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The Fifteenth S.B.A.C. Display: An Oversea Visitor's Impressions and Observations of the Society of British Aircraft Constructors' Flying Display and Exhibition, Farnborough, September 1954

B.R. Noton D.C.Ae., Grad.I.Mech.E., Grad.R.Ae.S. (Scientific Officer, Structures Department, Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden.)

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 0002-2667

Article publication date: 1 October 1954



EACH September the eyes of the aeronautical World turn towards the S.B.A.C. Air Display and Exhibition with interest unequalled by any other event. It is fitting that the Display is now held each year at the airfield of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, one of the world's most prominent aeronautical research centres. This interest becomes increasingly keen too, as the preview day comes closer, because new prototypes of unorthodox designs often appear a short time before the Show to illustrate the results of years of careful planning, development and research of the particular company. These designs often mould the path of progress for smaller countries without the economic resources to forge the way ahead alone. Most British citizens are very proud of their country's place in aviation today, both in the military and civil fields. This is understood by most foreigners because it is clear that Britain has won a place in aeronautical development second to none.


Noton, B.R. (1954), "The Fifteenth S.B.A.C. Display: An Oversea Visitor's Impressions and Observations of the Society of British Aircraft Constructors' Flying Display and Exhibition, Farnborough, September 1954", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 26 No. 10, pp. 322-346.




Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited

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