J. Mathiyarasu, L.C. Nehru, P. Subramanian, N. Palaniswamy and N.S. Rengaswamy
Aluminium alloys are being employed very widely as galvanic anodes for cathodic protection. Aluminium‐zinc‐mercury and aluminium‐zinc‐indium are the popular alloys that are used…
Aluminium alloys are being employed very widely as galvanic anodes for cathodic protection. Aluminium‐zinc‐mercury and aluminium‐zinc‐indium are the popular alloys that are used as anodes. In general, the alloying ingredients activate aluminium and maintain uniform dissolution. In the present investigation, the role of addition of gallium in the ternary alloy of aluminium‐zinc‐indium has been studied by making use of polarisation studies, capacity measurements and galvanic current measurements.
Majid Amin, Fuad A. Awwad, Emad A.A. Ismail, Muhammad Ishaq, Taza Gul and Tahir Saeed Khan
(1) A mathematical model for the Hybrid nanofluids flow is used as carriers for delivering drugs. (2) The flow conditions are controlled to enable drug-loaded nanofluids to flow…
(1) A mathematical model for the Hybrid nanofluids flow is used as carriers for delivering drugs. (2) The flow conditions are controlled to enable drug-loaded nanofluids to flow through the smaller gap between the two tubes. (3) Hybrid nanofluids (HNFs) made from silver (Ag) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles are analyzed for applications of drug delivery. (Ag) and (TiO2) (NPs) are suitable candidates for cancer treatment due to their excellent biocompatibility, high photoactivity, and low toxicity. (4) The new strategy of artificial neural networks (ANN) is used which is machine-based and more prominent in validation, and comparison with other techniques.
The two Tubes are settled in such a manner that the gap between them is uniform. The Control Volume Finite Element Method; Rk-4 and Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
(1) From the obtained results it is observed that the dispersion and distribution of drug-loaded nanoparticles within the body will be improved by the convective motion caused by hybrid nanofluids. The effectiveness and uniformity of drug delivery to target tissues or organs is improved based on the uniform flow and uniform gap. (2) The targeting efficiency of nanofluids is further improved with the addition of the magnetic field. (3) The size of the cylinders, and flow rate, are considered uniform to optimize the drug delivery.
Research limitations/implications
(1)The flow phenomena is considered laminar, one can use the same idea through a turbulent flow case. (2) The gap is considered uniform and will be interesting if someone extends the idea as non-uniform.
Practical implications
(1) To deliver drugs to the targeted area, a suitable mathematical model is required. (2) The analysis of hybrid nanofluids (HNFs) derived from silver (Ag) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles is conducted for the purpose of drug delivery. The biocompatibility, high photoactivity, and low toxicity of (Ag) and (TiO2) (NPs) make them ideal candidates for cancer treatment. (3) Machine-based artificial neural networks (ANN) have a new strategy that is more prominent in validation compared to other techniques.
Social implications
The drug delivery model is a useful strategy for new researchers. (1) They can extend this idea using a non-uniform gap. (2) The flow is considered uniform, the new researchers can extend the idea using a turbulent case. (3) Other hybrid nanofluids flow, in the same model for other industrial usages are possible.
All the obtained results are new. The experimental thermophysical results are used from the existing literature and references are provided.
Pallabi Chakraborty and Amarjyoti Mahanta
The purpose of this study is to propose a model of competition between a formal lender (bank) and an informal lender (moneylender) with informational asymmetry between these two…
The purpose of this study is to propose a model of competition between a formal lender (bank) and an informal lender (moneylender) with informational asymmetry between these two lenders. Further, the authors introduce capacity constraint on the lending capacity of the moneylender and assume that borrowers differ in risk and wealth.
The solution concept of Nash equilibrium has been used to derive the optimal strategies of the lenders.
The equilibrium strategies in most of the results depend on the difference between the expected returns from risky and safe projects where the risky project has higher expected returns. The credit market is segmented in terms of risk and wealth levels. Rationing of poor safe borrowers from the credit market is inevitable when the moneylender's capacity is sufficiently small, suggesting a low-income trap for them. Further, when moneylender has capacity constraint of some form, a zero-profit outcome is never a Nash equilibrium outcome.
Research limitations/implications
There is a possibility of collusion between the lenders. However, the authors do not derive all possible outcomes under capacity constraint
Practical implications
When the informal lender has limited capacity, competition between formal and informal lenders may not alleviate credit rationing, instead aggravate the problem. Thus, the government should devise policies to ensure credit availability to resource poor households
While the literature models strategic interaction between lenders under the assumption of zero-profit (Bertrand Paradox) condition, this study shows that zero profit is not the only outcome under such a set-up. Also, in presence of capacity constraint of the moneylender, a zero-profit outcome is never a Nash equilibrium outcome for the lenders. There is an optimal contract at which the lenders differentiate in terms of repayment and collateral and earn positive profits under certain conditions.
Indira Damarla, Venmathi M., Krishnakumar V. and Anbarasan P.
In this paper, a new front end converter (FEC) topology has been proposed for the switched reluctance (SR) motor drive. This study aims to present the performance analysis of…
In this paper, a new front end converter (FEC) topology has been proposed for the switched reluctance (SR) motor drive. This study aims to present the performance analysis of FEC-based SR motor drive using various types of control schemes like conventional proportional integral (PI) controller, fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and fuzzy-tuned proportional integral controller (Fuzzy-PI).
The proposed FEC-based SR motor drive with various control strategies is derived for the torque ripple minimization and speed control.
The steady state and the dynamic response of the FEC-based SR motor drive are analyzed using three different controllers under change in speed and loading conditions. The Fuzzy-PI-based control scheme improves the dynamic response of the system when compared with the FLC and the conventional PI controller.
The hardware prototype has been implemented for the FEC-based SR motor drive by using the Xilinx SPARTAN 6 FPGA processor. The experimental verification has been conducted and the results have been measured under steady state and dynamic conditions.
Purpose of this paper are Real power loss reduction, voltage stability enhancement and minimization of Voltage deviation.
Purpose of this paper are Real power loss reduction, voltage stability enhancement and minimization of Voltage deviation.
In HLG approach as per Henry gas law sum of gas dissolved in the liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure on above the liquid. Gas dissolving in the liquid which based on Henry gas law is main concept to formulate the proposed algorithm. Populations are divided into groups and all the groups possess the similar Henry constant value. Exploration and exploitation has been balanced effectively. Ranking and position of the worst agents is done in order to avoid the local optima. Then in this work Mobula alfredi optimization (MAO) algorithm is projected to solve optimal reactive power problem. Foraging actions of Mobula alfredi has been imitated to design the algorithm. String foraging, twister foraging and backward roll foraging are mathematically formulated to solve the problem. In the entire exploration space the Mobula alfredi has been forced to discover new regions by assigning capricious position. Through this approach, exploration competence of the algorithm has been improved. In all iterations, the position of the Mobula alfredi has been updated and replaced with the most excellent solution found so far. Exploration and exploitation capabilities have been maintained sequentially. Then in this work balanced condition algorithm (BCA) is projected to solve optimal reactive power problem. Proposed BCA approach based on the conception in physics- on the subject of the mass; incoming, exit and producing in the control volume. Preliminary population has been created based on the dimensions and number of particles and it initialized capriciously in the exploration space with minimum and maximum concentration. Production control parameter and Production probability utilized to control the exploration and exploitation.
Proposed Henry's Law based -soluble gas optimization (HLG) algorithm, Mobula alfredi optimization (MAO) algorithm and BCA are evaluated in IEEE 30 bus system with L-index (Voltage stability) and also tested in standard IEEE 14, 30, 57, 118, 300 bus test systems without L- index. Real power loss minimization, voltage deviation minimization, and voltage stability index enhancement has been attained.
For the first time Henry's Law based -soluble gas optimization (HLG) algorithm, Mobula alfredi optimization (MAO) algorithm and BCA is projected to solve the power loss reduction problem.
T.V.S. Manikanta and B.T.N. Sridhar
This study aims to study the interaction effects between a rectangular supersonic jet with a flat wall computationally using wall length as a parameter. The purpose of this study…
This study aims to study the interaction effects between a rectangular supersonic jet with a flat wall computationally using wall length as a parameter. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of change in wall length on supersonic core length (SCL) reduction, jet deflection and jet decay behavior.
The design Mach number and aspect ratio at the rectangular exit were 1.8 and 2, respectively. To study the wall length effects on jet-wall interactions, wall length (Lw) was varied as 0.5Dh, 1Dh, 2Dh, 4Dh and 8Dh, where Dh was the hydraulic diameter of the nozzle exit. The flat wall with the matching width of the rectangular exit section of a supersonic nozzle was placed at the nozzle exit such that the supersonic jet grazed past the wall. The studies were carried out at over-expansion [nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) = 4], near optimum expansion (NPR = 6) and under-expansion (NPR = 8) levels.
Results indicated that significant reduction in wall-bounded SCL was noticed in the range of 0.5Dh
Practical implications
Thrust vector control, noise reduction and easy take-off for high-speed aircraft.
The effect of change in flat wall length on interaction characteristics of a rectangular supersonic jet was not studied before in terms of SCL reduction and jet decay behavior.
Rajasekhar B, Kamaraju M and Sumalatha V
Nowadays, the speech emotion recognition (SER) model has enhanced as the main research topic in various fields including human–computer interaction as well as speech processing…
Nowadays, the speech emotion recognition (SER) model has enhanced as the main research topic in various fields including human–computer interaction as well as speech processing. Generally, it focuses on utilizing the models of machine learning for predicting the exact emotional status from speech. The advanced SER applications go successful in affective computing and human–computer interaction, which is making as the main component of computer system's next generation. This is because the natural human machine interface could grant the automatic service provisions, which need a better appreciation of user's emotional states.
This paper implements a new SER model that incorporates both gender and emotion recognition. Certain features are extracted and subjected for classification of emotions. For this, this paper uses deep belief network DBN model.
Through the performance analysis, it is observed that the developed method attains high accuracy rate (for best case) when compared to other methods, and it is 1.02% superior to whale optimization algorithm (WOA), 0.32% better from firefly (FF), 23.45% superior to particle swarm optimization (PSO) and 23.41% superior to genetic algorithm (GA). In case of worst scenario, the mean update of particle swarm and whale optimization (MUPW) in terms of accuracy is 15.63, 15.98, 16.06% and 16.03% superior to WOA, FF, PSO and GA, respectively. Under the mean case, the performance of MUPW is high, and it is 16.67, 10.38, 22.30 and 22.47% better from existing methods like WOA, FF, PSO, as well as GA, respectively.
This paper presents a new model for SER that aids both gender and emotion recognition. For the classification purpose, DBN is used and the weight of DBN is used and this is the first work uses MUPW algorithm for finding the optimal weight of DBN model.
Chandrapushpam T., M. Bhuvaneswari and Sivasankaran Sivanandam
This paper aims to explore the double diffusive magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) squeezed flow of (Cu–water) nanofluid between two analogous plates filled with Darcy porous material in…
This paper aims to explore the double diffusive magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) squeezed flow of (Cu–water) nanofluid between two analogous plates filled with Darcy porous material in existence of chemical reaction and external magnetic field.
The governing nonlinear equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations by means of similarity transforms, and the coupled mass and heat transference equations are resolved analytically with the application of differential transform method (DTM). The effects of different relevant parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration, including the squeeze number, magnetic parameter, Biot number, Darcy number and chemical reaction parameter, are illustrated with figures. In addition, for various parameters, the local skin friction coefficient, local Nusselt number and local Sherwood number are computed and are graphically displayed.
It is observed that the squeeze number has a direct relationship with Sherwood number and an inverse relationship with skin friction as Biot number increases. With enhanced Biot numbers, the temperature value increases during both squeeze and non-squeeze moments, but the temperature values are higher for squeeze moments compared to the other case.
Practical implications
This research has potential applications in various large-scale enterprises that might benefit from increased productivity.
Social implications
The results are useful to thermal science community.
Unique and valuable insights are provided by studying the impact of chemical reaction on double diffusive MHD squeezing copper–water nanofluid flow between parallel plates filled with porous medium. In addition, this research has potential applications in various large-scale enterprises that might benefit from increased productivity.
Pramod Kumar, Shri Ram Pandey and Shweta Gupta
The study aims to investigate returns on investment (ROI) from the academic library of India's top ten leading university libraries in terms of research publication. Librarians…
The study aims to investigate returns on investment (ROI) from the academic library of India's top ten leading university libraries in terms of research publication. Librarians help academic researchers in a variety of ways. Some of these methods are collection oriented, whilst others are service oriented. The study investigates many factors responsible for the increased or decreased institutional ROI, performance and research out of the institution, such as total library budget, staff, library collection, service and facilities. The ROI % shows the institution's highest and lowest investment return in research publication.
The study is expiation about ROI from the academic library of India's top ten leading university libraries in terms of research publication. The study is based on primary and secondary data gathered from the Ministry of Education, Government of India and universities ranking in June 2020. The data were compiled from the ranking list regarding total library budgets, staff and research publications for 2017–2020. The research is limited to a ROI analysis of university libraries. The study should aid libraries in better understanding the idea of ROI in order to improve library services. The study then looked at various institutions' ROI from 2017 to 2020.
The study aims to investigate ROI from the academic library of India's top ten leading university libraries in terms of research publication. This study investigates many factors responsible for the increased or decreased institutional ROI, performance and research out of the institution, such as total library budget, staff, library collection, service and facilities. The study found that the overall highest research output is by the Indian Institute of Science and the lowest by Jamia Millia Islamia among the ten leading university libraries in India.
The ROI study displays the importance of libraries in terms of research publication of the institutions. This research can also support decision-making, library collection development and institutional library system analysis. The library can assist with publications, sponsorships, grants, finances and teaching enhancement research output. The last point justifies the library's increased importance in establishing an organisation's status and obtaining accreditation.
Chandrapushpam Thangaraj, Sivasankaran Sivanandam and Bhuvaneswari Marimuthu
This paper aims to examine the Dufour and Soret combined effects on the study of two-dimensional squeezed flow of copper water nanofluid between parallel plates along with applied…
This paper aims to examine the Dufour and Soret combined effects on the study of two-dimensional squeezed flow of copper water nanofluid between parallel plates along with applied (external) magnetic field. Impact of higher order chemical reaction is also considered.
The nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are changed into system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by employing suitable similarity transformations. These transformed ODEs are then solved by means of a semianalytical method called differential transform method (DTM). Effects of several changing physical parameters on fluid flow, temperature and concentration have been deliberated through graphs.
It is observed that Dufour and Soret numbers are directly related to temperature profile and a reverse trend was observed in the concentration profile. Temperature enhancement is perceived for the enhanced Dufour number. Enhancement in Dufour number shows a direct association with Sh and Nu for all values of squeezing parameter.
Practical implications
The combined Dufour and Soret effects are used in separation of isotopes in mixture of gases, oil reservoirs and binary alloys solidification. The squeeze nanoliquid flow can be used in the field of composite material joining, rheological testing and welding engineering.
Social implications
This study is mainly useful for geosciences and chemical engineering.
The uniqueness in this research is the study of the impact of cross diffusion on chemically reacting squeezed nanoliquid flow with the chemical reaction order more than one in the presence of applied magnetic force using a semianalytical procedure, named DTM.