‘Help social workers to organise themselves? You must be mad!’ ‘It can't be done — there are too many imponderables!’ ‘Why bother to plan when the majority of it is going to be…
‘Help social workers to organise themselves? You must be mad!’ ‘It can't be done — there are too many imponderables!’ ‘Why bother to plan when the majority of it is going to be altered?’ These were some of the typical responses that we received when we embarked about a year ago on a trail that has been fascinating, aggravating, often difficult—but always worthwhile. The story, in fact, starts about six months before that, and the tale is not one of unqualified success, but a mixture of responses, all significant.
The use of groups of three to help provide for participative learning of interview skills, with participants undertaking Interviewer, Interviewee and Observer roles in rotation…
The use of groups of three to help provide for participative learning of interview skills, with participants undertaking Interviewer, Interviewee and Observer roles in rotation, has shown universally effective results when utilised on a Management Experience Programme, a performance appraisal scheme, and Education Management activities for head teachers.
During the past two years five pilot projects on the use of computers in libraries have been started in Trinity College, Dublin. Three of these projects have been concerned with…
During the past two years five pilot projects on the use of computers in libraries have been started in Trinity College, Dublin. Three of these projects have been concerned with the use of variable length library records and are discussed in this paper. The other two projects were the compilation of a Swift catalogue and a study of numerical taxonomy and clustering techniques for book classification.
Social Workers and their time — continuing our account of a project to study how social workers spend their time and how this time could be used more effectively:
Alan E. Fendley and Neville D. Harris
A unique one‐year programme for teachers during which they have anextended attachment to an organisation, conduct an internalinvestigation and a guided period of study on school…
A unique one‐year programme for teachers during which they have an extended attachment to an organisation, conduct an internal investigation and a guided period of study on school management is described. The experience has enriched the curriculum of all schools, and the attitudes of those seconded, and has enabled some management skills to be enhanced.
Neville D. Harris and Anne Clark
A small‐scale information gathering project in which 11headteachers were asked to describe their jobs using the“Managerial Roles” model as developed by Mintzberg isdescribed. The…
A small‐scale information gathering project in which 11 headteachers were asked to describe their jobs using the “Managerial Roles” model as developed by Mintzberg is described. The article gives some clear insights into how heads view their roles, and will have value for others to review their own activities.
“Presentation skills” often conjures up the picture of large groups, and the use, during training of peer group assessment via either live presentations or the use of closed…
“Presentation skills” often conjures up the picture of large groups, and the use, during training of peer group assessment via either live presentations or the use of closed circuit television. In this article the focus is on the presentation of a case to one person or a very small group, which is a more frequently needed skill by managers and professional staff.
Since the first Volume of this Bibliography there has been an explosion of literature in all the main areas of business. The researcher and librarian have to be able to uncover…
Since the first Volume of this Bibliography there has been an explosion of literature in all the main areas of business. The researcher and librarian have to be able to uncover specific articles devoted to certain topics. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume III, in addition to the annotated list of articles as the two previous volumes, contains further features to help the reader. Each entry within has been indexed according to the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus and thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid information retrieval. Each article has its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. The first Volume of the Bibliography covered seven journals published by MCB University Press. This Volume now indexes 25 journals, indicating the greater depth, coverage and expansion of the subject areas concerned.
HAVING outlined the scheme for monotyped catalogues, it only remains to consider it in its financial aspects. At Hampstead tenders were obtained for the same catalogue by…
HAVING outlined the scheme for monotyped catalogues, it only remains to consider it in its financial aspects. At Hampstead tenders were obtained for the same catalogue by monotype, linotype, and by ordinary setting up. It may be mentioned that the catalogue is of royal‐octavo size, in double columns, each being fifteen ems wide and fifty deep. Main entries are in bourgeois; subject‐headings are set (by hand) in clarendon, and the entries under such headings are put in brevier. Notes and contents were specified for either minion or nonpareil, and many lines break into part‐italics. The monotype machine provided all these founts except the two already mentioned—italic numerals and clarendon. We had to do without the former type, but the latter not being numerous are easily carried in as wanted from an ordinary case. Naturally, I cannot give the exact figures of the accepted tender, but it may be stated that in our particular case the cheapest quotation was for linotype work, although there was not much difference between that and monotyping; whilst for both these methods worked out at appreciably less than the quotations for ordinary hand‐work.
SO THE Nissan Company of Kyoto has laid the foundation stone of its factory in Sunderland. An era, perhaps a new era in the history of the British Motorcar Industry is really on…