January 15, 1973 Ironfoundry — Statutory duty — Breach — Noxious dust — Prolonged inhalation of noxious dust — Chronic lung illness — Employers' actual or constructive knowledge…
January 15, 1973 Ironfoundry — Statutory duty — Breach — Noxious dust — Prolonged inhalation of noxious dust — Chronic lung illness — Employers' actual or constructive knowledge of health hazard — Test to apply when determining constructive knowledge — Whether employer should be aware of recent medical or scientific knowledge — Factories Act, 1961 (9 & 10 Eliz.II, c.34), ss.4(l), 63(1).
EACH September the eyes of the aeronautical World turn towards the S.B.A.C. Air Display and Exhibition with interest unequalled by any other event. It is fitting that the Display…
EACH September the eyes of the aeronautical World turn towards the S.B.A.C. Air Display and Exhibition with interest unequalled by any other event. It is fitting that the Display is now held each year at the airfield of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, one of the world's most prominent aeronautical research centres. This interest becomes increasingly keen too, as the preview day comes closer, because new prototypes of unorthodox designs often appear a short time before the Show to illustrate the results of years of careful planning, development and research of the particular company. These designs often mould the path of progress for smaller countries without the economic resources to forge the way ahead alone. Most British citizens are very proud of their country's place in aviation today, both in the military and civil fields. This is understood by most foreigners because it is clear that Britain has won a place in aeronautical development second to none.
The Library of the University of Leeds, at the invitation of the Nuffield Foundation, carried out a survey of the borrowing use made of it by the staff, research students, and…
The Library of the University of Leeds, at the invitation of the Nuffield Foundation, carried out a survey of the borrowing use made of it by the staff, research students, and undergraduates of the university during the calendar year 1957, and a report on this survey was published in the Journal of Documentation in March 1959. The results were of value in showing in great detail what demands were made upon the library's stock by different groups of borrowers; it did not show how much use was made of the library for reading on the premises, or how much users of the University Library were able to draw upon external or private resources. The statistics for borrowing showed that undergraduate students ranged fairly widely in their borrowing, and that, for example, many of them made good use of the periodicals in their fields of studies, but it also showed that many of them borrowed from the university libraries only once or twice in a year, or not at all. What other resources had these students? How much did they read and work in the library without borrowing, and how much did they depend upon outside libraries, upon private borrowing, and upon their own book buying? Evidently a more comprehensive account of students' use of the library was needed to show the relative importance of the various means at the student's disposal in his need for books.
A DRAFT of the first three hundred words of an editorial, on the influence of government on libraries has just been deposited in the wastepaper basket. Libraries are serious…
A DRAFT of the first three hundred words of an editorial, on the influence of government on libraries has just been deposited in the wastepaper basket. Libraries are serious matters, and more than one heart has missed a beat on reading in the election manifesto of one of the parties that it intended to introduce legislation regarding public library services: the nature of this legislation was not dislosed. Mercifully the other side offered no such intentions. Frankly we are in grave danger of taking ourselves altogether too seriously. Of course libraries are important for the spread of ideas, culture, and technological and scientific development. Equally they should be good for a laugh.
The British Productivity Council has recently published a booklet outlining its programme and policy. Emphasis is given to the importance of making available to all engaged in…
The British Productivity Council has recently published a booklet outlining its programme and policy. Emphasis is given to the importance of making available to all engaged in industry, including management and trade union officials, information respecting modern production techniques and the economic advantages of their wider application.