This survey of psychology periodicals was begun whilst the library of the British Psychological Society was still in Nottingham, and was intended to reduce the difficulties of the…
This survey of psychology periodicals was begun whilst the library of the British Psychological Society was still in Nottingham, and was intended to reduce the difficulties of the research worker in psychology in London. Thirty‐nine London libraries most helpfully supplied information on their holdings in seventy‐nine selected periodicals. Librarians also suggested other periodicals for inclusion in the list, and, as a growing number of individuals became interested, the list of periodicals grew during the last two years to its present total of 179.
Ming K. Lim, Yan Li, Chao Wang and Ming-Lang Tseng
The transportation of fresh food requires cold chain logistics to maintain a low-temperature environment, which can reduce food waste and ensure product safety. Therefore…
The transportation of fresh food requires cold chain logistics to maintain a low-temperature environment, which can reduce food waste and ensure product safety. Therefore, temperature control is a major challenge that cold chain logistics face.
This research proposes a prediction model of refrigerated truck temperature and air conditioner status (air speed and air temperature) based on hybrid mayfly algorithm (MA) and extreme learning machine (ELM). To prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, the mayfly algorithm–extreme learning machine (MA-ELM) is compared with the traditional ELM and the ELM optimized by classical biological-inspired algorithms, including the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The assessment is conducted through two experiments, including temperature prediction and air conditioner status prediction, based on a case study.
The prediction method is evaluated by five evaluation indicators, including the mean relative error (MRE), mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2). It can be concluded that the biological algorithm, especially the MA, can improve the prediction accuracy. This result clearly proves the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid prediction model in revealing the nonlinear patterns of the cold chain logistics temperature.
Research limitations/implications
The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed temperature prediction method, which helps to keep the product fresh. Even though the performance of MA is better than GA and PSO, the MA has the disadvantage of premature convergence. In the future, the modified MA can be designed to improve the performance of MA-ELM.
In prior studies, many scholars have conducted related research on the subject of temperature monitoring. However, this monitoring method can only identify temperature deviations that have occurred that harmed fresh food. As a countermeasure, research on the temperature prediction of cold chain logistics that can actively identify temperature changes has become the focus. Once a temperature deviation is predicted, temperature control measures can be taken in time to resolve the risk.
Certo questo genere d'istruzione è abbastanza elevato, ma non eccessivamente. L'industria alberghiera, come ripeto ancora una volta, è divenuta un ramo economico talmente…
Certo questo genere d'istruzione è abbastanza elevato, ma non eccessivamente. L'industria alberghiera, come ripeto ancora una volta, è divenuta un ramo economico talmente importante che una formazione non perfetta del suo personale dirigente e degli istruttori non può più essere tollerata. Un miglioramento è assolutamente necessario e chi ne deve prendere l'iniziativa sono, in primo luogo, le organizzazioni alberghiere. Certo, esse hanno già fatto molto nel campo dell'istruzione del personale, ma occorre che molitiplichino i loro sforzi. A tal fine, devono contribuire anche — più di quanto è awenuto finora — le Autorità, poichè esse hanno tutto l'intéresse ad un'industria alberghiera dotata di personale qualificato, la quale è, non solo per l'economia nazionale, ma soprattutto anche per il fisco, una sorgente d'introiti di primo ordine.
Tutti gl'interessati devono ammettere che l'Italia, nel campo dell'istruzione professionale turistica, ha compiuto, per anni, un lavoro d'avanguardia che le ha procurato l…
Tutti gl'interessati devono ammettere che l'Italia, nel campo dell'istruzione professionale turistica, ha compiuto, per anni, un lavoro d'avanguardia che le ha procurato l'ammirazione generale. Col perfezionamento del pre‐esistente Istituto Professionale per il Turismo, che già era organizzato e funzionava in modo esemplare, e con la sua trasformazione, quest'anno, ad un livello molto più elevato, nell'odierno Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo, l'Italia ha rafforzato, in modo imponente, la sua posizione di primato. Per questa ragione ci sembra opportuno fare un esame più approfon‐dito della questione dell'insegnamento turistico da un punto di vista internazionale.
Le imprese di trasporto aereo ed automibilistico ci hanno domandato un Corso di istruzione per ausiliarie di linea (non abbiamo una parola italiana che corrisponda esattamente al…
Le imprese di trasporto aereo ed automibilistico ci hanno domandato un Corso di istruzione per ausiliarie di linea (non abbiamo una parola italiana che corrisponda esattamente al concetto di «hostess»); da altre parti invece ci sono stati chiesti piuttosto elementi di ricezione, per lo più designati con la qualifica di «accompagnatrici turistiche». Orbene, mentre la parola «hostess» non si presta ad equivoci, il termine «accompagnatrici turistiche» avrebbe potuto ingenerare qualche perplessità sia nel campo delle guide autorizzate che potrebbero temere un'illecita concorrenza da parte di elementi che non hanno subito il vaglio degli appositi esami, sia nel campo delle stesse agenzie di viaggi, che sono giustamente gelose del loro personale già qualificato ed esperto. Ho preferito quindi la denominazione di «informatrici turistiche» per eliminare ogni ragione di malinteso; e l'abinamento della preparazione delle hostesses e delle informatrici — pur determinando nei rispettivi insegnamenti una distinzione di cognizioni e di compiti — sta appunto ad indicare che le une e le altre sono chiamate a svolgere una funzione complementare e sussidiaria dell'attività delle guide e dei funzionari di Agenzie di viaggi, senza menomamente interferire nella specifica rispettiva zona di competenze.
Junhai Ma and Yalan Hong
The convenience of online shopping enables the manufacturer to develop direct channels. To counter manufacturer encroachment, the retailer tends to provide presale service to…
The convenience of online shopping enables the manufacturer to develop direct channels. To counter manufacturer encroachment, the retailer tends to provide presale service to attract more customers. Meanwhile, the service provided by the retailer also has a positive impact on the manufacturer's sale volume, which is usually called the showrooming effect or free-ride. The purpose of this paper is to explore the dynamic game of pricing and service strategy in a dual-channel supply chain with risk attitudes and free-ride.
This paper considers the risk attitude, characterized by mean-variance theory. First, the optimal pricing and service strategy of two static models under two scenarios are derived. Second, dynamic games are then considered to explore the evolution of the decisions. The classical optimization method is used to solve the problem, and numerical experiments are done to analyze the complex characteristic of the system.
The result shows that the retailer is willing to provide a higher level of service if his risk preference is higher. The offline retail price and online retail price are positively related to the retailer's risk preference. Besides, the free-ride behavior can reduce the offline retail price and the level of service provided by the retailer. Furthermore, the study indicates that the system is more likely to enter chaos if the retailer's risk preference is higher. Additionally, consumers' service sensitivity and cost coefficient affect the stability of the system.
The study provides a different perspective on supply chain management considering risk attitudes and free-ride The findings of the study can offer theoretical and practical guidance for enterprises to choose adjustment measures according to their risk preference.
Yacine Hammami and Sabrine Kharrat
The purpose of the paper is to show that order flows determine exchange rate dynamics because they carry information about nonfundamental factors besides macroeconomic…
The purpose of the paper is to show that order flows determine exchange rate dynamics because they carry information about nonfundamental factors besides macroeconomic fundamentals.
To understand the role of nonfundamental factors in driving order flows, this study uses two approaches. Initially, Evans and Rime (2016) VAR framework is followed to study the incremental information transmitted by order flow compared to macroeconomic variables. Then, the study uses the settings in which Rime et al. (2010) conduct their empirical work, which gives the researcher more latitude in specifying the identity of the factors that drive order flows.
The findings evidence that order flows explain the dynamics of the TND/USD exchange rate. The results highlight that order flows convey information about technical strategies, the currency systematic factors and political risk. This study also documents the presence of a Ramadan effect in exchange rates and order flows.
This study makes four contributions to the literature. First, it complements the literature on the FX microstructure of emerging markets. The study investigates the information content carried by order flows, while the previous literature has focused solely on examining the explanatory power of order flows to explain exchange rates in emerging countries. The second contribution is that the study demonstrates formally that order flows determine exchange rates because they transmit information about nonfundamental factors. Third, this study is the first to examine whether order flows convey information about technical analysis. Four, the study relates order flow to nontraditional factors that are relevant to the Tunisian FX market.
Mahesh P. Wankhade and KC Jondhale
In the past few decades, the wireless sensor network (WSN) has become the more vital one with the involvement of the conventional WSNs and wireless multimedia sensor networks…
In the past few decades, the wireless sensor network (WSN) has become the more vital one with the involvement of the conventional WSNs and wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs). The network that is composed of low-power, small-size, low-cost sensors is said to be WSN. Here, the communication information is handled using the multiple hop and offers only a simple sensing data, such as humidity, temperature and so on, whereas WMSNs are referred as the distributed sensing networks that are composed of video cameras, which contain the sector sense area. These WMSNs can send, receive and process the video information data, which is more intensive and complicated by wrapping with wireless transceiver. The WSNs and the WMSNs are varied in terms of their characteristic of turnablity and directivity.
The main intention of this paper is to maximize the lifetime of network with reduced energy consumption by using an advanced optimization algorithm. The optimal transmission radius is achieved by optimizing the system parameter to transmit the sensor information to the consequent sensor nodes, which are contained within the range. For this optimal selection, this paper proposes a new modified lion algorithm (LA), the so-called cub pool-linked lion algorithm (CLA). The next contribution is on the optimal selection of cluster head (CH) by the proposed algorithm. Finally, the performance of proposed model is validated and compared over the other traditional methods in terms of network energy, convergence rate and alive nodes.
The proposed model's cost function relies in the range of 74–78. From the result, it is clear that at sixth iteration, the proposed model’s performance attains less cost function, that is, 11.14, 9.78, 7.26, 4.49 and 4.13% better than Genetic Algorithm (GA), Dragonfly Algorithm (DA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) and Firefly (FF), correspondingly. The performance of the proposed model at eighth iteration is 14.15, 7.96, 4.36, 7.73, 7.38 and 3.39% superior to GA, DA, PSO, GSO, FF and LA, correspondingly with less convergence rate.
This paper presents a new optimization technique for increasing the network lifetime with reduced energy consumption. This is the first work that utilizes CLA for optimization problems.
Mariusz Żokowski, Krzysztof Falkowski, Paulina Kurnyta-Mazurek and Maciej Henzel
The paper presents the results of work on control systems of bearingless electric motors. Authors proposed the applications of bearingless electric machines for aircraft actuation…
The paper presents the results of work on control systems of bearingless electric motors. Authors proposed the applications of bearingless electric machines for aircraft actuation system. Suggested solution characterizes novel concept of on-board equipment design such as More Electric Aircraft. Magnetic suspension technology allows elimination of friction force and the negative performance features of classic bearing system. However, to achieve all these purposes appropriately, dedicated control system must be also applied.
The development of a control system of bearingless electric machine is presented in detail. Mathematical model and construction of induction bearingless motor are widely discussed. Then, proportional–integral-derivative controller algorithm designing for BEM control system was presented using the well pole placement method. Simulation model of BEM control system with use of Matlab-Simulink software was shown. Finally, experimental studies on laboratory stand were introduced. The paper presents design methodology of conventional and advanced control system of bearingless motor.
The presented concept of the bearingless electric machines could be applied in the on-board actuation system. During research, full control system of bearingless electric motor was designed and tested. This system consisted of two subsystems. The first responded for rotary speed stabilization and second one was designed for position control of the rotor in the air gap.
Practical implications
The presented concept of the bearingless electric machines could be applied in the on-board actuation system. During research, full control system of bearingless electric motor was designed and tested. This system consisted of two subsystems. The first responded for rotary speed stabilization and second one was designed for position control of the rotor in the air gap.
The idea of active magnetic suspension system will be implemented for aviation on technology readiness level V. The paper presents unique laboratory stand with bearingless electric motor and experimental studies. The stable time responses of designed control system were presented and discussed. In addition, preliminary considerations of advanced control system with robust controller were introduced as well.