This paper focuses on the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order scheme for a nonlocal nonlinear parabolic problem. The first step of the scheme is based on Crank–Nicholson method while the second step is the second-order BDF method.
A rigorous error analysis is done, and optimal L2 error estimates are derived using the error splitting technique. Some numerical simulations are presented to confirm the study’s theoretical analysis.
Optimal L2 error estimates and energy norm.
The goal of this research article is to present and establish the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order BDF finite element scheme for the reaction-diffusion problem. An optimal error estimate for the proposed methods is derived by using the temporal-spatial error splitting techniques, which split the error between the exact solution and the numerical solution into two parts, that is, the temporal error and the spatial error. Since the spatial error is not dependent on the time step, the boundedness of the numerical solution in L∞-norm follows an inverse inequality immediately without any restriction on the grid mesh.
Daoussa Haggar, M.S. and Mbehou, M. (2024), "Optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order BDF scheme for a nonlocal parabolic problem", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 112-129. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-05-2022-0126
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023, M.S. Daoussa Haggar and M. Mbehou
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
In this paper, we consider the following parabolic problem with nonlocal nonlinearity:
The study of nonlocal parabolic problems has received considerable attention in recent years ([1–3] and the references therein). This kind of problems arises in various situations, for instance, u could describe the density of a population (for instance, bacteria) subject to spreading. The diffusion coefficient a is then supposed to depend on the entire population in the domain rather than on the local density, that is, moves are guided by considering the global state of the medium. The problem is nonlocal in the sense that the diffusion coefficient is determined by a global quantity. Besides its mathematical motivation because of the presence of the nonlocal term a(l(u)), such problems come from physical situations related to migration of a population of bacteria in a container in which the velocity of migration v = a∇u depends on the global population in a subdomain Ω′ ⊂ Ω given by a(l(u)).
Simsen and Ferreira [4] have discussed not only the existence and uniqueness of solutions for this problem but also continuity with respect to initial values, the exponential stability of weak solutions and important results on the existence of a global attractor. The numerical methods for the nonlocal problems have been investigated by many authors as like in Refs [5, 6] and the references therein. However, they are restricted to nonlocal reaction terms or nonlocal boundary conditions. Chaudhary et al. [7] studied the convergence analysis of the Crank–Nicolson finite element method for the nonlocal problem involving the Dirichlet energy. Mbehou et al. [8] studied (1.1) using the Crank–Nicolson Galerkin finite element method. The main focus on this paper was to present the exponential decay and vanishing of the solutions in finite time. They also derived the optimal convergence order in L2-norm using Pr with r ≥ 1 finite elements. Yin and Xu [9] applied the finite-volume method to obtain approximate solutions for a nonlocal problem on reactive flows in porous media and derived the optimal convergence order in the L2 norm. Almeida et al. [10] presented convergence analysis for a fully discretized approximation to a nonlocal problem involving a parabolic equation with moving boundaries, with the finite element method applied for the space variables and the Crank–Nicolson method for the time. Recently, Yang et al. [11] derived the unconditional optimal error estimate of Galerkin FEMs for the time-dependent Klein–Gordon–Schrodinger equations using the error splitting technique. Also in Ref. [12], Yang and Jiang applied the linearized second-order backward differentiation formulae (BDF) Galerkin Finite element methods (FEMs) for the Landau-Lifshitz equations to derive the unconditional optimal error estimates.
Our goal in this research article is to give and establish the unconditionally optimal error estimates of a linearized second-order BDF finite element scheme for the reaction-diffusion problem (1.1). Using Pr (r ≥ 1) finite element to approximate the solution of (1.1), the optimal error estimates O(Δt2 + hr+1) in L2 norm are derived using the error splitting technique.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall few known results and present few regularities, which are used in the proof of the optimal error estimates. To prove the optimal error estimates by the error splitting technique, the temporal errors and the spatial errors are shown in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. Finally numerical results are presented in Section 5 to demonstrate our theoretical analysis.
2. Preliminaries and main results
Throughout this paper, the following known inequalities will be frequently used [13].
u0 ∈ L2(Ω).
(Existence and uniqueness of solution, [4]). Assume that p ≥ 2 and if the hypotheses (H1)–(H5) hold, then problem (1.1) possesses a unique solution, that is, there exists a unique function u such that
Given the hypotheses (H1)–(H5), we will also adopt another hypothesis, namely
for all r ≥ 1,
(cf. Ref. [16]). For all p ∈ (1, ∞) and τ ≥ 0, there exists a generic constant C = C(p, d) such that for all
(cf. Ref. [17]). Let ak, bk, ck and γk, for integers k ≥ 0, be the positive numbers such that
Remark. If the first sum on the right hand side of (2.12) extends only up to n − 1, then estimate (2.13) holds for all k > 0 with σk = 1.
(Hk-estimate of elliptic equations [18]). Suppose that v is a solution of the boundary value problem
Let {tn| tn = nΔt; 0 ≤ n ≤ N} be a uniform partition of [0, T] with time step Δt = T/N. We write un = u(x, tn), Un ≈ u(x, tn) and for any sequence of functions
Step 1: For
, find such that for all vh ∈ Vh
Step 2: For 2 ≤ n ≤ N, find
such that for all vh ∈ Vh
Assume that the hypotheses (H1)– (H5) hold. Then the fully discrete system defined in (2.16)–(2.18)has a unique solution
Proof. 1 For the existence, taking
The main result of this work is presented in the following theorem.
Suppose that system (1.1)has a unique solution u satisfying (H6). Then the fully discrete system defined in (2.16)–(2.18)has a unique solution
The proof of this theorem will be done in the following sections.
3. Error estimates for the semi-discrete problem
Let us introduce the corresponding time discrete system associated with (1.1)
Step 1: for U0 = u0, find U1 by
Step 2: for 2 ≤ n ≤ N, find Un by
Let u be the exact solution of (1.1). Then, u satisfies the following equations:
Assume that the exact solution u of (1.1)satisfies the regularities (2.8). Then there exists a positive constant C independent of Δt such that
Proof. Subtracting (3.6) from (3.9) leads to
Based upon (3.11), we have
Suppose that the solution u of (1.1)satisfies the regularities (2.8). Then there exists a generic constant C that does not dependent on Δt such that
Proof. Subtracting (2.16) from (3.7) and observing that e0 = 0 leads to
The main result in this section is as follows.
Suppose that the solution u of (1.1)satisfies the regularities (2.8). Then there exists a generic constant C that does not dependent on Δt such that
Proof. The proof of this theorem will be done using the mathematical induction.
In view of (3.11) and (3.12), the inequality (3.14) holds for n = 0, 1. Since U0 = u0, the inquality (3.15) holds for n = 0. Now, let us assume that (3.14) and (3.15) hold for n ≤ m with m ≤ N − 1. Then we need to prove the inequality for n = m + 1. By the definition of
Subtracting (2.18) from (3.8) results in the following equation:
4. Error estimates for the fully discrete problem
In this section, we will prove the optimal spatial error estimates. Let Πh be an interpolation operator and
(cf. Ref. [19]). If
Let us denote
Assume that the exact solution u of (1.1)satisfies the regularities (2.8). Then there exists a positive constant C independent of Δt and h such that
Proof. From equations (2.17) and (3.6),
Combining these estimates into (4.9), we get (4.7).
From the inverse inequality,
Suppose that the exact solution u of (1.1)satisfies the regularities (2.8). Then there exists a positive constant C independent of Δt and h such that
Proof. The proof of this result will be done by mathematical induction. Since
Now, we assume that (4.10) and (4.11) hold for n = m − 1, 2 ≤ m ≤ N, then we need to show it also holds for n = m. By the definition of
Subtracting (2.18) from (3.5), we obtain
5. Numerical results
In this section, we present several numerical simulations to illustrate our theoretical analysis. Since the resulting matrix of the linear system (2.16)–(2.18) is sparse, symmetric and positive definite, an incomplete Cholesky factorization is performed and the result is used as preconditioner in the preconditioned conjugate method iterative solver (see for instance Refs [20, 21]).
To analyze the convergence rate, we consider the following problem.
For the convergence with respect to the mesh size h, we choose Δt = h2 and we solve problem (2.16)(2.18) with different values of h (h = 1/5; 1/10; 1/15; 1/20; 1/25); from our theoretical analysis, the L2-norm errors are in order O(h2 + Δt2) = O(h2 + h4) ∼ O(h2). H1-norm errors are in order O(h + Δt2) = O(h + h4) ∼ O(h). In Figure 1, we plot the log of errors against log(h). One can see that for L2-norm, the slope is almost 2, and for H1 − norm, the slope is almost 1, which are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis.
For the convergence with respect to the time step Δt, h is fixed (h = 0.01), and we solve problem (2.16)(2.18) with different time steps Δt = 0.1; 0.05; 0.025; 0.0125 (Δt = 0.1 × 21−l, l = 1, …, 4), and the L2-norm errors are in order O(h2 + Δt2) ∼ O(Δt2). Figure 2 shows the plots of log L2-error norm against log(Δt). Again, one can see that the slope is almost 2. These results are consistent with our theoretical analysis.
6. Conclusion
We have presented and analyzed a linearized second-order BDF Galerkin finite element method for the nonlocal parabolic problems. We have proved the L2 and energy error estimates using sufficient conditions on the exact solution. We also presented some numerical experiments on Matlab’s environment, and our numerical results confirm the theoretical analysis. The results in this paper lay the foundation for developing finite element based numerical methods for more general and complicated nonlocal problems both stationary and evolutionary.
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