James Bennett, Mark Owers, Michael Pitt and Matthew Tucker
This paper aims to examine the impact of social networking in the workplace and to assess its use as an effective business tool.
This paper aims to examine the impact of social networking in the workplace and to assess its use as an effective business tool.
The paper examines positive and negative perceptions of social networking in the workplace and provides a critical review of literature in the area. The drivers of, and barriers to, change are explored, and whether the reasons for some organisations prohibiting or restricting social networking in the workplace are well‐founded or corporate suicide. The link between social networking and organisational culture is examined, looking at whether social networking tools are capable of revitalising and reshaping the culture and brand of an organisation, which in turn can lead to better ways of working and increased levels of employee productivity and satisfaction.
The findings indicate that the business advantages and benefits of social networking in the workplace are still very much underappreciated and undervalued. Although some organisations across the world have started to implement some of the facets of social networking technology and reap the business benefits, fear, resistance and risk are the opinions that still dominate many organisations.
The value of social networking technology in the workplace is yet to be determined. This paper addresses gaps in the current literature and demonstrates that the business benefits of social networking far outweigh the negative perceptions that are still predominant in the pre‐millennial generations. The paper highlights that social networking technology can facilitate improved workplace productivity by enhancing the communication and collaboration of employees which aids knowledge transfer and consequently makes organisations more agile. Moreover, social networking can provide enhanced levels of employee satisfaction by reducing the social isolation of teleworkers and making them feel part of organisational culture during long absences from the physical office.
Like the other contributors to this session, I have been asked to deal with the subject under a number of sub‐headings. But before I do so, I should like to make a few general…
Likethe other contributors to this session, I have been asked to deal with the subject under a number of sub‐headings. But before I do so, I should like to make a few general…
Dr. G. S. Buchanan's Report on the work of the Inspectors of Foods of the Local Government Board for the year 1909–10 is a document dealing with matters of the greatest national…
Dr. G. S. Buchanan's Report on the work of the Inspectors of Foods of the Local Government Board for the year 1909–10 is a document dealing with matters of the greatest national importance. The Report, which is largely concerned with the results of the examination—under the Public Health (Regulations as to Food) Act of 1907—of the various kinds of meat that are imported into this country from abroad for the purpose of home consumption, is arranged under the following headings:—
THE term interference in its aerodynamic sense is generally associated with an effect that spoils the performance of an aeroplane mainly by increasing its drag at a given lift…
THE term interference in its aerodynamic sense is generally associated with an effect that spoils the performance of an aeroplane mainly by increasing its drag at a given lift. While there are good grounds for this outlook, it is of some importance to remember that it by no means represents the whole truth. Interference effects are not confined solely to changes of drag or lift: they often play a material part in many other properties of a complete aeroplane such as its stability, its spinning properties and in the phenomenon known as buffeting. Further, it is not correct to assume that interference always works against the designer; it may quite well assist him in certain cases, and the better he understands its causes the more chance he has of designing combinations having favourable interference.
THE Wolseley A.R.9 engine is a nine‐cylinder air‐cooled radial rated at 185 h.p.
THE POPULARITY of Hamewith and its author was quite phenomenal in the north‐east of Scotland. It is a significant mark of the affection in which the author was held by the…
THE POPULARITY of Hamewith and its author was quite phenomenal in the north‐east of Scotland. It is a significant mark of the affection in which the author was held by the community at large that he was soon popularly known as ‘Hamewith’ himself, in the same way as a farmer in that airt comes to be known by the name of his place. Hamewith was first published by Wyllie & Son, Aberdeen, in 1900. By 1909 a new and more elaborate edition was called for, with an introductiion by Andrew Lang, then Scotland's leading littérateur, and published by Constable in London. By 1912, when he was entertained to an official public dinner in Aberdeen, Charles Murray, who had emigrated to South Africa in 1888 at the age of 24, was then Secretary for Public Works in the Union of South Africa. It is important to note that Murray spent practically the whole of his working life (1888–1924) in South Africa, and wrote practically all his verse in exile. He is by no means the only Scottish writer to have seen his native land more clearly from a distance. One thinks, for example, of Stevenson in Samoa, Grassic Gibbon in Welwyn Garden City, and George Douglas Brown in London.
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical contributions to the proxy contest literature. The theoretical work, to date, suggests that (1) the use of the proxy contest as a…
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical contributions to the proxy contest literature. The theoretical work, to date, suggests that (1) the use of the proxy contest as a method of taking over a corporation depends on its cost relative to the tender offer; (2) the security voting structure and the debt/equity ratio influence the outcome of the proxy contest; and, (3) the value of a proxy contest can be estimated using the principles of option pricing theory. A review of empirical research indicates that (1) firms which are inefficiently managed are more likely to become the target of a proxy fight; (2) wealth gains accrue to shareholders of contested firms during the contest period; and, (3) incumbent management is more likely to succeed in a proxy fight but not necessarily ‘win’.
James E. Owers and Bruno S. Sergi
The financing of entrepreneurship has seen marked changes over time and continues to evolve rapidly. From the traditional sequence of self-funding, Angel financing, the rigors of…
The financing of entrepreneurship has seen marked changes over time and continues to evolve rapidly. From the traditional sequence of self-funding, Angel financing, the rigors of securing Venture Capital, and, for successful firms, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), the funding sequence has undergone substantial changes. Recent observations such as in the Wall Street Journal (November 05, 2018) suggest that many successful young firms (often tech companies) have continued to raise capital from private equity sources rather than in the public equity markets via IPOs. These additional fundraising efforts generally follow an extended period of business development and revenue generation wherein when many successful entrepreneurial firms that had proven large enough to go public stayed private (so called “unicorns”) because of the extent to which their funding requirements can in recent times flow from private sources. But today, there are many indications that some such firms (e.g. Uber, Lyft) are now seeing the advantages of going public, engaging in IPOs, which are often followed rapidly in very recent times by raising additional public share capital in a relatively short interval after the IPO.
Khaira Amalia Fachrudin and Fachrudin
Economic growth can be pursued through company performance. However, few companies present negative equity. In Indonesia, some firms with negative equity have positive net income…
Economic growth can be pursued through company performance. However, few companies present negative equity. In Indonesia, some firms with negative equity have positive net income and stock returns. This study compares the performance of negative (and positive) equity in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The observation was conducted from 2019, in marked negative equity notation and two previous periods. It involved all the market negative equity notation companies. We found no significant difference between companies with negative equity and those with positive equity on the asset's efficiency using comparative analysis. The difference relied on the capability of managing the expenses, including interest expenses. Leverage has a positive and significant correlation to assets utilization in companies with negative equity only, while it is insignificant in companies with positive equity. The investors consider the stock companies with negative equity even though the obtained stock returns are not different whether they invested either in the companies with positive or negative equity.