Ruth K. Shelton and Kathy Wachter
1 January 2005 sees quota elimination in textile and apparel trade. This study traces textile and apparel trade, since 1994 and analyzes how trade agreements have influenced…
1 January 2005 sees quota elimination in textile and apparel trade. This study traces textile and apparel trade, since 1994 and analyzes how trade agreements have influenced sourcing within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the world. Statistical measurements of offshore sourcing of textile and apparel are analyzed with emphasis on developments in countries within NAFTA and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Prior to NAFTA, the United States major textile and apparel trade involved the “far shore” countries of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and the “near shore” countries of Canada and Mexico. Charting statistical measurements from the databases of the Office of Textile and Apparel, US Department of Commerce for the past decade reveals dramatic changes in sourcing locations for US firms.
Trade agreements have influenced the production, manufacturing, and sourcing of textile and apparel products. Small‐ and large‐scale restructuring of the industries of the world are required in response to the changes in trade of textiles and apparel. As a result of the Multi‐Fiber Agreement (MFA) 1974, Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) 1994, NAFTA 1994, and the transitional program of the WTO of 1995 global sourcing had re‐directed the course of US textiles and apparel trade markets to low cost offshore locations at the expense of US jobs.
This study gives insight into concerns and problems facing the US and other developed countries as jobs in many areas are transferred to low wage countries.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
R. Lyle Skains, Jennifer A. Rudd, Carmen Casaliggi, Emma J. Hayhurst, Ruth Horry, Helen Ross and Kate Woodward
Aaron Smith-Walter and Fatima Sparger Sharif
The zombie-plague apocalypse is a powerful social imaginary that focuses attention on the border between legitimate citizens and zombie “others.” The surge in the number of zombie…
The zombie-plague apocalypse is a powerful social imaginary that focuses attention on the border between legitimate citizens and zombie “others.” The surge in the number of zombie apocalypse films provides an illuminating area for studying the role imagined for public administration by popular culture. The response to zombies in apocalyptic films brings to fore new realities with the re-conceptualization of the legitimacy and authority of government. This re-conceptualization provides content for analyzing the portrayal of existing governmental institutions overwhelmed by the apocalypse, including local governments, the military, public health agencies, emergency services, and public utilities,
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technicalsupport tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of thistechnology published in Computers in Libraries…
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technical support tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of this technology published in Computers in Libraries magazine increases in size and scope. This year, author Susan L. Adkins has prepared this exceptionally useful bibliography which she has cross‐referenced with a subject index.
This chapter links the emerging work on excessive teacher entitlement (Ratnam et al., 2019) with the ethical principle of inclusive professionalism: the right of all children to…
This chapter links the emerging work on excessive teacher entitlement (Ratnam et al., 2019) with the ethical principle of inclusive professionalism: the right of all children to attend mainstream schools and therefore to receive accessible and appropriate teaching regardless of their educational needs (Armstrong, 1998). In the professional development process, teachers and educational leaders are confronted with numerous contradictions between prescriptions and facts, between means and ends, between intentions and actions, etc. They face numerous ethical dilemmas, which become more acute when they enter the professional field. The resulting uncertainties can lead to a defensive and inappropriate commitment to their prerogatives and difficulty in adjusting to the great diversity of situations encountered. This work reports on a multi-case study that involved a cross-case analysis of situations (Walton et al., 2022) observed by the researcher in an academic professional context.
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources and research and computer skills…
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources and research and computer skills related to retrieving, using, and evaluating information. This review, the twenty‐first to be published in Reference Services Review, includes items in English published in 1994. A few are not annotated because the compiler could not obtain copies of them for this review.
Reports of a number of countries imposing a limited ban on the use of D.D.T. have appeared from time to time in the B.F.J., but in the last few months, what was a trickle seems to…
Reports of a number of countries imposing a limited ban on the use of D.D.T. have appeared from time to time in the B.F.J., but in the last few months, what was a trickle seems to have become an avalanche. In Canada, for example, relatively extensive restrictions apply from January 1st, permitting D.D.T. for insect control in only 12 agricultural crops, compared with 62 previously; there is a reduction of maximum levels for most fruits to 1 ppm. Its cumulative properties in fat are recognized and the present levels of 7 ppm in fat of cattle, sheep and pigs are to remain, but no trace is permitted in milk, butter, cheese, eggs, ice cream, other dairy products, nor potatoes. A U.S. Commission has advised that D.D.T. should be gradually phased out and completely banned in two years' time, followed by the Report of the Advisory Committee on Pesticides and Other Toxic Chemicals recommending withdrawal in Britain of some of the present uses of D.D.T. (also aldrin and dieldrin) on farm crops when an alternative becomes available. Further recommendations include an end to D.D.T. in paints, lacquers, oil‐based sprays and in dry cleaning; and the banning of small retail packs of D.D.T. and dieldrin for home use in connection with moth‐proofing or other insect control. The Report states that “domestic users are often unaware that using such packs involve the risk of contaminating prepared food immediately before it is eaten”.
Here is the long‐awaited fourth edition of Ralph De Sola's classic Abbreviations Dictionary. This updated edition of a work first published in 1958 is the largest, most complete…
Here is the long‐awaited fourth edition of Ralph De Sola's classic Abbreviations Dictionary. This updated edition of a work first published in 1958 is the largest, most complete compilation of its kind — a reference book far surpassing all others in the field. Mr. De Sola has expanded his work to include more than 130,000 definitions and entries — over 77,000 definitions, over 54,000 entries. The current edition offers abbreviations, acronyms, anonyms, contradictions, initials and nicknames, short forms and slang shortcuts, and signs and symbols covering disciplines which range from the arts to the advanced sciences and embrace all areas of human knowledge and activity.