Maria Agusti, Jose L. Galan and Francisco J. Acedo
This paper aims to examine what firms in Spanish industrial sectors redeployed their resources, depending on their organisational slack (resource excess), when faced with the…
This paper aims to examine what firms in Spanish industrial sectors redeployed their resources, depending on their organisational slack (resource excess), when faced with the global economic crisis of 2008.
Various financial measures for slack resources and performance have been analysed from more than 400 Spanish firms from 2006 (pre-crisis) to 2017 (recovery).
The first finding is that every slack is useful against an economic downturn. The results show how industrial companies use their slack resources when faced with a generalised crisis according to the level of slack possessed. The key role of the available slack against this environmental threatens is remarked.
Research limitations/implications
Not every resource is useful against an economic downturn. The results show how industrial companies use their slack resources when faced with a generalised crisis in accordance with the types and levels of slack. The key role of the liquid resources, in particular cash, against this environmental threat is discussed. However, we also observe the behaviour of firms with only a few excess resources and find very similar resource consumption patterns.
Although organisational slack is a well-known concept in management, few studies deal with how companies consume or use other types of resources when confronting a crisis. This paper not only addresses this question but also offers insights for a detailed evaluation of various types of slack during and after a crisis.
Building on the value chain model, this study develops a theoretical framework to illustrate the associations between digitalization and firms’ value chain activities from three typical dimensions including R&D investment, manufacturing cost efficiency and marketing cost efficiency. The roles of unabsorbed and absorbed slack resources in their relationships are also examined.
Based upon a large sample of Chinese manufacturing firms from 2016 to 2020 and then employing text mining-based analysis and the multiple regression model, this study empirically tests the effects of digitalization on firms’ value chain activities and how these effects are moderated by slack resources.
The findings show that increase in digitalization leads to an increase in firms’ R&D investment and a decline in manufacturing cost, but results in an increase in marketing cost. In addition, the unabsorbed slack resources and absorbed slack resources play differentiated roles in the associations between digitalization and these value chain activities.
This study contributes to the debate on how digitalization facilitates or hinders the value increment by employing the value chain model and further analyzing the impacts of digitalization on three value chain dimensions: R&D investment, manufacturing cost efficiency and marketing cost efficiency. This study extends the possibility that the influences of digitalization on different value chain dimensions may vary depending on some key contingency factors such as unabsorbed and absorbed slack resources.
Josep M. Argilés-Bosch, Josep Garcia-Blandon and Mónica Martinez-Blasco
This paper undertakes an empirical analysis of the impact of absorbed and unabsorbed slack, employing three different measures for each slack type, on firm profitability. We find…
This paper undertakes an empirical analysis of the impact of absorbed and unabsorbed slack, employing three different measures for each slack type, on firm profitability. We find that unabsorbed slack has a more favorable influence on future firm profitability than absorbed slack. While all the absorbed slack indicators have a significant negative influence on future profitability, the three unabsorbed slack indicators present positive, negative, and non-significant influences, respectively. The fewer constraints of unabsorbed slack on the redeployment to exploit new opportunities point to its comparative advantage over absorbed slack. We find evidence for the differential impact of absorbed versus unabsorbed slack on profitability in firms with lower levels of slack, which suggests firms prefer to withdraw resources from current business and redeploy them to develop new and more favorable business opportunities.
María A. Agustí, Rocio Aguilar-Caro, José Luis Galán and Francisco J. Acedo
Organisational slack has been widely considered in strategic management, but there is a gap in understanding the process of accumulation and application of slack resources. From a…
Organisational slack has been widely considered in strategic management, but there is a gap in understanding the process of accumulation and application of slack resources. From a dynamic perspective and over an extended period of time, this paper analyses the management of slack resources and evaluates whether the different behaviours, in relation to the accumulation and consumption of slack resources, have any effect on performance.
The resource-based view and the dynamic extension of this theory, i.e. resource management and resource orchestration, were analysed in order to evaluate how slack resources can be managed and generate value. Assuming a configurational approach, the analysis was structured into two stages to answer the proposed hypothesis. The first stage studied whether there were different patterns of management of slack resources over time using the DistatisR package. The second stage evaluated which behaviours had the greatest impact in terms of profitability by using a dynamic panel data regression.
Three different types of slack resource management were found in companies: efficient, effective and erratic. Different types do not have the same impact on performance.
The dynamic management of slack resources has scarcely been considered, even during periods of crisis and economic expansion. This research advances the understanding of how firms transform slack resources into performance from a dynamic perspective.
This paper aims to disentangle the mechanism linking digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance. The contributions of the service networks and slack resources are analyzed.
Drawing on a survey of manufacturing firms that have implemented or are implementing digital service projects in China, this paper examines the mediation effect of service networks and the moderated mediation effect of slack resources to capture the role of service networks and slack resources in the relationship between digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance.
Both basic and advanced digital services can equally contribute to manufacturing firm performance. Service networks mediate the relationship between basic digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance. No moderated mediation effect of slack resources is found, but slack resources negatively moderate the effects of basic digital services on service networks and positively impact service networks.
The mediating mechanism of service networks in the relationship between digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance is theorized, and it is clarified that service networks mediate the association between basic digital services and manufacturing firm performance but not advanced digital services. Additionally, there is no significant difference in performance implications when manufacturing firms provide basic versus advanced digital services, answering the call for research on the various types of digital servitization. This paper also identifies firms’ slack resources as the boundary conditions under which basic digital services influence service networks and the positive impacts of slack resources on service networks, bridging the network literature, organizational slack literature and digitalization literature under the framework of service ecosystem research.
Rosiele Pinto, Fernando Serra, Christian Falaster, Luiz Antonio de Camargo Guerrazzi and Manuel Portugal Ferreira
This study aims to investigate the influence of resource slack on the decline of Brazilian companies, with a particular focus on the moderating role of environmental dynamism. The…
This study aims to investigate the influence of resource slack on the decline of Brazilian companies, with a particular focus on the moderating role of environmental dynamism. The authors specifically examine three types of resource slack: available, potential and recoverable. These represent surplus resources that exceed what is necessary for the organization’s basic operations. The role of environmental dynamism, characterized by rapid changes in customer preferences, technologies and competitive dynamics, is considered as a moderating factor in this relationship.
The authors used data from Brazilian companies spanning from 1997 to 2008. The research sample was composed using the matching-pairs method, which included a group of publicly traded companies that experienced decline (43 companies) and a group that did not (40 companies) within the specified timeframe.
Findings of this study indicate that the presence of available slack, being more liquid resources, decreases the likelihood of organizational decline. Furthermore, the moderation effect of potential resource slack can mitigate decline in companies operating in dynamic industries.
This research provides valuable insights into the impact of slack resources on potential organizational turnarounds. Given the relative scarcity of resources in these companies compared to those in developed countries, whether they be financial, human or technological, the study highlights the unique influence of slack in a less explored institutional environment. This research underscores the importance of examining the decline of Brazilian companies from a broader perspective, emphasizing that decisions regarding resource use can have significant implications on a company’s trajectory, either amplifying or mitigating its decline.
¿Cuál es el impacto del slack de recursos en el declive de grandes empresas brasileñas? Para responder a esta pregunta, hemos probado hipótesis por separado para tres tipos de salck de recursos: disponible, potencial y recuperable. Estos excedentes consisten en recursos en exceso más allá de lo necesario para mantener la organización funcionando.
Desarrollamos un estudio empírico cuantitativo y longitudinal con datos de empresas brasileñas de 1997 a 2008. Adoptamos el método de pares emparejados, componiendo la muestra de investigación con un grupo de empresas cotizadas en bolsa que declinaron (43 empresas) y otro que no declinó (40 empresas) en el período de tiempo.
Encontramos que la disponibilidad de recursos más líquidos reduce la posibilidad de declive. El efecto de moderación en el slack de recursos potenciales para empresas en industrias dinámicas puede mitigar el declive.
Esta investigación contribuye a una mejor comprensión del efecto del excedente en posibles recuperaciones. Extender los estudios de recursos excedentes al contexto de empresas brasileñas mostró la influencia que el excedente ejerce en un ambiente institucional relativamente menos explorado. Ya sea financiero, humano o tecnológico, la escasez de recursos es más pronunciada que en empresas de países desarrollados. Esta investigación llama la atención sobre el hecho de que la declinación de empresas brasileñas se analiza desde una perspectiva más amplia. Las decisiones sobre cómo la empresa usa sus recursos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente la declinación de las empresas, reforzando la importancia de discutir esta relación.
A Qual é o impacto da folga de recursos no declínio de grandes empresas brasileiras? Para responder a essa pergunta, testamos hipóteses separadamente para três tipos de folga de recursos: disponível, potencial e recuperável. Essas folgas consistem em recursos além do necessário para manter a organização funcionando.
Desenvolvemos um estudo empírico quantitativo e longitudinal com dados de empresas brasileiras de 1997 a 2008. Adotamos o método de pares combinados, compondo a amostra de pesquisa com um grupo de empresas de capital aberto que declinaram (43 empresas) e outro que não declinou (40 empresas) no período.
Descobrimos que a disponibilidade de recursos mais líquidos reduz a possibilidade de declínio. O efeito moderador na folga de recursos potenciais para empresas em indústrias dinâmicas pode mitigar o declínio.
Esta pesquisa contribui para uma melhor compreensão do efeito da folga sobre possíveis recuperações. A extensão dos estudos de folgas de recursos para o contexto de empresas brasileiras mostrou a influência que a folga exerce em um ambiente institucional relativamente menos explorado. Seja financeiro, humano ou tecnológico, a escassez de recursos é mais pronunciada do que em empresas de países desenvolvidos. Esta pesquisa chama a atenção para o fato de que o declínio de empresas brasileiras é analisado sob uma perspectiva mais ampla. Decisões sobre como a empresa usa seus recursos podem afetar positiva ou negativamente o declínio das empresas, reforçando a importância de discutir essa relação.
Xing Liu and Zhanming Jin
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between unexpected financial slack and small- and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) diversification and growth…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between unexpected financial slack and small- and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) diversification and growth performance.
Using the phenomenon of IPO over-financed in China as the empirical context, the authors constructed a firm-level measure of unexpected financial slack based on over-financed capital resources and extended the nascent inquiry on unexpected slack.
The authors proposed and tested that, with unexpected slack obtained from IPO over-financed, SMEs did not engage in diversification until slack was extraordinarily high (a curvilinear relationship). And in such cases, SMEs preferred geographic diversification rather than industry diversification. Moreover, SMEs were able to sustain growth performance both in the short term and in the long term.
Practical implications
This study had important implications for regulators and managers. The findings of this study suggested that proper regulations on usage of over-financed capital helped SMEs’ sustain their growth performance. Regulatory policies could curb managers from cognitive biases to behave more prudently and deploy the resources more consciously. However, with sufficient resources, managers should also consider more explorative growth drivers such as diversification.
This study joined the efforts of extending the antecedents of slack formation from internal managerial behaviors to external uncertain factors. As the first study to explore the role of unexpected slack at firm level, the results of this study shed more light on the effects of unexpected slack resources.
Gianluca Vitale, Sebastiano Cupertino and Paolo Taticchi
This paper aims to investigate the relationships between business slack resources and environmental performance and considers the possible effects that management commitment…
This paper aims to investigate the relationships between business slack resources and environmental performance and considers the possible effects that management commitment, corporate strategy to sustainability and innovation intensity can have on such interactions.
We performed partial least squares path modeling regressions on a sample of 697 non-financial listed companies worldwide, considering a time frame of 13 years.
Operational and financial slack resources are both detrimental to environmental performance in the short term. Nevertheless, financial slack resources are useful to boost innovation that enhances environmental performance. Environmental performance improvement seems to be more a matter of managerial commitment and strategic approach towards sustainability, rather than the availability of slack resources.
Research limitations/implications
Due to literature shortcomings on which effects slack resources can have on environmental performance, this paper sheds some light on the topic while also highlighting the role of management commitment, corporate sustainability strategy and innovation.
Practical implications
Managers should use financial slack resources in innovation activities to improve environmental performance. In doing so, they need to create retaining earnings to offset any costs using financial slack resources.
Adopting a holistic and net of endogeneity analytical perspective, this paper highlights some virtuous and critical interactions between the managerial commitment and strategic approach to sustainability, the availability of slack resources, innovation intensity and environmental performance to understand which aspects may foster or hinder the ecological transition of businesses.
Maria Agusti-Perez, Jose Luis Galan and Francisco J. Acedo
Although slack resources and their relationship to performance have been widely studied in the literature, the temporal symmetry of this relationship, and the duration of its…
Although slack resources and their relationship to performance have been widely studied in the literature, the temporal symmetry of this relationship, and the duration of its effects, are still unknown aspects and are the objective of this paper.
To evaluate this effect, an exploratory study has been designed on a sample of 449 Spanish industrial companies over a period of 12 years, assessing the impact of idle resources on economic and financial profitability. By means of hierarchical regressions, the short- term, medium- term and long-term effects of slack resources have been evaluated.
The results show that the impact on performance depends on the type of resource considered. Available slack has a consistent and positive effect on economic profitability in the short term. Other types of slack show persistent effects on performance, but, in the case of the recoverable slack, with a negative sign that contradicts the benefits provided by these resources. Finally, potential slack only has a permanent effect on financial profitability, but the sign changes depending on the economic context under consideration. There are also differences in the duration of the effects according to the type of resources.
This paper advances the knowledge about the slack-performance relationship over time that has been scarcely studied.
此為一探索性研究,以評估這影響。研究樣本為449 間西班牙工業公司,研究為期12年,目的為評估閒置資源對經濟和財務盈利能力的影響。研究使用層次回歸,評估了閒置資源的短期、中期及長期的影響。
Yue Vaughan and Yoon Koh
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between rapid internationalization and firm value in US restaurant companies. This study also identified the…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between rapid internationalization and firm value in US restaurant companies. This study also identified the moderating role of available slack, potential slack and recoverable slack on the relationship of rapid internationalization and the firm’s value.
A hierarchical regression analysis with panel fixed effects was used in this study. Samples were drawn from publicly traded US restaurant companies, and span from 1993 to 2016 with 264 firm-year observations was used for the study’s analysis.
Drawing on Penrose’s seminal theory of firm-growth that a firm needs excess resources to grow and that the amount of slack resources directly influences a firm’s international growth, this study found that available slack alleviates the negative impact of rapid international expansion in achieving higher firm value.
This study is one of the few analyses that examined the speed of rapid international expansion in the service context. In addition, this study contributes to existing literature by examining three different slack resources with regards to the speed of international expansion. The findings of this study shed light on restaurant companies whose financial resources are critical for value-adding international expansion.