Explores the confusion between main entry and main entry heading and attempts to finally lay the ghost to rest by shifting the emphasis onto the problem of work authority – the…
Explores the confusion between main entry and main entry heading and attempts to finally lay the ghost to rest by shifting the emphasis onto the problem of work authority – the problem with which the theory of main entry is actually concerned. Concentrating on the second function of the catalogue as defined in the “Paris principles” of 1961, the paper examines various contributions on main entry including those delivered at the Toronto conference on AACR in 1997. Proposes the establishment of a global work authority file in which each individual work is primarily identified by a modified version of the uniform title, a departure which would restore the title (as opposed to the author) as principal identifier of the work.
Reflects on a paper extolling teaching cataloguing and indexing at library school written for Library Review in 1980.
Reflects on a paper extolling teaching cataloguing and indexing at library school written for Library Review in 1980.
Reflective debate on the content of the original paper.
The sentiments of the original paper were supported, with the added proviso that nowadays the ability to organise information is a basic skill everyone needs.
Practical implications
May be of interest to practitioners and library educators interested in this long standing debate.
Paper carries a response by the original author to the reflections on his paper.
It is generally accepted that cataloguing and classification should be included in the core subjects in any course leading to the award of a professional library qualification. In…
It is generally accepted that cataloguing and classification should be included in the core subjects in any course leading to the award of a professional library qualification. In Britain the professional examinations of the LA have included the subject at both first and final levels, and all library schools currently offering degree or diploma courses set it in its conventional place. Indeed it could be said that any school failing to offer such instruction would be unlikely to receive accreditation for registration purposes.
The debate on the proper place in the job structure for newly qualified librarians is of long standing. In the days when the normal route to professional qualification in Britain…
The debate on the proper place in the job structure for newly qualified librarians is of long standing. In the days when the normal route to professional qualification in Britain was via Library Association examinations, perhaps, there was less of a problem. The training of those who qualified in this way was to a large degree in‐house and their promotion into professional posts was facilitated by their being acquainted already with the systems in which they worked.
To reflect on the importance of information storage and retrieval in the library curriculum in the 1980s.
To reflect on the importance of information storage and retrieval in the library curriculum in the 1980s.
The article provides a reflective viewpoint.
That cataloguing and classification was a vital skill for librarians to have, and that any moves to reduce it from the library school curriculum should be avoided.
Practical implications
Should be of interest to anyone interested in the historical competencies of librarianship and how they have been debated.
Offers an interesting insight into historical discussions relating to an aspect of library education.
Considers relevance of AACR to on‐line library catalogues. Surveysthe history of cataloguing rules in relation to the code′s relevance inthe state of librarianship at the time…
Considers relevance of AACR to on‐line library catalogues. Surveys the history of cataloguing rules in relation to the code′s relevance in the state of librarianship at the time. Stresses the need for a code taking account of the actual and potential benefit of computerized catalogues and discusses various relevant aspects.
The last few years have seen considerable advances in the field of computerised bibliographic control. In addition to the mainframe‐based systems such as MARC, there has been…
The last few years have seen considerable advances in the field of computerised bibliographic control. In addition to the mainframe‐based systems such as MARC, there has been increasing interest in mini‐ and microcomputer systems for both technical processing and information retrieval. With these developments has come a re‐examination of the usefulness of bibliographic standards which have emerged since libraries started facing the needs of interlibrary communication. This reconsideration of standards has prompted among many librarians the idea that the advent of computerised systems means the end of the need for standardisation. There is a general feeling that it is no longer necessary to require cataloguers (if they figure at all in the argument anyway) to create records in the rigorous way demanded by the likes of the Anglo‐American cataloguing rules (AACR). The power of the computer, it is felt, obviates the sophisticated and resource‐wasting processing that goes on in cataloguing departments; and features such as boolean searching, truncation, etc, can get over the need for accurate specification of authors' names or the titles of documents.