New International Fourth Edition Abbreviations Dictionary
Here is the long‐awaited fourth edition of Ralph De Sola's classic Abbreviations Dictionary. This updated edition of a work first published in 1958 is the largest, most complete compilation of its kind — a reference book far surpassing all others in the field. Mr. De Sola has expanded his work to include more than 130,000 definitions and entries — over 77,000 definitions, over 54,000 entries. The current edition offers abbreviations, acronyms, anonyms, contradictions, initials and nicknames, short forms and slang shortcuts, and signs and symbols covering disciplines which range from the arts to the advanced sciences and embrace all areas of human knowledge and activity.
De Sola, R. (1974), "New International Fourth Edition Abbreviations Dictionary", Reference Services Review, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 107-119.
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited