approaches. In Section V, we present conclusions and implications of the results for financial management.
This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of stochastic volatility processes in globally listed private equity (LPE) markets, which are represented by nine global, regional…
This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of stochastic volatility processes in globally listed private equity (LPE) markets, which are represented by nine global, regional and style indices, and reveals transmissions in the conditional variances between the different markets, based on weekly data covering the period January 2011 to December 2020.
The study uses the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity [GARCH(p, q)] model and its exponential GARCH (EGARCH) and GARCH-in-mean extensions.
The estimates of the volatility models GARCH, EGARCH and GARCH-in-mean GARCH-M for testing the stylized properties persistence, asymmetry, mean reversion and risk premium lead to very different results, depending on the respective LPE index.
Practical implications
The knowledge of conditional volatilities of LPE returns as well as the detection of volatility transmissions between the different LPE markets under investigation serve to support asset allocation decisions with respect to risk management or portfolio allocation. Hence, the findings are important for all kinds of investors and asset managers who consider investments in LPE.
The authors present a novel study that examines the conditional variance for globally LPE markets by using LPX indices, offering valuable insight into this growing asset class.
This study aims to investigate the day-of-the-week (DoW) effect in globally listed private equity (LPE) markets using daily data covering the period 2004–2021.
This study aims to investigate the day-of-the-week (DoW) effect in globally listed private equity (LPE) markets using daily data covering the period 2004–2021.
To investigate the existence of the DoW effect in globally LPE markets, ordinary least squares regression, generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) regression and robust regressions are used. In addition, robustness audits are conducted by subdividing the sampling period into two sub-periods: pre-financial and post-financial crisis.
Limited statistically significant evidence is found for the DoW effect. By taking time-varying volatility into account, a statistically significant DoW effect can be observed, indicating that the DoW effect is driven by time-varying volatility. Economic significance is captured through visual inspection of average daily returns, which illustrate that Monday returns are lower than the other weekdays.
Practical implications
The results have important implications on whether to adopt a DoW strategy for investors in LPE. The findings show that higher returns on selected days of the week for certain indices are possible.
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper provides the first study to examine the DoW effect for globally LPE markets by using LPX indices and contributes valuable insights on this growing asset class.