Designing obstacle’s map of an unknown place using autonomous drone navigation and web services
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
ISSN: 1742-7371
Article publication date: 5 August 2022
Issue publication date: 6 January 2023
Drones are used in several purposes including examining areas, mapping surroundings and rescue mission operations. During these tasks, they could encounter compound surroundings having multiple obstacles, acute edges and deadlocks. The purpose of this paper is to propose an obstacle dodging technique required to move the drones autonomously and generate the obstacle's map of an unknown place dynamically.
Therefore, an obstacle dodging technique is essentially required to move autonomously. The automaton of drones requires complicated vision sensors and a high computing force. During this research, a methodology that uses two basic ultrasonic-oriented proximity sensors placed at the center of the drone and applies neural control using synaptic plasticity for dynamic obstacle avoidance is proposed. The two-neuron intermittent system has been established by neural control. The synaptic plasticity is used to find turning angles from different viewpoints with immediate remembrance, so it helps in decision-making for a drone. Hence, the automaton will be able to travel around and modify its angle of turning for escaping objects during the route in unknown surroundings with narrow junctions and dead ends. Furthermore, wherever an obstacle is detected during the route, the coordinate information is communicated using RESTful Web service to an android app and an obstacle map is generated according to the information sent by the drone. In this research, the drone is successfully designed and automated and an obstacle map using the V-REP simulation environment is generated.
Simulation results show that the drone effectively moves and turns around the obstacles and the experiment of using web services with the drone is also successful in generating the obstacle's map dynamically.
The obstacle map generated by autonomous drone is useful in many applications such as examining fields, mapping surroundings and rescue mission operations.
Tanwar, J., Sharma, S.K. and Mittal, M. (2023), "Designing obstacle’s map of an unknown place using autonomous drone navigation and web services", International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 154-169.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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