Hsien Chun Chen, Chin Tung Stewart Ng, I-Heng Chen, Yi-Ting Chen, Michal Polacek and Ying-Lun Liang
The study explores the mechanism between employee demand–ability fit and promotability ratings. Moreover, we examine whether political skill moderates the relationship above.
The study explores the mechanism between employee demand–ability fit and promotability ratings. Moreover, we examine whether political skill moderates the relationship above.
The present study received 260 effective supervisor-rated questionnaires from various industries in Taiwan.
The results reveal that employee demand–ability fit positively relates to promotability ratings, and task performance mediates the above relationship. In addition, political skill positively moderates the relationship between employee demand–ability fit and task performance.
We used the supervisor rating for our variables to test the hypotheses.
In the course of development of human communities towards industrially advanced societies of today, there have been changes not only in economic conditions in the majority of…
In the course of development of human communities towards industrially advanced societies of today, there have been changes not only in economic conditions in the majority of fields of human activity but also in the ways of providing for food, which went hand in hand with changes in living conditions. Large‐scale industrial production has brought about major changes in the way of life of the population. The development of industrial agglomerations results in a growing number of city dwellers, most of whom have no chance of producing foodstuffs of their own in kind. The distance between residential and industrial areas has been growing, the number of employed women has risen considerably. These are but a few factors affecting the way of boarding, particularly in households.
Rudolf Aroch and Michal Polacek
The present stage of civilization development is — especially in economically and industrially advanced economic formations — characterized by contradictory attitudes towards land…
The present stage of civilization development is — especially in economically and industrially advanced economic formations — characterized by contradictory attitudes towards land economy. Development programmes have been placing ever greater demands on land and have involved frequent changes in its functions. At the same time there has been a growing awareness of social responsibility for the preservation of the basic environmental assets, which can only be achieved by an effective conservancy of nature and by not disturbing its new ecosystems.
Michal Polácek and Rudolf Aroch
The commercial practice of tourism avails itself of a whole range of classical methods of research into market, its dispersion and trends, starting with statistics and ending up…
The commercial practice of tourism avails itself of a whole range of classical methods of research into market, its dispersion and trends, starting with statistics and ending up with public opinion polls. The pattern and volume of tourism demand as well as its principal trends may be compared on the basis of international statistics that are more or less uniform. However, not even more detailed statistical observations are adequate for the formulation of long‐term marketing strategy of the given country.