Nelson Geovany Carrión-Bósquez, Oscar Ortiz-Regalado, Ivan Veas-González, Franklin Gerardo Naranjo-Armijo and Wilson Fernando Guerra-Regalado
This study aims to identify whether green advertising and eco-labels influence the purchasing behaviors of organic products or whether the influence of such behaviors is presented…
This study aims to identify whether green advertising and eco-labels influence the purchasing behaviors of organic products or whether the influence of such behaviors is presented through the mediating effect of the attitude and environmental awareness of millennials.
This study used a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional design. A total of 430 millennials participated in the study. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, distributed across five variables. It was applied to people outside shopping centers in the city of Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador. The results were subjected to statistical tests to determine the internal consistency of the instrument. The convergent and discriminant validity of the research model was verified through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. SPSS 20 and AMOS 24 were used for statistical analyses.
The study identified that attitude and environmental awareness mediate the relationship between green advertising and green purchasing behaviors, as well as the relationship between eco-labels and green purchasing behaviors. Furthermore, it has been proven that green advertising directly influences the green purchasing behaviors of organic products among millennials, whereas eco-labels do not.
This study is among the initial investigations to delineate the connection between elements of green marketing and the buying patterns of organic goods among millennials in an emerging economy. The study provides answers to earlier scholarly inquiries that proposed examining the correlation among the constituents of the theorized framework.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar si la publicidad verde y las ecoetiquetas influyen en los comportamientos de compra de productos orgánicos, o si la influencia dentro de dichos comportamientos se presenta a través del efecto mediador de la actitud y la conciencia ambiental de los millennials.
La investigación fue cuantitativa, correlacional y con un diseño transversal. Participaron en el estudio un total de 430 millennials. El cuestionario constó de 20 preguntas distribuidas en cinco variables. Fue aplicado en persona fuera de los centros comerciales en las ciudades de Quito y Guayaquil - Ecuador. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a pruebas estadísticas para determinar la consistencia interna del instrumento. La validez convergente y discriminante del modelo de investigación fue verificada mediante un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio y Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Para el desarrollo de los análisis estadísticos, se utilizaron SPSS 20 y AMOS 24.
El estudio identificó que la actitud y la conciencia ambiental median la relación entre la publicidad verde y los comportamientos de compra, así como en la relación entre las ecoetiquetas y los comportamientos de compra. Además, se demostró que la publicidad verde influye directamente en los comportamientos de compra de productos orgánicos entre los millennials, mientras que las ecoetiquetas no.
Originalidad y valor
Este artículo se encuentra entre las investigaciones iniciales para delinear la conexión entre los elementos del marketing verde y los patrones de compra de productos orgánicos entre los millennials en una economía emergente. El estudio proporcionó respuestas a consultas académicas previas que proponían examinar la correlación entre los componentes del marco teórico propuesto.
本研究旨在确定绿色广告和生态标签是否影响有机产品的购买行为, 或这种行为的影响是否通过千禧一代的态度和环境意识的中介效应表现出来。
本研究采用定量、相关性和横截面设计。共有430名千禧一代参与了研究。问卷由20个问题组成, 分布在五个变量上。问卷在厄瓜多尔基多和瓜亚基尔市的购物中心外分发。结果经过统计测试, 以确定问卷的内部一致性。通过验证性因素分析 和结构方程模型 验证了研究模型的收敛效度和区分效度。统计分析使用SPSS 20和AMOS 24软件完成。
研究表明, 态度和环境意识在绿色广告与绿色购买行为之间以及生态标签与绿色购买行为之间起到中介作用。此外, 已证明绿色广告直接影响千禧一代对有机产品的绿色购买行为, 而生态标签则没有直接影响。
Carlos Arturo Hoyos-Vallejo, Nelson Geovany Carrión-Bósquez and Oscar Ortiz-Regalado
This study extends the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and analyzes the influence of skepticism (SKP) on the purchase intention (PI) of organic products, through the mediation…
This study extends the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and analyzes the influence of skepticism (SKP) on the purchase intention (PI) of organic products, through the mediation of subjective norms (SN) and planned behavior control.
This was a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional study. The study population comprised 446 university Millennials from Ecuador. Results were processed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM).
The study showed that SKP does not directly influence the PI. However, if it does so through the mediating effect of SN and perceived behavior control (PBC). Also, the study found that attitudes (ATTs), SN and PBC influence the PI of organic products in university Millennials.
The study used TPB constructs and identified the influence of SKP on the intention to buy organic products in Ecuadorian university Millennials.
Nelson Geovany Carrión Bósquez, Leopoldo Gabriel Arias-Bolzmann and Ana Katherine Martínez Quiroz
This study aims to provide one of the first research works that, using the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), analysed the levels of purchase intention of…
This study aims to provide one of the first research works that, using the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), analysed the levels of purchase intention of organic products.
The study was quantitative with a correlational scope and a cross-sectional design. The study population consisted of 566 university millennials from Ecuador. The results were processed through the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the structural equation modelling (SEM).
The subjective attitudes and norms influence intentions to buy organic products. However, price mediated by perceived behavioural control reduces purchase intentions, while product availability does not.
This study is one of the first research works, based on the constructs of the TPB which was carried out to know if the attitudes and subjective norms of Ecuadorian university millennials, are related to their purchase intentions for organic products.
Iván Veas-González, Nelson Geovany Carrión-Bósquez, Jorge Serrano-Malebran, Diana Veneros-Alquinta, Andrés García-Umaña and Matías Campusano-Campusano
This study aimed to determine whether the brand image of fast-food restaurants moderates the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty among Chilean customers.
This study aimed to determine whether the brand image of fast-food restaurants moderates the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty among Chilean customers.
The study was conducted using a structural equation modeling approach and involved a sample of 1,000 fast-food customers who were surveyed through nonprobabilistic sampling with a questionnaire consisting of 21 items. The instrument underwent validation by a panel of experts, and the results obtained were processed using the statistical software Smart PLS4. Convergent validity, discriminant validity and the structural model were tested to assess the acceptance or rejection of the proposed hypotheses.
The results of the research indicate that product quality, service quality and physical environment are crucial factors influencing customer satisfaction and shaping customer loyalty. However, it was found that brand image does not moderate the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in fast-food consumption.
The present study contributes to the field of knowledge on fast-food consumption behavior and unveils findings that help fill knowledge gaps regarding the influence of restaurant brand image on the relationship between satisfaction and consumption loyalty. Thus, it demonstrates that, for certain customers, the brand becomes an irrelevant factor for their consumption loyalty as long as the restaurant offers product quality, excellent service and a pleasant physical environment.
Nelson Geovany Carrión Bósquez and Leopoldo Gabriel Arias-Bolzmann
This study aimed to identify whether attitudes and subjective norms influence green purchase intentions of university millennials, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. It also…
This study aimed to identify whether attitudes and subjective norms influence green purchase intentions of university millennials, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. It also analyzed whether purchase intentions resulted in actual purchases and the factors that influenced green purchasing inconsistencies.
This was a cross-sectional quantitative study with 710 millennial participants, who were university students of the four most populated cities of Ecuador; however, only 126 (18%) participants were found to frequently consume organic products during the last months. The results were tested by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient to determine the instrument's internal consistency. Subsequently, an exploratory factor analysis was developed to verify if the questions were grouped into their corresponding constructs. Finally, the proposed research model's validity was verified through a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. SPSS 20 and AMOS 24 were used for the abovementioned statistical analyses.
Attitudes and subjective norms influence green purchase intentions. Although university millennials have high purchase intentions, the majority (82%) did not result in actual purchases. It was determined that consumption habit is the main factor influencing green purchasing inconsistencies.
This is the first study to measure green purchasing inconsistencies in developing countries in South America (Ecuador), exposing that purchase intention is not the best predictor of actual purchases in developing economies. It also provides answers to previous studies that suggested determining levels of inconsistency and attitude-behavior gaps.
Alba Yela Aránega, Alberto Ferraris, Gabriele Baima and Stefano Bresciani