Ashulekha Gupta and Rajiv Kumar
Purpose: Nowadays, many terms like computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning have all been made possible by recent artificial intelligence (AI) advances. As new types…
Purpose: Nowadays, many terms like computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning have all been made possible by recent artificial intelligence (AI) advances. As new types of employment have risen significantly, there has been significant growth in adopting AI technology in enterprises. Despite the anticipated benefits of AI adoption, many businesses are still struggling to make progress. This research article focuses on the influence of elements affecting the acceptance procedure of AI in organisations.
Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve this objective, propose a hierarchical paradigm for the same by developing an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM). This paper reveals the barriers obstructing AI adoption in organisations and reflects the contextual association and interaction amongst those barriers by emerging a categorised model using the ISM approach. In the next step, cross-impact matrix multiplication is applied for classification analysis to find dependent, independent and linkages.
Findings: As India is now focusing on the implementation of AI adoption, therefore, it is essential to identify these barriers to AI to conceptualise it systematically. These findings can play a significant role in identifying essential points that affect AI adoption in organisations. Results show that low regulations are the most critical factor and functional as the root cause and further lack of IT infrastructure is the barrier. These two factors require the most attention by the government of India to improve AI adoption.
Implications: This study may be utilised by organisations, academic institutions, Universities, and research scholars to fill the academic gap and faster implementation of AI.
Gopal Chandra Mandal, Kaushik Bose and Slawomir Koziel
Developing countries like India, accounts for about 40 percent of undernourished children in the World and it is largely due to the result of dietary inadequacy in relation to…
Developing countries like India, accounts for about 40 percent of undernourished children in the World and it is largely due to the result of dietary inadequacy in relation to their needs. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the changes in the nutritional status of the children, from their preschool days to the present primary school days.
The present investigation was conducted at 20 Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) centers (Center-A) and 15 primary schools (Center-B) in Bali Gram Panchayat, Arambag, Hooghly District of West Bengal, India, at an interval of three to four years. A total of 1,012 children (boys=498; girls=514) aged two to six years old enrolled in these ICDS centers and a total of 603 children (boys=300, girls=303), aged five to ten years were studied from the 15 primary schools who were the beneficiaries of ICDS centers. Underweight (weight-for-age Z-score (WAZ)) and wasting (weight-for height Z-score (WHZ)) were used to assess the nutritional status.
The nutritional situation (both in case of underweight and wasting) was better in Center B as compared with Center A. In general, the nutritional condition of boys was better than girls. Center had a very significant effect on both WAZ as well as WHZ, irrespective of age and sex. Sex has a significant impact only on WAZ. Interestingly, there was no significant sex-center interaction for both WAZ as well as WHZ. The children of the area were getting Mid Day Meal supplied through the school authorities which was comparatively better than the ICDS centers’ food supplementation. Better monitoring of nutritional supplementation at primary schools may be an important factor.
Practical implications
In ICDS centers, only the Anganwari worker is responsible in running and implementing the programs offered by the Government. However, at primary schools, the active involvement of all the teachers to run the program may have effectively led to have better results. Furthermore, the Government's focus should not be only on the increase the area covered by the ICDS program, but focus should be to increase the quality of food supplied, proper monitoring of the implementation and increase the allocation of funds. Appropriate measures may be taken by the authorities regarding this.
The results of the study will help in policy making in reducing the prevalence of undernutrition.
Sivakumar Sundararajan and Senthil Arasu Balasubramanian
This study empirically explores the intraday price discovery mechanism and volatility transmission effect between the dual-listed Indian Nifty index futures traded simultaneously…
This study empirically explores the intraday price discovery mechanism and volatility transmission effect between the dual-listed Indian Nifty index futures traded simultaneously on the onshore Indian exchange, National Stock Exchange (NSE) and offshore Singapore Exchange (SGX) and its spot market by using high-frequency data.
This study applies the vector error correction model to analyze the lead-lag relationship in price discovery among three markets. The contributions of individual markets in assimilating new information into prices are measured using various measures, Hasbrouck's (1995) information share, Lien and Shrestha's (2009) modified information share and Gonzalo and Granger's (1995) component share. Additionally, the Granger causality test is conducted to determine the causal relationship. Lastly, the BEKK-GARCH specification is employed to analyze the volatility transmission.
This study provides robust evidence that Nifty futures lead the spot in price discovery. The offshore SGX Nifty futures consistently ranked first in contributing to price discovery, followed by onshore NSE Nifty futures and finally by the spot. Empirical results also show unidirectional causality and volatility transmission from Nifty futures to spot, as well as bidirectional causal relationship and volatility spillovers between NSE and SGX Nifty futures. These novel findings provide fresh insights into the informational efficiency of the dual-listed Indian Nifty futures, which is distinct from previous literature.
Practical implications
These findings can potentially help market participants, policymakers, stock exchanges and regulators.
Unlike previous studies in this area, this is the first study that empirically examines the intraday price discovery mechanism and volatility spillover between the dual-listed futures markets and its spot market using 5-min overlapping price data and trivariate econometric models.
Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Qartoubi and Hussein Samh Al-Masroori
This study integrates fishers’ and decision-makers’ views on the critical factors for non-compliance in the artisanal fisheries of Oman.
This study integrates fishers’ and decision-makers’ views on the critical factors for non-compliance in the artisanal fisheries of Oman.
A questionnaire survey was implemented covering all coastal governorates of Oman. The questionnaires for fishers and decision-makers contained 46 and 43 questions, respectively, divided into various sections based on the Table of Eleven. Compliance factors were divided into spontaneous factors and enforcement factors. The data were collected through 1,242 questionnaires (1,125 fishers and 117 decision-makers).
The results indicated that spontaneous compliance factors (e.g. financial/economic, level of knowledge and social norms) and enforced compliance factors (e.g. social control, sanction certainty and sanction severity) have a significant influence on fishers' motivation to comply with regulations. The chi-square test (X2) was used to show that the differences between the means of responses of fishers and decision-makers in regard to the factors that influence non-compliance in the fishery were insignificant.
This consistency of opinions has an essential policy inference for the regulatory institutions in that it delivers assistance and trust in fisheries management authority's efforts to create effective compliance plans for the fisheries.
The literature on marriage formation neglects different pathways to marriage. This study focuses on arranged marriage, introduced marriage, and self-initiated marriage as three…
The literature on marriage formation neglects different pathways to marriage. This study focuses on arranged marriage, introduced marriage, and self-initiated marriage as three main marriage pathways in East Asia and examines how people’s marriage pathway choices are associated with education and change over time in mainland China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Using data from the East Asian Social Survey, this study finds that education is associated with fewer arranged marriages and more self-initiated marriages and that more recent marriage cohorts also witness a decline in arranged marriages and an increase in self-initiated marriages. However, how introduced marriage is associated with education and change over time varies in four East Asian societies. The findings support the “developmentalism-marriage” framework that developmental idealism leads to modern marital practices.
Rajib Chakraborty and Sajal Kumar Dey
This study examines the effects of corporate governance mechanisms on voluntary corporate carbon disclosure in Bangladeshi firms.
This study examines the effects of corporate governance mechanisms on voluntary corporate carbon disclosure in Bangladeshi firms.
To investigate the association between corporate governance mechanisms and corporate carbon disclosures, this study employs ordinary least square (OLS) methods. To mitigate the potential endogeneity concerns, the authors also introduce firm fixed effect (FE) and random effect (RE). Primarily, the study sample includes 250 firm-year observations over the period 2015–2019 for listed companies on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in Bangladesh. Subsequently, corporate governance mechanisms that influence voluntary carbon disclosure were examined using both univariate and OLS models.
The findings of this study suggest that firms with a larger board size and more independent directors have a positive impact on the firm's intensity to disclose carbon-related information. However, no evidence has been found of the existence of an environmental committee, and the presence of female directors on the board tends to be associated with a higher level of voluntary corporate carbon disclosure.
The study offers necessary evidence of the determinants of corporate carbon disclosures, which will be useful for managers, senior executives, policymakers and regulatory bodies. To improve corporate governance practices and formulate separate sets of regulations and reporting criteria, disclosing extensive and holistic carbon-related information obligatory. Further, the outcomes of this study based on Bangladeshi firms can be comprehensive for other developing countries to take precautions to tackle the effect of global climate change.
Suparna Banerjee and Aparna Banerjee
Ports have played an important role in the history of Indian trade as they had always been the poles of international trade and commerce since colonial times. They had also acted…
Ports have played an important role in the history of Indian trade as they had always been the poles of international trade and commerce since colonial times. They had also acted as a catalyst for the economic development of the nations from historic times till now. Despite the tremendous growth of various other major modes of transport systems such as railways, roadways in case of land routes for internal trade and airways for external trade, ports still continue to coexist with them mainly in sea-borne exchange of goods both in internal as well as in external trade of India. This chapter studies the impact of globalization on economic development of India through the maritime trade growth at Major ports, being the sustainable transport mode, during the period (1980–2020). Using econometric and statistical tools it observes that Major ports have played a significant role in growth of sustainable transport and trade development within India, since the colonial times till date. Not only that, positive impact of globalization, (in terms of growth of trade globalization index) also have resulted both in increased volume of total and overseas trade performance in overall growth of international trade at Major ports of India, thus, reflecting higher economic development.
Wolfgang Weber, Uwe Reuter and Bernd W. Zastrau
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the wave scattering behaviour of an inhomogeneous and eccentric inclusion in a homogeneous matrix material. Another purpose is to evaluate…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the wave scattering behaviour of an inhomogeneous and eccentric inclusion in a homogeneous matrix material. Another purpose is to evaluate the influence of epistemic uncertainty on the wave scattering behaviour, particularly on the lack of knowledge about this eccentricity. This task calls for a multidisciplinary model.
The inclusion is modelled as a multi‐layered obstacle, with all layers being eccentric with respect to each other. The material behaviour of the embedding matrix is linear elastic and isotropic. In a multidisciplinary approach, the interaction of the inhomogeneous inclusion and the embedding matrix with respect to an incoming shear wave of arbitrary shape is solved analytically. The purely analytical solution process takes place in the frequency‐domain. Due to the lack of knowledge about the eccentric configuration of the matrix inclusion and its influence on the total wave field inside the matrix material, the mechanical model is coupled with fuzzy set theory for modelling this non‐stochastic uncertainty.
An analytical model for describing the wave scattering behaviour of an elastic matrix inclusion with eccentric set‐up is found and intimately connected with the framework of fuzzy set theory. Hence it is shown that the treatment of epistemic uncertainty with the derived analytical model is possible and fruitful. Additionally, it is shown that eccentric configurations lead to highly increased amplitudes with respect to the reference case of a concentric or even homogenous set‐up of the inclusion.
The value of this contribution is in the analytical model, which allows one to predict the wave scattering behaviour of eccentric configurations of multi‐layered fibres including the surrounding interphase, and its coupling with fuzzy set theory to cope with the epistemic uncertainty inherent in the geometric set‐up of the matrix inclusion.
The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled higher education institutions (HEIs) to rethink, redesign, and respond in real time. The dramatic closure of education institutions in South…
The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled higher education institutions (HEIs) to rethink, redesign, and respond in real time. The dramatic closure of education institutions in South Africa, and in other countries worldwide, raised several questions in terms of the adaptability and readiness of the HEI sector to adapt and respond to the changes. The changes called into question issues such as in-person teaching and learning practices, digital resources, academic staff and student readiness for learning in digital environments, and connectivity and access to internet services and facilities. As a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, the roles of academics and students have changed drastically. This has prompted worldwide scrutiny of teaching and learning in a way never experienced. The implementation of sustainable pedagogical approaches requires broad consultation particularly with key stakeholders such as academics and students. Lack of academic and student engagement can gravely affect the sustainability of any new pedagogical models that are rolled out. The aim of this chapter is to appraise the voices of students and academics working in teacher education during the rapid, unplanned, move to digital teaching and learning. Using an interpretative paradigm and case study design that involved online class observations and personal interviews with professors, lecturers and students, the chapter reports on the distress, discomfort, and frustration that students and staff in emergency remote teaching and learning suffered. The experience resulted from, inter alia, uneven access to digital literacy, mental health support, power generation supply, and digital learning and information communication technologies. Framed within notions of humanising pedagogy, the chapter provides critical reflections on lessons learnt from these voices.
In the rapidly urbanizing Indian cities, large buildings are being built demolishing old buildings often with historic, cultural and architectural merit bringing the conflict…
In the rapidly urbanizing Indian cities, large buildings are being built demolishing old buildings often with historic, cultural and architectural merit bringing the conflict between development and conservation. In Kolkata, the authority has taken a unilateral decision to construct high-rise buildings demolishing a hundred-year old Bow Barracks housing complex. The purpose of this paper is to present a research study that empirically explored the appropriateness of the policy decision and a recommendation for appropriate development based on the research result.
The design of the research is formulated on the survey method that encompasses observation, interview and collection of data through questionnaire, and survey, documentation and testing of architecture. All findings are analysed; research question and hypothesis are tested with validation.
The research has found that the old housing is of cultural heritage and use value, and the inhabitants are a very special community in Kolkata. The new development proposal in terms of space generation and cost involvement over the benefit of conserving the existing housing is not beneficial. Therefore, the decision of the local body, in terms of value for money, architecture, culture, heritage and sustainability is not proper.
Such a research exploring the benefit between development and conservation for choice of appropriate path of development in managing the development of a city in global south stands for its uniqueness.