M.S. Daoussa Haggar and M. Mbehou
This paper focuses on the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order scheme for a nonlocal nonlinear parabolic problem. The first step of the scheme is…
This paper focuses on the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order scheme for a nonlocal nonlinear parabolic problem. The first step of the scheme is based on Crank–Nicholson method while the second step is the second-order BDF method.
A rigorous error analysis is done, and optimal L2 error estimates are derived using the error splitting technique. Some numerical simulations are presented to confirm the study’s theoretical analysis.
Optimal L2 error estimates and energy norm.
The goal of this research article is to present and establish the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order BDF finite element scheme for the reaction-diffusion problem. An optimal error estimate for the proposed methods is derived by using the temporal-spatial error splitting techniques, which split the error between the exact solution and the numerical solution into two parts, that is, the temporal error and the spatial error. Since the spatial error is not dependent on the time step, the boundedness of the numerical solution in L∞-norm follows an inverse inequality immediately without any restriction on the grid mesh.
This paper aims to propose a novel approach based on uniform scale-3 Haar wavelets for unsteady state space fractional advection-dispersion partial differential equation which…
This paper aims to propose a novel approach based on uniform scale-3 Haar wavelets for unsteady state space fractional advection-dispersion partial differential equation which arises in complex network, fluid dynamics in porous media, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, electrode – electrolyte polarization, finance, system control, etc.
Scale-3 Haar wavelets are used to approximate the space and time variables. Scale-3 Haar wavelets converts the problems into linear system. After that Gauss elimination is used to find the wavelet coefficients.
A novel algorithm based on Haar wavelet for two-dimensional fractional partial differential equations is established. Error estimation has been derived by use of property of compactly supported orthonormality. The correctness and effectiveness of the theoretical arguments by numerical tests are confirmed.
Scale-3 Haar wavelets are used first time for these types of problems. Second, error analysis in new work in this direction.