The relationship between information provider and client is a crucial measure of effectiveness. In commerce the success of this relationship might be measured by market share or…
The relationship between information provider and client is a crucial measure of effectiveness. In commerce the success of this relationship might be measured by market share or profitability, while in the non‐profit sector, where most libraries and information services (but not all) exist, the success might be measured by criteria such as document delivery and satisfaction. We speak of effectiveness, implying the extent to which the service can successfully impact upon and meet the needs of the users. Particularly if the model which management supports is a community‐based model (as opposed, say, to a stock‐holding model), then the relationship and interaction between service and user group lies at the heart of the matter.
Argues that current discussion about knowledge management begs the question as to what “knowledge” actually is. Suggests that definitions are usually based upon assumptions about…
Argues that current discussion about knowledge management begs the question as to what “knowledge” actually is. Suggests that definitions are usually based upon assumptions about rationality and objectivity, making knowledge propositional and its epistemology non‐intuitive. Highlights the way in which ends‐means and duty‐based factors help to shape knowledge and give it a strong ethical dimension. Argues that traditional managerial paradigms benefit from a wider interpretation of knowledge, as one where greater attention to how it is, as well as what it is, matter to people in organisations. Turns to Asian philosophical views of knowledge, suggesting that knowing and being and acting come closer together in them, and that decision making without such wider epistemological warrants is flawed, above all in environments claiming to exteriorise tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge.
Discusses intellectual property rights (IPRs) and university lecturers, referring to codes of practice and policy statements. Argues that IPR in the patents area is very much a…
Discusses intellectual property rights (IPRs) and university lecturers, referring to codes of practice and policy statements. Argues that IPR in the patents area is very much a matter of commercial exploitability and getting an equitable benefits agreement, but that in the area of copyright issues it is much more cloudy and controversial. Interpreting “in the course of employment” and other key factors has become increasingly important for employees in higher education, as stakeholders seek to capitalize on intellectual assets but not always collaboratively.