Office landscaping eliminates the numerous little boxes which often constitute an office system, saves duplication of numerous services and overcomes barriers to effective…
Office landscaping eliminates the numerous little boxes which often constitute an office system, saves duplication of numerous services and overcomes barriers to effective information and communication systems. In this article, T. A. Scrutton, Director and Secretary of Beecham Products, answers questions on why Beechams established several landscaped offices experimentally and what it has achieved so far.
July 26, 1966 Restraint of trade — Master and Servant — Pension fund — Employees required to join pension fund — Provision that if employee engaged in “activity or occupation… in…
July 26, 1966 Restraint of trade — Master and Servant — Pension fund — Employees required to join pension fund — Provision that if employee engaged in “activity or occupation… in competition with or detrimental to… interests” of employers committee entitled to cancel rights and benefits — Whether provisions of fund part of terms and conditions of employment of salesman — Whether a covenant in restraint of trade — Whether unreasonable.
The Equal Pay Act 1970 (which came into operation on 29 December 1975) provides for an “equality clause” to be written into all contracts of employment. S.1(2) (a) of the 1970 Act…
The Equal Pay Act 1970 (which came into operation on 29 December 1975) provides for an “equality clause” to be written into all contracts of employment. S.1(2) (a) of the 1970 Act (which has been amended by the Sex Discrimination Act 1975) provides:
In an article on “Scientific Societies and Alien Enemies,” which appeared in the May issue of The British Food Journal, we expressed the hope that every British Scientific and…
In an article on “Scientific Societies and Alien Enemies,” which appeared in the May issue of The British Food Journal, we expressed the hope that every British Scientific and Technical Society would take immediate steps to expel all foreign members who are to be numbered among the enemies of Great Britain and her Allies, and that each Society should pay special attention to the necessity of purging itself particularly from any existing German taint. Having stated that we were waiting to learn what had been done, or is to be done in this matter by such bodies as The Chemical Society, The Institute of Chemistry, The Society of Chemical Industry and the Royal Society— mentioning only a few of the institutions in whose lists of members the names of enemy aliens appear—we took occasion to point out that the Chemical Society and the Society of Chemical Industry, especially, were probably in need of drastic purification. Since that article was written it appears that the Council of the Chemical Society has taken the matter into consideration and, in this connection, we have been requested to publish two letters addressed to the President of the Society by one of its Fellows together with the President's reply. We comply with the request in view of the facts that the points raised by this correspondence are of public importance and that their application extends far beyond the mere question of a controversy within the narrow circle of a particular scientific body. COLONEL CASSAL, to whom we are indebted for supplying us with copies of the letters referred to, makes the following caustic remarks, with which we fully agree, in a covering letter:—“It will perhaps hardly be credited, but the fact remains, that the Council of the Chemical Society of London, one of the oldest scientific bodies in this country, which, on that account, if, unfortunately, at present, on no other, may possibly be thought to be entitled to some sort of public respect— has refused to take the necessary steps to bring about the immediate expulsion of the alien‐enemy members of the Society, among whom it is practically certain that there are several persons who are acting as expert advisers to the German Government in regard to the use, by their hordes of criminals, of corrosive fluids and poisonous gases in contravention of the universally recognised laws of honourable warfare. It will be seen that in its futile endeavour to find an excuse for its failure to discharge a plain duty the Council has hopelessly stultified itself, and there can be no doubt that the vast majority of the Fellows of the Society will repudiate the ludicrous and self‐condemnatory resolution which, at one and the same time, brings contempt on the Society and ridicule on the Council.”
Britain's merchant navy dominated the international maritime trade in the 19th century. The strong ship owners' lobby imposed on the shippers the only choice to contract either…
Britain's merchant navy dominated the international maritime trade in the 19th century. The strong ship owners' lobby imposed on the shippers the only choice to contract either under bills of lading drafted almost totally on the ship owners' terms or not to contract. The conflict between Britain and its rival the American merchant navy precipitated a movement for the use of model contracts of shipment (carriage) and towards standardisation of the liability of International liner carriers by legislative intervention. The bill of lading through its use in international trade gained the characteristic of being the document which incorporates the contractual terms. So, the orally agreed contract of carriage gave way to the contract of carriage in the form of a bill of lading.
An important step towards ousting the Germans from a lucrative branch of West African trade in which Germany has hitherto held almost a monopoly has been proposed by a Colonial…
An important step towards ousting the Germans from a lucrative branch of West African trade in which Germany has hitherto held almost a monopoly has been proposed by a Colonial Office Committee and adopted by the Government. This Committee was appointed a year ago by Mr. BONAR LAW, with Mr. STEEL‐MAIT‐LAND, M.P., as chairman, “to consider and report upon the present condition and the prospects of the West African trade in palm kernels and other edible and oil‐producing nuts and seeds, and to make recommendations for the promotion in the United Kingdom of the industries dependent thereon.”
Denning, L.J. Diplock and L.J. Russell
July 19, 1966 Master and Servant — Wrongful dismissal — Damages — Service agreement for annual salary and “such bonus (if any) as the directors … shall determine” — Employee not…
July 19, 1966 Master and Servant — Wrongful dismissal — Damages — Service agreement for annual salary and “such bonus (if any) as the directors … shall determine” — Employee not to invest in competing company without consent of employer — Bonus scheme ended after dismissal of employee — Higher salaries negotiated with employees — Whether future bonus or possible increase in salary to be taken into account — Employee's investment in competitive company — Employment by other company in which employee held shares — Increase in value of shares — Whether credit to be given for increased value of shares and investment in competitive company.
M.R. Denning, Russell and L.J. Winn
December 17, 1968 Trade dispute — Act in furtherance of — Procuring breach of contract — Inter‐union rivalry in hotel industry — Picketing hotel employing no members of union �…
December 17, 1968 Trade dispute — Act in furtherance of — Procuring breach of contract — Inter‐union rivalry in hotel industry — Picketing hotel employing no members of union — Interference with oil contracts — Force majeure clause in oil contract — Whether in contemplation or furtherance of “trade dispute” — Whether torts by or on behalf of trade union restrainable by injunction — Trade Disputes Act, 1906 (6 Edw. VII, c. 47), ss. 3, 4(1), 5(3).
Sections 7 and 8 are directed against the practice of misbranding or misdescribing foods and drugs. According to the report on the working of the Act they have proved extremely…
Sections 7 and 8 are directed against the practice of misbranding or misdescribing foods and drugs. According to the report on the working of the Act they have proved extremely useful, and might with advantage be applied in this country in which case statements to the effect that a jam, for instance, has been “ improved ” by the addition of fruit juice other than the juice of the fruit from which the jam is presumably made would in all probability not be allowed, nor would the introduction of synthetic esters and dyes be allowed.
In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Ministry of Food (Continuance) Act, 1920, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Food Controller hereby…