Klaus j. Zink and Rolf Schildknect
For many years the technical quality of German products has given them a competitive edge in international markets. However, as more and more companies adopt Total Quality…
For many years the technical quality of German products has given them a competitive edge in international markets. However, as more and more companies adopt Total Quality strategies the ‘Made in West Germany’ label has decreased in stature. A recent survey highlights the growing importance of TQM to German companies.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development of total quality management (TQM) from the very beginning to the present and to give a proposal for a redefinition for the…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development of total quality management (TQM) from the very beginning to the present and to give a proposal for a redefinition for the future.
To reach this purpose, experiences and problems from the past are described and corporate sustainability as a new frame discussed.
Many attempts to imitate the “Japanese Way” in Western companies failed, because they were only using some instruments (often focused on product quality) and not understanding the necessity of a fundamental change of culture. Globalization and international competition lead to the introduction of National Quality Awards and their use by a growing number of companies. But the term of “quality” was not promoting these concepts, therefore all international award models do not use the term quality any longer. And as TQM has also been driven by consultants, many companies gave up this approach. As the contents of TQM are still a necessity for any organization, one has to look for a new headline representing identical contents. Using, e.g. the early ISO definition of TQM one can see that sustainable success has been related to a stakeholder approach. Therefore, corporate sustainability based on a stakeholder approach would be a future‐oriented concept to replace the name of TQM – but not the content.
This paper shows a new – or until now not extensively discussed – perspective for the understanding of TQM.
Klaus J. Zink and Wolfgang Voss
Regarding preventive quality management, Germany was lagging behind for many years. Managers relied on the famous mark “Made in Germany” for too long. They did not realize that…
Regarding preventive quality management, Germany was lagging behind for many years. Managers relied on the famous mark “Made in Germany” for too long. They did not realize that international competition had tightened. However, times have changed. Starting with the boom in ISO certifications, Germany is getting back on track again. Today, total quality management and business excellence concepts are gaining ground. Positive trends regarding both applications for Germany’s Ludwig‐Erhard‐Preis and the use of self‐assessment show that the quality movement has got a new impetus.
In this world of complexity, disruption, multi-layered crises and insecurity, people seek orientation, stability and meaning. This desire exists in everyday life, in working…
In this world of complexity, disruption, multi-layered crises and insecurity, people seek orientation, stability and meaning. This desire exists in everyday life, in working environments and even more in vacation time. Therefore, the way we see the world and how we interact with each other and with nature should also be reflected by tourist destinations. ‘Destination Conscience’ seems to be a promising conception that offers the desired contemporary design of destination realities and travel experiences. Accordingly, destinations and their products should be characterised by authenticity, meaning, sensitivity and humaneness on all levels. In this chapter, the concept of ‘integral ecology’ as a holistic worldview and new paradigm is presented. Integral ecology can be a source of perception and wisdom that enriches the ‘conscience’ of a destination and all its actors. Hence, this chapter addresses the question of how integral ecology can contribute to Destination Conscience. The essay uses the methods of literature review, application, transfer and case study.
Firstly, the concept of integral ecology will be presented. In the second part, this worldview will be applied to destinations. The enrichment of Destination Conscience by the principles of integral ecology can manifest in the destination's self-image and in the interaction in business relations and business actions. It can find expression in the operational management, organisation and development of a destination and in the design of the touristic services and products. In the third part, the case study of a Catholic monastery in the Altmühltal will be presented for further illustration.
Vasiliki Bozani, Nick Drydakis, Katerina Sidiropoulou, Benjamin Harvey and Anna Paraskevopoulou
The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical patterns regarding trans people’s self-esteem-oriented evaluations during observations of positive workplace actions. The case of…
The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical patterns regarding trans people’s self-esteem-oriented evaluations during observations of positive workplace actions. The case of a 2015 UK workplace guide is utilized to fulfil the aims. The guide provides suggestions to employers for recruiting and retaining trans people.
A new questionnaire is created which forms a 20-item scale capturing a variety of self-evaluations. Trans people provided their responses in a 2018–2019 survey and the study’s patterns were captured.
The outcomes suggest that trans people’s self-esteem and self-respect are enhanced by policy makers’ positive actions to promote inclusivity in the workplace. In addition, due to these actions trans people feel more accepted, valued and trusted by the government. The authors suggest that a lack of positive workplace actions may be detrimental to trans people’s self-esteem. However, if a workplace policy is perceived to be a recognition of trans people’s worth this may be internalized, resulting in positive self-evaluations. The authors suggest that the 2015 workplace guide aims to ensure that trans people’s self-expressions are not constrained in ways that could cause them self-esteem difficulties.
Practical implications
The study also finds that firms which have implemented the workplace guide have informed human resources strategies, affected corporate profiles and staff organizational behaviours, created a more inclusive workplace culture, and addressed LGBT business and trans staff members’ needs. The authors suggest that when employers utilize policy makers’ positive workplace policies they may be able to realize positive organizational outcomes in their firms.
Social implications
The World Health Organization perceives self-esteem as a public matter and this study suggests that inclusive workplace strategies can positively affect the psychological states of a highly marginalized population group.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first attempt to quantify how a workplace guide impacts on self-esteem-oriented evaluations among trans people. Each one of the 20 items in the scale brings new insights into the subject matter.
C. B. Mohan, K. Venkatesh, C. Divakar, K. Gopalakrishna, L. Murali and K. G. Lakshminarayana Bhatta
The paper aims to address the formulation of zirconium and oxalicum additive-based lubricants for use in slide ways to meet the demands of high positioning exactness based on…
The paper aims to address the formulation of zirconium and oxalicum additive-based lubricants for use in slide ways to meet the demands of high positioning exactness based on reduction in stick–slip and coefficient of friction over a wide speed range and compares the same with commercially available lubricant.
An investigation into the frictional properties and stick-slip behavior of lubricating oil is carried out using linear reciprocating tribometer and correlated with ultraviolet spectroscopic analysis.
It is observed that these transition metal additive compounds support in increasing the flexibility of the molecular chains leading to improved lubricity.
The lubricant additives considered for the current study are based on transition metals zirconium and oxalicum. It is observed that these additive compounds support in increasing the flexibility of the molecular chains, leading to improved lubricity.