This paper aims to analyse how hospitality businesses can entice older workers to resolve the sector’s employment crisis.
This paper aims to analyse how hospitality businesses can entice older workers to resolve the sector’s employment crisis.
This is a viewpoint article looking at the benefits of older workers in hospitality.
The UK’s vast pool of over-50s candidates can help resolve the hospitality sector’s employment crisis. Not only can they offer a range of skills, knowledge and experience to bolster the workforce, their presence can increase diversity, add gravitas and provide mentoring opportunities for younger employees. To attract and retain these workers, however, businesses may need to review employment policies and procedures, revise recruitment strategies and prioritise fostering a culture of inclusivity where employees of all ages feel supported.
This paper is researched and written by Penny Brown.
THE reading of books has ever been fostered in Scotland, and in the eighteenth century Scottish education maintained a position hardly inferior to that of other European…
THE reading of books has ever been fostered in Scotland, and in the eighteenth century Scottish education maintained a position hardly inferior to that of other European countries. With many Scotsmen of that period education was almost a passion which had much in common with their other passion—religion. From out of this feeling sprung a desire to lend books as a means of encouraging religious enthusiasm and conversion. To instance only two such schemes we may mention the Leighton Library at Dunblane founded by Archbishop Robert Leighton, and the parochial and presbyterial libraries for the use of ministers, students and schoolmasters in the highlands and islands, established in the eighteen hundreds by the General Assembly of Scotland. The East Lothian itinerating libraries scheme was started to increase the reading of theological books, and a large part of the finances were derived from the profits of the sale of religious periodicals, pamphlets and tracts. The story of Brown's life and scheme deserves retelling.
Hafsat T. Rumah, Mansur B. Ibrahim and Sani M. Gumel
The purpose of this research is to identify and investigate some natural dyes with halochromic properties for potential use as food spoilage indicators to reduce waste and curve…
The purpose of this research is to identify and investigate some natural dyes with halochromic properties for potential use as food spoilage indicators to reduce waste and curve the negative effects of food borne diseases.
Exactly 10 potential dye-yielding plants were selected based on their colour (mostly purple, red, maroon and pink). Solvent extraction was used to extract the dyes and pH differential method was used to determine the concentrations of anthocyanin in the extracted dyes. Different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (0.1 M, 1 M and 2 M) in drops and in excess as acidic and basic solution, respectively, were used to test the halochromicity of the extracted dyes. Methyl red (a synthetic dye) was used as a reference standard/control. The pH of the dyes was recorded before and after addition of both NaOH and HCl solutions.
Five out of the 10 dyes extracted (labelled as dye A–E for Ti plant (green Cordyline fruticosa), coleus (Coleus blumei), paper flower (Bougainvillea glabra), painted nettle (Palisandra coleus) and purple heart (Setcresea purpurea), respectively, were found to be halochromic (even at low doses) by changing its colour when exposed to both acidic and basic solutions. While other dyes labelled F–J for red acalypha (Acalypha wilkesiana), golden shower (Cassia fistula), golden dew drop (Duranta repens), wild sage (Lantana camara var Aculeata) and pink oleander (Apocynaceae Nerium oleander), respectively, were either completely insensitive to the solutions in drops, slightly sensitive at high doses or the colour change is insignificant. Although some dyes were found to be more sensitive than others but in most cases, the colour changes in halochromic dyes were more stable in acidic conditions than in basic making it more sensitive to the basic than the acidic solution with the exception of dye A and E (to some extent) which was sensitive to both acidic and basic solution. The anthocyanin contents of dye A–J were found to be between the range of 2.28–10.35 mg/l with dye E having the lowest and dye J with the highest anthocyanin concentration, respectively. The initial pH of all the dyes falls within the range of 4.8–7.3 with most found within the acidic range.
Halochromic dye research studies are still at the infancy stage in developing world despite the vast available and abundant potential natural halochromic dye-yielding plants. The study explored this area of research and gives an opportunity for the development of smart packaging for pH-sensitive foods using natural dyes as an alternative to conventional synthetic dyes to reduce cost and also curve the negative effect of synthetic dyes as well as food borne diseases.
Meagan Scott, Ashley S. Whiddon, Nicholas R. Brown and Penny P. Weeks
This instrumental case study sought to determine how collegiate-level students changed throughout a personal leadership development course. Document analysis of an archived course…
This instrumental case study sought to determine how collegiate-level students changed throughout a personal leadership development course. Document analysis of an archived course assignment was employed to analyze the students’ perceptions of their personal leadership development. Four themes emerged from the analysis: (a) self-evolution, (b) cognitive gain, (c) perceived self-awareness, and (d) framework confusion.
I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY KIND OF AMBITION to become a sort of biographer general to the library profession. But then, as in other parts of my experience, delightfully unexpected…
I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY KIND OF AMBITION to become a sort of biographer general to the library profession. But then, as in other parts of my experience, delightfully unexpected things have happened, praise be! Penny Rate has been the only one of my books which has sold even tolerably well: I even fear that there may be something in the assertion made by one member of my staff when, soon after the formation of the Library Association's Library History Group, she said to me: ‘Whether you like it or not, I am afraid that you will go down in library history as the author of Penny Rate.’ Yet I never intended to write the wretched book at all; I only did it because the L. A. asked me to find someone else to do it for the municipal library centenary of 1950.
Vicky Teeuwisse and David W. Brannon
Notwithstanding the emergence of hospitality education around the world, the hospitality industry itself has struggled to establish a talent pipeline of young ambitious managers…
Notwithstanding the emergence of hospitality education around the world, the hospitality industry itself has struggled to establish a talent pipeline of young ambitious managers. Typically, only 30% of hospitality students are predicted to develop their careers within the hospitality industry, while the remainder will relocate to other industries such as retail, banking and consulting. Although this manifestation has been globally documented, most studies have simply adopted a quantitative approach in defining this phenomenon; hence, despite its scale being appreciated, less attention has been paid to defining the underlying causes which drive this concern. This study contributes to this issue by interviewing 18 students at three key stages of their practical placements, namely, pre-, during and post their placement, drawing on the ‘Principles of a Sustainable HRM ROC framework’. This chapter concludes with significant findings from which some recommendations have been formulated.
IN this number we make some commemoration of the twenty‐five years so happily achieved by the King‐Emperor. As our contributors show, the cardinal event of the whole of the Reign…
IN this number we make some commemoration of the twenty‐five years so happily achieved by the King‐Emperor. As our contributors show, the cardinal event of the whole of the Reign, so far as libraries were concerned, was the passing of the Public Libraries Act of 1919. The generations change rapidly, and there are few to‐day who remember acutely the penury and struggle which were involved in the fact that all public library expenditure had to be kept within “the limit of the penny rate.” It is possibly true that the average community has taken no very intelligent advantage of the breaking of its financial fetters; in no town in the British Empire can it be said that there is anything approaching generosity, let alone extravagance, towards libraries. Even in the greatest cities, where they have built fine buildings and opened them with much ceremony, the rate allocation for their maintenance is not nearly of the scale that finds acceptance, or did find acceptance, in the United States. That is because we are young people in an old country. The tradition dies hard that education is a luxury and that libraries, which in the eyes of many are only remotely related to education, are an even greater luxury. We heard it said recently that many local authorities regarded the libraries as a sort of joke, and delighted to cut down their expenditure upon them. This lugubrious way of opening our remarks upon the Jubilee is only by way of pointing out that to‐day, at any rate, we have the power to go ahead if we convince our authorities that it is desirable to do so.
OF all trades or professions, with pretensions to some measure of specialization, if not learning, librarianship is the only one which does not make preliminary technical training…
OF all trades or professions, with pretensions to some measure of specialization, if not learning, librarianship is the only one which does not make preliminary technical training an absolute condition of entrance to its fellowship. We know, from past experience, that the ranks of the library profession are filled from all sorts of sources and by all kinds of men, very few of whom can show a diploma, or any kind of certificate, beyond their own word and the testimony of interested friends, to prove that they possess any special qualification for the work. In this respect librarianship differs from every other branch of the municipal and public educational services of the country. There is no independent test of fitness applied, even for positions of great responsibility, and librarians hold tenure of their offices by means of credentials which would not be accepted in the case of most town clerks, medical officers, accountants, surveyors, schoolmasters, and even sanitary inspectors. We are assumed to possess qualifications of a profound and immense range, but, beyond the undoubted power to announce this, by means of the voices and tongues with which we are lavishly endowed, our references are, for the most part, testimonies to character and experience, rather than to scientific training and professional capacity. Mr. X. spends fifteen years in the service of the O. Public Library, which was organised by a superannuated railway guard in 1862, on lines which were, no doubt, suggested by his former experience in dealing with parcels, passengers, and other luggage. This system has the merit of being based upon the science of Mathematics, because number is the main factor relied upon in every department, and for every purpose. It may, possess, moreover, an elementary relationship to the science of literature by making some use of the ordinary English alphabet, and so we have a combination of letters and numerals which is satisfactory evidence that the librarian was no fool, although he was only a railway guard. His literary methods are, therefore, of the A, B, C, 1, 2, 3. type, and all his assistants are carefully trained in the art of preserving bibliographical order by observing that 5 comes between 4 and 6, and q after p. Now, the assistant who has been brought up in this kind of library may have 15 years' so‐called experience behind him to which he can proudly refer, when applying for a chief post, and there is nothing on earth to show that he does not know absolutely everything about literature, bibliography and library methods—ancient and modern, retrograde and advanced, childish and scientific, or that he is not, in every sense of the word, a Complete Librarian. Indeed, the possession of such an imposing qualification as Fifteen Years' Experience is enough to intimidate any ordinary committee who have no standards by which to compare such a phenomenon. There is no standard by which we can at present judge the qualifications of any librarian, unless he is ass enough to reveal his shortcomings by writing books and papers, and what is really happening every day is simply that appointments are being made on the successful candidate's own valuation of his fitness. He is not tested as regards his professional ability at all, and library authorities are driven to appoint men who have had a long term of experience, no matter how elementary or antiquated it may be. They cannot do anything else in the absence of proper training schools, and certificates of special knowledge, issued by independent and impartial examining bodies. It is quite common to hear librarians boasting about their ten, twenty, or thirty years of experience, who would be sorely put to it to answer intelligently any ordinary question in English literature, systematic classification, or bibliography. These men have managed to establish a kind of freehold for mere experience, minus every other qualification, and it is their continuance in office which has prevented Public Libraries from being more liberally recognised by both State and local authorities. This absurd substitution of mere experience in feeble and unworthy methods, for systematic training in the higher departments of librarianship, has produced a race of self‐sufficient librarians—inferior in general intelligence to commercial clerks and shopmen—who have succeeded, by their narrow‐minded mal‐administration and absence of culture, to thoroughly eradicate any little scrap of confidence in the Public Library idea originally cherished by the people. It is fashionable among those gentlemen to blame parliamentary and municipal stinginess and indifference, as the sole causes of the inadequate financial provision to be squeezed out of a 1d. rate. They can account for everything on this theory—small salaries, invisible book‐funds, poor buildings equipped with inferior furniture, and so on—forgetting, in their inflated self‐sufficiency, how much of this neglect and indifference is due to their own ignorance and failure to interest either people or governors. The argument that everything must wait till the penny rate is abolished is the refuge of everyone who has failed to realize the important fact that, if recognition is wanted, it must be worked for. It may be taken as pretty conclusive that the failure of Public Libraries to obtain greater support from the people and Parliament is due largely to an all‐round failure to meet public needs in a thoroughly efficient manner. It matters not if some twenty or thirty places are managed on business‐like and scientific lines. They cannot influence other places at a distance, scattered all over the Kingdom to the number of 450, and inaccessible in other respects to the reformative effect of a good example. There are plenty of superior, cock‐sure librarians going about, with all the authority conferred by twenty years' experience—and nothing else—telling the people that the utmost degree of accomplishment to be had for a penny has been reached. This alone is enough to counteract the good work of fifty well‐managed libraries. The people say to themselves, “If our library represents all we can get for a penny, and our librarian is the sort of man we may expect in the future, what's the good of paying more for a double dose of the same kind of outfit?”
Dockspeed Ltd., features Andy Ingleston, an entrepreneurial graduate with “diesel in his blood” and a passion to create his own business. Part A described Andy's initial business…
Dockspeed Ltd., features Andy Ingleston, an entrepreneurial graduate with “diesel in his blood” and a passion to create his own business. Part A described Andy's initial business idea, to assist small hauliers avoid wasted driver down time in the congested mid‐1980's Dover port. Parts B & C track the opportunities taken by the entrepreneurial owner to build the company from a single vehicle to a well controlled refrigerated transport fleet, with subsidiaries in France and Spain.