Veer Pal Singh, Vikas Pathak, Sanjay Kumar Bharti, Sushant Sharma and Sadhana Ojha
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of chicken breeds on quality characteristics of meat nuggets.
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of chicken breeds on quality characteristics of meat nuggets.
The formulation of meat nuggets prepared from meat of Cobb-400, Vanraja, Aseel and Kadaknath separately consisted of 60 per cent lean meat. The emulsion was prepared by standard method and moulded into nuggets. Cooking was performed under pressure (120°C/15 Psi for 30 min).
Emulsion and cooked nuggets both showed no significant differences in pH values among the breeds. Higher moisture and fat content was observed in emulsion and nuggets prepared from Cobb-400, while respective protein and ash was maximum in Kadaknath and Vanraja meat-based emulsions and nuggets. The per cent emulsion stability (87.04 ± 0.45) and cooking yield (85.24 ± 0.06) was reported highest in Cobb-400, which indicates the better water holding capacity and suitability of Cobb-400 meat for the development of nuggets at six weeks of age. The mean sensory scores for colour and appearance (7.12 ± 0.28), as well as flavour (7.00 ± 0.04), were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in Cobb-400 nuggets and lowest in Kadaknath (6.21 ± 0.03 and 6.65 ± 0.06). However, no significant differences were noticed in other sensory attributes among treatments.
Research limitations/implications
The fatty acid and amino acid profile analysis may be helpful to understand the original nutritional difference in prepared nuggets.
Practical implications
The study will be off immense help in optimum utilization of meat of locally available chicken breeds for breed-specific and cost-effective product formulations.
Social implications
The products will be acceptable to all commodities because it is made up of chicken meat.
The effect of chicken breeds on meat nuggets is relatively new aspect and essential to establish suitability of meat of locally available chicken breeds for product development.
Jitender Tanwar, Sanjay Kumar Sharma and Mandeep Mittal
Drones are used in several purposes including examining areas, mapping surroundings and rescue mission operations. During these tasks, they could encounter compound surroundings…
Drones are used in several purposes including examining areas, mapping surroundings and rescue mission operations. During these tasks, they could encounter compound surroundings having multiple obstacles, acute edges and deadlocks. The purpose of this paper is to propose an obstacle dodging technique required to move the drones autonomously and generate the obstacle's map of an unknown place dynamically.
Therefore, an obstacle dodging technique is essentially required to move autonomously. The automaton of drones requires complicated vision sensors and a high computing force. During this research, a methodology that uses two basic ultrasonic-oriented proximity sensors placed at the center of the drone and applies neural control using synaptic plasticity for dynamic obstacle avoidance is proposed. The two-neuron intermittent system has been established by neural control. The synaptic plasticity is used to find turning angles from different viewpoints with immediate remembrance, so it helps in decision-making for a drone. Hence, the automaton will be able to travel around and modify its angle of turning for escaping objects during the route in unknown surroundings with narrow junctions and dead ends. Furthermore, wherever an obstacle is detected during the route, the coordinate information is communicated using RESTful Web service to an android app and an obstacle map is generated according to the information sent by the drone. In this research, the drone is successfully designed and automated and an obstacle map using the V-REP simulation environment is generated.
Simulation results show that the drone effectively moves and turns around the obstacles and the experiment of using web services with the drone is also successful in generating the obstacle's map dynamically.
The obstacle map generated by autonomous drone is useful in many applications such as examining fields, mapping surroundings and rescue mission operations.
Shiv Shankar Kumar, Kumar Sanjay Sawarni, Subrata Roy and Naresh G
The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of working capital efficiency (WCE) and its components on the composite financial performance of a sample of Indian firms.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of working capital efficiency (WCE) and its components on the composite financial performance of a sample of Indian firms.
Our sample includes 796 non-financial listed firms from 2015–16 to 2021–22. Sample firms’ profitability, liquidity, solvency, cash flow management, and financial and operational leverage have been used to classify them into companies with high composite financial performance (HCFP) and with low composite financial performance (LCFP) by using K-Means Clustering technique. A composite financial performance score (CFPS) of 1 has been assigned to HCFP and 0 to LCFP. We have used logistic regression models with fixed effect to estimate the effect of cash conversion cycle (CCC) and its components, i.e. inventory days, accounts receivable days and accounts payable days on CFPS in the presence of control variables such as growth, leverage, firm size, and age.
The study finds that CCC and inventory days are inversely associated with CFPS. This finding shows that the firms’ WCE leads to superior financial performance on a composite basis.
Research limitations/implications
The research findings are based on samples drawn from the population of the listed Indian non-financial companies. Since the operation, financial practices, working capital policies, and management styles of firms vary greatly among nations, the results of this study should be extended to firms in other countries after taking into account the degree of resemblance to the sample firms.
Practical implications
The findings of this study hold significant value for industry practitioners, as they provide guidance in determining the optimal allocation of funds for working capital and devising strategies for effectively managing inventory levels, credit sales, and vendor payments in order to increase the overall value of the company. This study aims to help investors in building their investment portfolios by identifying companies with superior composite financial performance. Investors can enhance the construction of their investment portfolios by strategically selecting companies that demonstrate superior overall performance.
Social implications
The results of our study will help companies improve their WCM strategies to enhance their overall value, and their significance increases manifold during economic downturns. Business firms that perform well by efficiently managing their working capital have a multiplier effect on the economy and society at large in the form of GDP contribution, labor income, taxes to the government, investment in capital assets, and payments to suppliers.
To understand the impact of WCE on firms’ performance, the extant working capital literature focuses on some specific characteristics such as profitability, valuation, solvency, and liquidity. The limitation of employing a single parameter is its inability to present the comprehensive performance evaluation of firms. This study is among the earliest studies that focus on the holistic evaluation of WCE's impact on the composite performance of a company.
Prabhat Kumar Rai, Dinesh Rout, D. Satish Kumar, Sanjay Sharma and G. Balachandran
The purpose of the present study is to simulate the industrial hot-dip process of Zn-2.5Wt.%Mg-3 Wt.%Al and Zn-2.5 Wt.%Mg-9 Wt.%Al-0.15 Wt.%Si coatings and to study the effect of…
The purpose of the present study is to simulate the industrial hot-dip process of Zn-2.5Wt.%Mg-3 Wt.%Al and Zn-2.5 Wt.%Mg-9 Wt.%Al-0.15 Wt.%Si coatings and to study the effect of low and high Al variation on their microstructure, microhardness, adhesion and corrosion behaviour.
The hot-dip Zn-2.5 Mg-xAl coating simulation on steel substrate was carried out using a hot-dip process simulator. The microstructure of the coatings was characterized using a scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The corrosion behaviour of the coatings was studied using a salt spray test in 5% NaCl solution as well as dynamic polarization in 3.5% NaCl solution.
Microhardness of the developed Zn-2.5 Mg-xAl coatings has been found to be approximately two times higher than that of the conventional galvanized coating. Zn-2.5 Mg-3Al coating has exhibited two times higher corrosion resistance as compared to that of Zn-2.5 Mg-9Al-0.15Si coating because of formation of more homogeneous and defect-free microstructure of the former. The MgZn2 phase has undergone preferential dissolution and provided Mg2+ ions to form a protective film.
The relative corrosion resistance of the two Zn–Al–Mg coatings with different Al content has been studied. The defect formed because of higher Al addition in the coating has been detected, and its effect on corrosion behaviour has been analysed.
Dheeraj Sharma, Shivan Sanjay Patel and Shivendra Kumar Pandey
This paper aims to explore franchisor–franchisee relationships in the context of plural forms. Plural forms implies the co-existence of franchised and non-franchised outlets of a…
This paper aims to explore franchisor–franchisee relationships in the context of plural forms. Plural forms implies the co-existence of franchised and non-franchised outlets of a given company. More specifically, the paper examines the impact of franchisors’ leadership styles on franchisees’ relationship commitment when the company franchised outlets co-exist with independent non-franchised outlets. Specifically, this study operationalize the plural forms phenomenon in franchising, using multi-channel complexity as a moderator. The mediating role of relational capital is also examined.
Data were collected from 254 franchisees. The hypothesized model was tested using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
The results indicate that all three – participative, supportive and directive leadership styles of franchisors increase relationship commitment. In a high channel complexity context, a supportive leadership style is the most effective, whereas, in a low channel complexity context, a participative style is the most effective. Relational capital also partially mediated the relationships between leadership styles and relationship commitment.
Practical implications
Franchisors should follow a participative leadership style when channel complexity is low. However, as they add new channels and the channel complexity increases, franchisors should shift toward a supportive leadership style to maintain existing franchisees’ commitment. In current environments, managers should avoid using directive leadership in favor of the other two leadership styles.
The present study is the first to examine the influence of channel leadership style on relationship commitment in an environment of multiple channel complexity.
Sanjay Kumar, Kushal Sharma, Oluwole Daniel Makinde, Vimal Kumar Joshi and Salman Saleem
The purpose of this study is to investigate the entropy generation in different nanofluids flow over a vertically moving rotating disk. Unlike the classical Karman flow…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the entropy generation in different nanofluids flow over a vertically moving rotating disk. Unlike the classical Karman flow, water-based nanofluids have various suspended nanoparticles, namely, Cu, Ag, Al2O3 and TiO2, and the disk is also moving vertically with time-dependent velocity.
The Keller box technique numerically solves the governing equations after reduction by suitable similarity transformations. The shear stress and heat transport features, along with flow and temperature fields, are numerically computed for different concentrations of the nanoparticles.
This study is done comparatively in between different nanofluids and for the cases of vertical movement of the disk. It is found that heat transfer characteristics rely not only on considered nanofluid but also on disk movement. Moreover, the upward movement of the disk diminishes the heat-transfer characteristics of the fluid for considered nanoparticles. In addition, for the same group of nanoparticles, an entropy generation study is also performed, and an increasing trend is found for all nanoparticles, with alumina nanoparticles dominating the others.
This research is a novel work on a vertically moving rotating surface for the water-conveying nanoparticle fluid flow with entropy generation analysis. The results were found to be in good agreement in the case of pure fluid.
Sanjay Mohapatra, Amit Nayak, Ankita Bhangadiya, Ipshit Bagchi, Pradeep Kumar Sharma and Sukanya Behera
The case concerns strategy.
Subject area
The case concerns strategy.
Study level/applicability
This study is applicable to information system, development sector and application of technology in development sector.
Case overview
Krutika Terracotta Unit is a small unit located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha (India), owned by Mr Tarun Tapan Sahoo. The organization product portfolio varies from decorative statues, pots and vessel to customized products demanded by customers. Organization is also involved in training and renting the products for traditional fairs, marriages and religious ceremony in Bhubaneswar along with order sales. The case attempts to get a close picture of the industry. The exercise of developing the vision, mission, and goals for the organization was carried out and an attempt was made to align the information system with the business objectives even though the organization does not have a very structured organogram. Using BIS will surely reduce manual work and will give qualitative output. There will be lesser hassles in management. The defined and integrated approach will also help in taking strategic decisions well. The objective is to develop and apply well-structured BIS which can be integrated with the existing system so as to develop the terracotta organization in terms of reachability and profit-making with better decision-making capacity.
Expected learning outcomes
To learn about the business model of a handicraft marketing organization; to learn about the processes involved in traditional art form of Terracotta; to go through the exercise of creating vision, mission, goals of the organization through mutual discussion and expectation of owner; to determine how BIS helps in achieving higher productivity in Krutika Terracotta Unit; and to get an idea about how NPV calculation and social ROI should be measured for finding feasibility of technology investment.
Supplementary materials
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Pradeep Kumar Singh, Satyavir Singh Ahlawat, Diwakar Prakash Sharma, Gauri Jairath, Ashok Kumar Pathera and Sanjay Yadav
The purpose of this study was to optimize meat slices for processing attributes to produce better sensory features in developed products from buffalo veal and chevon. The…
The purpose of this study was to optimize meat slices for processing attributes to produce better sensory features in developed products from buffalo veal and chevon. The processing parameters such as meat particle size, fat content and binding ability without chopping were the subject of this study.
The study involved three experiments where the particle size, fat content and tumbling time were optimized for optimum binding and improvement in different sensory attributes of product followed by physico-chemical analysis.
The sensory scores clearly indicated that meat slices prepared from 3 mm meat particle size, 10% fat content and 1 h tumbling time were having best sensory features. The selected product was analyzed for different physico-chemical properties. Emulsion stability and cooking yield revealed significantly (p = 0.01) higher values of 91.6% and 89.7%, respectively, in buffalo veal than in values of 87.6% and 84.9%, respectively, in the chevon product. Similarly the results showed that buffalo veal slices had significantly (p = 0.01) higher (17.4%) protein than the chevon (15.2%), whereas chevon slices had significantly (p = 0.01) higher (10.3%) fat content. The texture profile analysis indicated that cohesiveness (p = 0.01) and chewiness (p = 0.05) were significantly higher in chevon product than in buffalo veal.
The study was conducted to explore the buffalo veal as a potential source of quality meat, as majority of buffalo meat produced in India from spent animals have compromised quality attributes. The comparison was done with chevon, the most popular red meat in the country for the comparative study.
Mukul, Sanjay Taneja, Ercan Özen and Neha Bansal
Introduction: Skill development is crucial in developing economies by enhancing productivity and creating employment opportunities. At the macro level, it also leads to industrial…
Introduction: Skill development is crucial in developing economies by enhancing productivity and creating employment opportunities. At the macro level, it also leads to industrial development and economic growth.
Purpose: The research is to identify the types of skills required for increasing the probability of employability of labour. It also aims to define the challenges and opportunities in skill development to drive change.
Need of the Study: Studying opportunities and challenges for skill development in developing economies is essential for achieving sustainable economic growth, reducing poverty, increasing employment opportunities, and promoting global competitiveness.
Research Methodology: Some skills are recognised through research that has been published to determine the skill set needed to increase labour productivity. To draw lessons, some skill development initiatives by various companies are also identified and presented in case studies. Additionally, several government programs are available to assess the possibilities and prospects for skill development in the Indian market.
Practical Implications: The research will be valuable in micro and macro decision making. At the micro level, research is advantageous for a business person to initiate the skill development of its employees by using government schemes. Nations other than India can understand the policy framework for skill development.
Findings: The term ‘skilling’ has become fashionable. Due to the need for skill-based earnings data, only some studies examine the return on skill (ROS) of the labour market. Skill development plays a significant role in bringing change at the micro and macro levels. Hence it is necessary to exploit all opportunities for skill development.
Veer Shivajee, Rajesh Kumar Singh and Sanjay Rastogi
This study aims to provide a rich learning opportunity from COVID-19 crisis for making resilient supply chain by adopting new strategies for the procurement system.
This study aims to provide a rich learning opportunity from COVID-19 crisis for making resilient supply chain by adopting new strategies for the procurement system.
The systematic literature review has been conducted from the year 2012 to 2022 with the objective of developing procurement system for resilient supply chain. Fifty-four research papers are selected for this study.
The study exhibits that procurement function makes a significant contribution in creating supply chain resilience in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 emergency has enforced companies to operate in new ways to face supply chain disruptions. The new strategies and actions appropriate for resilient procurement system have been identified.
Research limitations/implications
This study is limited to the papers that were indexed in the Scopus database. It has also been limited to the procurement function and supply chain resilience.
Practical implications
This research highlights strategies for supply chain resilience to improve the business performance in COVID-19 or similar types of crisis.
The originality of this paper is to identify the strategies and new practices followed in procurement function to improve the supply chain resilience. This study suggests directions for future research on the integration of procurement and manufacturing for making resilience in the supply chain.