Víctor H. Andaluz, Cristian M. Gallardo, Fernando A. Chicaiza, Christian P. Carvajal, José Morales, Giovanny Cuzco, Vicente Morales, Byron E. Vaca and Nicolay Samaniego
This paper aims to present a unified motion control scheme for quadcopters which not only solves the point stabilization and trajectory tracking problems but also the path…
This paper aims to present a unified motion control scheme for quadcopters which not only solves the point stabilization and trajectory tracking problems but also the path following problem.
The control problem is solved based on the kinematic model of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Next, a dynamic compensation controller is considered through of a quadcopter-inner-loop system to independently track four velocity commands: forward, lateral, up/downward and heading rate. Stability and robustness of the whole control system are proved through the Lyapunov’s method. To evaluate the controller’s performance, a multi-user application which allows bilateral communication between a ground station and the Phantom 3 PRO quadrotor is developed.
The performance of the proposed unified controller is shown through real experiments for the different motion control objectives: point stabilization, trajectory tracking and path following. The experiments confirm the capability of the unified controller to solve different motion problems by an adequate selection of the control references.
This work proposes the design of three types of motion controllers, which can be switched to comply a task in outdoor. Based on the software development kit provided by the company DJI, an application to get and send data to the UAV is developed. By means of this application, the three tasks are tested and the robustness of the controllers is proved.
The purpose of this paper is to clarify a number of important facts about info‐gap decision theory.
The purpose of this paper is to clarify a number of important facts about info‐gap decision theory.
Theorems are put forward to rebut claims made about info‐gap decision theory in papers published in this journal and elsewhere.
Info‐gap's robustness model is a simple instance of the most famous model in classical decision theory for the treatment of decision problems subject to severe uncertainty, namely Wald's maximin model. This simple instance is the equivalent of the well‐established model known universally as radius of stability. Info‐gap's robustness model has an inherent local orientation. Therefore, it is in principle unable to address the fundamental difficulties presented by the type of severe uncertainty that is postulated by info‐gap decision theory.
Practical implications
These findings caution against accepting the assertions made in the info‐gap literature about: info‐gap decision theory's role and place in decision making under severe uncertainty; and its ability to model, analyze, and manage severe uncertainty.
This paper exposes the serious difficulties with claims made in papers published in this journal and elsewhere regarding the place and role of info‐gap decision theory in decision theory and its ability to handle severe uncertainty.
To provide high torques needed to move a robot’s links, electric actuators are followed by a transmission system with a high transmission rate. For instance, gear ratios of 100:1…
To provide high torques needed to move a robot’s links, electric actuators are followed by a transmission system with a high transmission rate. For instance, gear ratios of 100:1 are often used in the joints of a robotic manipulator. This results into an actuator with large mechanical impedance (also known as nonback-drivable actuator). This in turn generates high contact forces when collision of the robotic mechanism occur and can cause humans’ injury. Another disadvantage of electric actuators is that they can exhibit overheating when constant torques have to be provided. Comparing to electric actuators, pneumatic actuators have promising properties for robotic applications, due to their low weight, simple mechanical design, low cost and good power-to-weight ratio. Electropneumatically actuated robots usually have better friction properties. Moreover, because of low mechanical impedance, pneumatic robots can provide moderate interaction forces which is important for robotic surgery and rehabilitation tasks. Pneumatic actuators are also well suited for exoskeleton robots. Actuation in exoskeletons should have a fast and accurate response. While electric motors come against high mechanical impedance and the risk of causing injuries, pneumatic actuators exhibit forces and torques which stay within moderate variation ranges. Besides, unlike direct current electric motors, pneumatic actuators have an improved weight-to-power ratio and avoid overheating problems.
The aim of this paper is to analyze a nonlinear optimal control method for electropneumatically actuated robots. A two-link robotic exoskeleton with electropneumatic actuators is considered as a case study. The associated nonlinear and multivariable state-space model is formulated and its differential flatness properties are proven. The dynamic model of the electropneumatic robot is linearized at each sampling instance with the use of first-order Taylor series expansion and through the computation of the associated Jacobian matrices. Within each sampling period, the time-varying linearization point is defined by the present value of the robot’s state vector and by the last sampled value of the control inputs vector. An H-infinity controller is designed for the linearized model of the robot aiming at solving the related optimal control problem under model uncertainties and external perturbations. An algebraic Riccati equation is solved at each time-step of the control method to obtain the stabilizing feedback gains of the H-infinity controller. Through Lyapunov stability analysis, it is proven that the robot’s control scheme satisfies the H-infinity tracking performance conditions which indicate the robustness properties of the control method. Moreover, global asymptotic stability is proven for the control loop. The method achieves fast convergence of the robot’s state variables to the associated reference trajectories, and despite strong nonlinearities in the robot’s dynamics, it keeps moderate the variations of the control inputs.
In this paper, a novel solution has been proposed for the nonlinear optimal control problem of robotic exoskeletons with electropneumatic actuators. As a case study, the dynamic model of a two-link lower-limb robotic exoskeleton with electropneumatic actuators has been considered. The dynamic model of this robotic system undergoes first approximate linearization at each iteration of the control algorithm around a temporary operating point. Within each sampling period, this linearization point is defined by the present value of the robot’s state vector and by the last sampled value of the control inputs vector. The linearization process relies on first-order Taylor series expansion and on the computation of the associated Jacobian matrices. The modeling error which is due to the truncation of higher-order terms from the Taylor series is considered to be a perturbation which is asymptotically compensated by the robustness of the control algorithm. To stabilize the dynamics of the electropneumatically actuated robot and to achieve precise tracking of reference setpoints, an H-infinity (optimal) feedback controller is designed. Actually, the proposed H-infinity controller for the model of the two-link electropneumatically actuated exoskeleton achieves the solution of the associated optimal control problem under model uncertainty and external disturbances. This controller implements a min-max differential game taking place between: (i) the control inputs which try to minimize a cost function which comprises a quadratic term of the state vector’s tracking error and (ii) the model uncertainty and perturbation inputs which try to maximize this cost function. To select the stabilizing feedback gains of this H-infinity controller, an algebraic Riccati equation is being repetitively solved at each time-step of the control method. The global stability properties of the H-infinity control scheme are proven through Lyapunov analysis.
Research limitations/implications
Pneumatic actuators are characterized by high nonlinearities which are due to air compressibility, thermodynamics and valves behavior and thus pneumatic robots require elaborated nonlinear control schemes to ensure their fast and precise positioning. Among the control methods which have been applied to pneumatic robots, one can distinguish differential geometric approaches (Lie algebra-based control, differential flatness theory-based control, nonlinear model predictive control [NMPC], sliding-mode control, backstepping control and multiple models-based fuzzy control). Treating nonlinearities and fault tolerance issues in the control problem of robotic manipulators with electropneumatic actuators has been a nontrivial task.
Practical implications
The novelty of the proposed control method is outlined as follows: preceding results on the use of H-infinity control to nonlinear dynamical systems were limited to the case of affine-in-the-input systems with drift-only dynamics. These results considered that the control inputs gain matrix is not dependent on the values of the system’s state vector. Moreover, in these approaches the linearization was performed around points of the desirable trajectory, whereas in the present paper’s control method the linearization points are related with the value of the state vector at each sampling instance as well as with the last sampled value of the control inputs vector. The Riccati equation which has been proposed for computing the feedback gains of the controller is novel, so is the presented global stability proof through Lyapunov analysis. This paper’s scientific contribution is summarized as follows: (i) the presented nonlinear optimal control method has improved or equally satisfactory performance when compared against other nonlinear control schemes that one can consider for the dynamic model of robots with electropneumatic actuators (such as Lie algebra-based control, differential flatness theory-based control, nonlinear model-based predictive control, sliding-mode control and backstepping control), (ii) it achieves fast and accurate tracking of all reference setpoints, (iii) despite strong nonlinearities in the dynamic model of the robot, it keeps moderate the variations of the control inputs and (iv) unlike the aforementioned alternative control approaches, this paper’s method is the only one that achieves solution of the optimal control problem for electropneumatic robots.
Social implications
The use of electropneumatic actuation in robots exhibits certain advantages. These can be the improved weight-to-power ratio, the lower mechanical impedance and the avoidance of overheating. At the same time, precise positioning and accurate execution of tasks by electropneumatic robots requires the application of elaborated nonlinear control methods. In this paper, a new nonlinear optimal control method has been developed for electropneumatically actuated robots and has been specifically applied to the dynamic model of a two-link robotic exoskeleton. The benefit from using this paper’s results in industrial and biomedical applications is apparent.
A comparison of the proposed nonlinear optimal (H-infinity) control method against other linear and nonlinear control schemes for electropneumatically actuated robots shows the following: (1) Unlike global linearization-based control approaches, such as Lie algebra-based control and differential flatness theory-based control, the optimal control approach does not rely on complicated transformations (diffeomorphisms) of the system’s state variables. Besides, the computed control inputs are applied directly on the initial nonlinear model of the electropneumatic robot and not on its linearized equivalent. The inverse transformations which are met in global linearization-based control are avoided and consequently one does not come against the related singularity problems. (2) Unlike model predictive control (MPC) and NMPC, the proposed control method is of proven global stability. It is known that MPC is a linear control approach that if applied to the nonlinear dynamics of the electropneumatic robot, the stability of the control loop will be lost. Besides, in NMPC the convergence of its iterative search for an optimum depends on initialization and parameter values selection and consequently the global stability of this control method cannot be always assured. (3) Unlike sliding-mode control and backstepping control, the proposed optimal control method does not require the state-space description of the system to be found in a specific form. About sliding-mode control, it is known that when the controlled system is not found in the input-output linearized form the definition of the sliding surface can be an intuitive procedure. About backstepping control, it is known that it cannot be directly applied to a dynamical system if the related state-space model is not found in the triangular (backstepping integral) form. (4) Unlike PID control, the proposed nonlinear optimal control method is of proven global stability, the selection of the controller’s parameters does not rely on a heuristic tuning procedure, and the stability of the control loop is assured in the case of changes of operating points. (5) Unlike multiple local models-based control, the nonlinear optimal control method uses only one linearization point and needs the solution of only one Riccati equation so as to compute the stabilizing feedback gains of the controller. Consequently, in terms of computation load the proposed control method for the electropneumatic actuator’s dynamics is much more efficient.
Shuai bin Guan and Xingjian Fu
This study aims to optimize control strategies for multi-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems by integrating differential game theory with sliding mode control and neural…
This study aims to optimize control strategies for multi-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems by integrating differential game theory with sliding mode control and neural networks. This approach addresses challenges in dynamic and uncertain environments, enhancing UAV system coordination, operational stability and precision under varying flight conditions.
The methodology combines sliding mode control, differential game theory and neural network algorithms to devise a robust control framework for multi-UAV systems. Using a nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode observer and Nash equilibrium concepts, the approach counters external disturbances and optimizes UAV interactions for complex task execution.
Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy, showcasing enhanced stability and robustness in managing multi-UAV operations. The integration of neural networks successfully solves high-dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations, validating the precision and adaptability of the control strategy under simulated external disturbances.
This research introduces a novel control framework for multi-UAV systems that uniquely combines differential game theory, sliding mode control and neural networks. The approach significantly enhances UAV coordination and operational stability in dynamic environments, providing a robust solution to high-dimensional control challenges. The use of neural networks to solve complex Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations for real-time multi-UAV management represents a groundbreaking advancement in autonomous aerial vehicle research.
Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Masoud Abbaszadeh, Bilal Sari and Jorge Pomares
A distinctive feature of tilt-rotor UAVs is that they can be fully actuated, whereas in fixed-angle rotor UAVs (e.g. common-type quadrotors, octorotors, etc.), the associated…
A distinctive feature of tilt-rotor UAVs is that they can be fully actuated, whereas in fixed-angle rotor UAVs (e.g. common-type quadrotors, octorotors, etc.), the associated dynamic model is characterized by underactuation. Because of the existence of more control inputs, in tilt-rotor UAVs, there is more flexibility in the solution of the associated nonlinear control problem. On the other side, the dynamic model of the tilt-rotor UAVs remains nonlinear and multivariable and this imposes difficulty in the drone's controller design. This paper aims to achieve simultaneously precise tracking of trajectories and minimization of energy dissipation by the UAV's rotors. To this end elaborated control methods have to be developed.
A solution of the nonlinear control problem of tilt-rotor UAVs is attempted using a novel nonlinear optimal control method. This method is characterized by computational simplicity, clear implementation stages and proven global stability properties. At the first stage, approximate linearization is performed on the dynamic model of the tilt-rotor UAV with the use of first-order Taylor series expansion and through the computation of the system's Jacobian matrices. This linearization process is carried out at each sampling instance, around a temporary operating point which is defined by the present value of the tilt-rotor UAV's state vector and by the last sampled value of the control inputs vector. At the second stage, an H-infinity stabilizing controller is designed for the approximately linearized model of the tilt-rotor UAV. To find the feedback gains of the controller, an algebraic Riccati equation is repetitively solved, at each time-step of the control method. Lyapunov stability analysis is used to prove the global stability properties of the control scheme. Moreover, the H-infinity Kalman filter is used as a robust observer so as to enable state estimation-based control. The paper's nonlinear optimal control approach achieves fast and accurate tracking of reference setpoints under moderate variations of the control inputs. Finally, the nonlinear optimal control approach for UAVs with tilting rotors is compared against flatness-based control in successive loops, with the latter method to be also exhibiting satisfactory performance.
So far, nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) methods have been of questionable performance in treating the nonlinear optimal control problem for tilt-rotor UAVs because NMPC's convergence to optimum depends often on the empirical selection of parameters while also lacking a global stability proof. In the present paper, a novel nonlinear optimal control method is proposed for solving the nonlinear optimal control problem of tilt rotor UAVs. Firstly, by following the assumption of small tilting angles, the state-space model of the UAV is formulated and conditions of differential flatness are given about it. Next, to implement the nonlinear optimal control method, the dynamic model of the tilt-rotor UAV undergoes approximate linearization at each sampling instance around a temporary operating point which is defined by the present value of the system's state vector and by the last sampled value of the control inputs vector. The linearization process is based on first-order Taylor series expansion and on the computation of the associated Jacobian matrices. The modelling error, which is due to the truncation of higher-order terms from the Taylor series, is considered to be a perturbation that is asymptotically compensated by the robustness of the control scheme. For the linearized model of the UAV, an H-infinity stabilizing feedback controller is designed. To select the feedback gains of the H-infinity controller, an algebraic Riccati equation has to be repetitively solved at each time-step of the control method. The stability properties of the control scheme are analysed with the Lyapunov method.
Research limitations/implications
There are no research limitations in the nonlinear optimal control method for tilt-rotor UAVs. The proposed nonlinear optimal control method achieves fast and accurate tracking of setpoints by all state variables of the tilt-rotor UAV under moderate variations of the control inputs. Compared to past approaches for treating the nonlinear optimal (H-infinity) control problem, the paper's approach is applicable also to dynamical systems which have a non-constant control inputs gain matrix. Furthermore, it uses a new Riccati equation to compute the controller's gains and follows a novel Lyapunov analysis to prove global stability for the control loop.
Practical implications
There are no practical implications in the application of the nonlinear optimal control method for tilt-rotor UAVs. On the contrary, the nonlinear optimal control method is applicable to a wider class of dynamical systems than approaches based on the solution of state-dependent Riccati equations (SDRE). The SDRE approaches can be applied only to dynamical systems which can be transformed to the linear parameter varying (LPV) form. Besides, the nonlinear optimal control method performs better than nonlinear optimal control schemes which use approximation of the solution of the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation by Galerkin series expansions. The stability properties of the Galerkin series expansion-based optimal control approaches are still unproven.
Social implications
The proposed nonlinear optimal control method is suitable for using in various types of robots, including robotic manipulators and autonomous vehicles. By treating nonlinear control problems for complicated robotic systems, the proposed nonlinear optimal control method can have a positive impact towards economic development. So far the method has been used successfully in (1) industrial robotics: robotic manipulators and networked robotic systems. One can note applications to fully actuated robotic manipulators, redundant manipulators, underactuated manipulators, cranes and load handling systems, time-delayed robotic systems, closed kinematic chain manipulators, flexible-link manipulators and micromanipulators and (2) transportation systems: autonomous vehicles and mobile robots. Besides, one can note applications to two-wheel and unicycle-type vehicles, four-wheel drive vehicles, four-wheel steering vehicles, articulated vehicles, truck and trailer systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned surface vessels, autonomous underwater vessels and underactuated vessels.
The proposed nonlinear optimal control method is a novel and genuine result and is used for the first time in the dynamic model of tilt-rotor UAVs. The nonlinear optimal control approach exhibits advantages against other control schemes one could have considered for the tilt-rotor UAV dynamics. For instance, (1) compared to the global linearization-based control schemes (such as Lie algebra-based control or flatness-based control), it does not require complicated changes of state variables (diffeomorphisms) and transformation of the system's state-space description. Consequently, it also avoids inverse transformations which may come against singularity problems, (2) compared to NMPC, the proposed nonlinear optimal control method is of proven global stability and the convergence of its iterative search for an optimum does not depend on initialization and controller's parametrization, (3) compared to sliding-mode control and backstepping control the application of the nonlinear optimal control method is not constrained into dynamical systems of a specific state-space form. It is known that unless the controlled system is found in the input–output linearized form, the definition of the associated sliding surfaces is an empirical procedure. Besides, unless the controlled system is found in the backstepping integral (triangular) form, the application of backstepping control is not possible, (4) compared to PID control, the nonlinear optimal control method is of proven global stability and its performance is not dependent on heuristics-based selection of parameters of the controller and (5) compared to multiple-model-based optimal control, the nonlinear optimal control method requires the computation of only one linearization point and the solution of only one Riccati equation.
Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Masoud Abbaszadeh, Fabrizio Marignetti and Pierluigi Siano
Voltage source inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motors (VSI-PMSMs) are widely used in industrial actuation and mechatronic systems in water pumping stations, as well as…
Voltage source inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motors (VSI-PMSMs) are widely used in industrial actuation and mechatronic systems in water pumping stations, as well as in the traction of transportation systems (such as electric vehicles and electric trains or ships with electric propulsion). The dynamic model of VSI-PMSMs is multivariable and exhibits complicated nonlinear dynamics. The inverters’ currents, which are generated through a pulsewidth modulation process, are used to control the stator currents of the PMSM, which in turn control the rotational speed of this electric machine. So far, several nonlinear control schemes for VSI-PMSMs have been developed, having as primary objectives the precise tracking of setpoints by the system’s state variables and robustness to parametric changes or external perturbations. However, little has been done for the solution of the associated nonlinear optimal control problem. The purpose of this study/paper is to provide a novel nonlinear optimal control method for VSI-fed three-phase PMSMs.
The present article proposes a nonlinear optimal control approach for VSI-PMSMs. The nonlinear dynamic model of VSI-PMSMs undergoes approximate linearization around a temporary operating point, which is recomputed at each iteration of the control method. This temporary operating point is defined by the present value of the voltage source inverter-fed PMSM state vector and by the last sampled value of the motor’s control input vector. The linearization relies on Taylor series expansion and the calculation of the system’s Jacobian matrices. For the approximately linearized model of the voltage source inverter-fed PMSM, an H-infinity feedback controller is designed. For the computation of the controller’s feedback gains, an algebraic Riccati equation is iteratively solved at each time-step of the control method. The global asymptotic stability properties of the control method are proven through Lyapunov analysis. Finally, to implement state estimation-based control for this system, the H-infinity Kalman filter is proposed as a state observer. The proposed control method achieves fast and accurate tracking of the reference setpoints of the VSI-fed PMSM under moderate variations of the control inputs.
The proposed H-infinity controller provides the solution to the optimal control problem for the VSI-PMSM system under model uncertainty and external perturbations. Actually, this controller represents a min–max differential game taking place between the control inputs, which try to minimize a cost function that contains a quadratic term of the state vector’s tracking error, the model uncertainty, and exogenous disturbance terms, which try to maximize this cost function. To select the feedback gains of the stabilizing feedback controller, an algebraic Riccati equation is repetitively solved at each time-step of the control algorithm. To analyze the stability properties of the control scheme, the Lyapunov method is used. It is proven that the VSI-PMSM loop has the H-infinity tracking performance property, which signifies robustness against model uncertainty and disturbances. Moreover, under moderate conditions, the global asymptotic stability properties of this control scheme are proven. The proposed control method achieves fast tracking of reference setpoints by the VSI-PMSM state variables, while keeping also moderate the variations of the control inputs. The latter property indicates that energy consumption by the VSI-PMSM control loop can be minimized.
Practical implications
The proposed nonlinear optimal control method for the VSI-PMSM system exhibits several advantages: Comparing to global linearization-based control methods, such as Lie algebra-based control or differential flatness theory-based control, the nonlinear optimal control scheme avoids complicated state variable transformations (diffeomorphisms). Besides, its control inputs are applied directly to the initial nonlinear model of the VSI-PMSM system, and thus inverse transformations and the related singularity problems are also avoided. Compared with backstepping control, the nonlinear optimal control scheme does not require the state-space description of the controlled system to be found in the triangular (backstepping integral) form. Compared with sliding-mode control, there is no need to define in an often intuitive manner the sliding surfaces of the controlled system. Finally, compared with local model-based control, the article’s nonlinear optimal control method avoids linearization around multiple operating points and does not need the solution of multiple Riccati equations or LMIs. As a result of this, the nonlinear optimal control method requires less computational effort.
Social implications
Voltage source inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motors (VSI-PMSMs) are widely used in industrial actuation and mechatronic systems in water pumping stations, as well as in the traction of transportation systems (such as electric vehicles and electric trains or ships with electric propulsion), The solution of the associated nonlinear control problem enables reliable and precise functioning of VSI-fd PMSMs. This in turn has a positive impact in all related industrial applications and in tasks of electric traction and propulsion where VSI-fed PMSMs are used. It is particularly important for electric transportation systems and for the wide use of electric vehicles as expected by green policies which aim at deploying electromotion and at achieving the Net Zero objective.
Unlike past approaches, in the new nonlinear optimal control method, linearization is performed around a temporary operating point, which is defined by the present value of the system’s state vector and by the last sampled value of the control input vector and not at points that belong to the desirable trajectory (setpoints). Besides, the Riccati equation, which is used for computing the feedback gains of the controller, is new, as is the global stability proof for this control method. Comparing with nonlinear model predictive control, which is a popular approach for treating the optimal control problem in industry, the new nonlinear optimal (H-infinity) control scheme is of proven global stability, and the convergence of its iterative search for the optimum does not depend on initial conditions and trials with multiple sets of controller parameters. It is also noteworthy that the nonlinear optimal control method is applicable to a wider class of dynamical systems than approaches based on the solution of state-dependent Riccati equations (SDRE). The SDRE approaches can be applied only to dynamical systems that can be transformed to the linear parameter varying form. Besides, the nonlinear optimal control method performs better than nonlinear optimal control schemes which use approximation of the solution of the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation by Galerkin series expansions.
Muhammad Taimoor, Li Aijun and Rooh ul Amin
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate an effective algorithm for different types of disturbances rejection. New dynamics are designed based on disturbance. Observer-based…
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate an effective algorithm for different types of disturbances rejection. New dynamics are designed based on disturbance. Observer-based sliding mode control (SMC) technique is used for approximation the disturbances as well as to stabilize the system effectively in presence of uncertainties.
This research work investigates the disturbances rejection algorithm for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle. An algorithm based on SMC is introduced for disturbances rejection. Two types of disturbances are considered, the constant disturbance and the sinusoidal disturbance. The comprehensive lateral and longitudinal models of the system are presented. Two types of dynamics, the dynamics without disturbance and the new dynamics with disturbance, are presented. An observer-based algorithm is presented for the estimation of the dynamics with disturbances. Intensive simulations and experiments have been performed; the results not only guarantee the robustness and stability of the system but the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm as well.
In previous research work, new dynamics based on disturbances rejection are not investigated in detail; in this research work both the lateral and longitudinal dynamics with different disturbances are investigated.
Practical implications
As the stability is always important for flight, so the algorithm proposed in this research guarantees the robustness and rejection of disturbances, which plays a vital role in practical life for avoiding any kind of damage.
In the previous research work, new dynamics based on disturbances rejection are not investigated in detail; in this research work both the lateral and longitudinal dynamics with different disturbances are investigated. An observer-based SMC not only approximates the different disturbances and also these disturbances are rejected in order to guarantee the effectiveness and robustness.
Xin‐long Chen and Di Yang
The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitude control problem of a certain and big flexible satellite with unmodeled dynamics and unknown bounded disturbances and control…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitude control problem of a certain and big flexible satellite with unmodeled dynamics and unknown bounded disturbances and control input saturation; and to present a design method of robust adaptive controllers (RACs).
First, using the Lyapunov stability theory, it is shown that the proposed adaptive controller can guarantee the stability of the nonlinear system. Then, the parameters regulation method of the RAC is introduced. Finally, an RAC is designed for the object satellite model consisted of all the error‐source models.
The simulation results are compared with other results that are derived by using the typical PID controller. It is proved that the designed RAC has some properties of quickly response, high steady‐state precision and strong robustness.
The paper is of value in presenting a design method of RACs aiming at the object satellite with uncertainties and control input saturation.
Rihab Bkekri, Anouar Benamor, Mohamed Amine Alouane, Georges Fried and Hassani Messaoud
Assistive technology products are designed to provide additional accessibility to individuals who have physical or cognitive difficulties, impairments and disabilities. The…
Assistive technology products are designed to provide additional accessibility to individuals who have physical or cognitive difficulties, impairments and disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to deal with the control of a knee joint orthosis intended to be used for rehabilitation and assistive purpose; this control aims to reduce the influence of the uncertainties and eliminating the external disturbances in the system.
This paper deals with the robust adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) of human-driven knee joint orthosis system with mismatched uncertainties and external disturbances. The shank-orthosis system has been modeled and its parameters have been identified. This control reduces the effect of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances on the system performance and improves the system robustness as results. The ASMC was designed to offer the possibility to track the state of the reference model. Moreover, the Lyapunov stability theory was used to study the asymptotical stability of the ASMC.
The advantage of the robust ASMC method is the tracking precision and reducing the required time for eliminating external disturbances and uncertainties. The experimental results show in real-time in terms of stability and present that the advantages of this control approach are the position tracking and robustness.
In this paper, to deal with the parameter uncertainties of the human-driven knee joint orthosis, an ASMC was successfully applied based on sliding mode and Lyapunov stability theory. It has good dynamic response and tracking performance. Besides, the adaptive algorithm is simple, easy to achieve and has good adaptability and robustness against the parameter variations and external disturbances. The design technique is simple and efficient. The development of this control takes into consideration the perturbation, allowing to track a desired trajectory.
Guoqin Gao, Jun Sun and Yuanyuan Cao
This paper aims to solve the problems of the synchronization between branches and the uncertainties such as joint friction, load variation and external interference of a hybrid…
This paper aims to solve the problems of the synchronization between branches and the uncertainties such as joint friction, load variation and external interference of a hybrid mechanism. The controller is used to improve the synchronization and robustness of the hybrid mechanism system and achieve both finite time convergence and chattering-free sliding mode.
First, the dynamic model of hybrid mechanism containing lumped uncertainties is formulated by the Lagrange method, and a composite error based on coupling synchronization error and the end-effector tracking error is set up in the task space. Then, by combining the finite time super twisting sliding mode control algorithm, a composite error-based finite time super twisting sliding mode synchronous control law is designed to make the end-effector tracking error and coupling synchronization error achieve better tracking performance and convergence performance. Finally, the Lyapunov stability of the control law and the finite-time convergence of the composite error are proved theoretically.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed control method, simulations and experiments for the prototype system of the hybrid mechanism are conducted. The results show that the proposed control method can achieve better tracking performance and convergence performance.
This is a new innovation for a hybrid mechanism containing lumped uncertainties to improve the robustness, convergence performance, tracking performance and synchronization of the system.