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Publication date: 1 December 2001

Bjorn Weichbrodt and Kerstin Delgado




Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 28 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Content available
Publication date: 1 February 2001




Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 28 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X

Content available
Publication date: 1 April 2001




Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 28 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X

Content available
Publication date: 1 April 2002




Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 29 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Content available



Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 28 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Collegiality is the modus operandi of universities. Collegiality is central to academic freedom and scientific quality. In this way, collegiality also contributes to the good functioning of universities’ contribution to society and democracy. In this concluding paper of the special issue on collegiality, we summarize the main findings and takeaways from our collective studies. We summarize the main challenges and contestations to collegiality and to universities, but also document lines of resistance, activation, and maintenance. We depict varieties of collegiality and conclude by emphasizing that future research needs to be based on an appreciation of this variation. We argue that it is essential to incorporate such a variation-sensitive perspective into discussions on academic freedom and scientific quality and highlight themes surfaced by the different studies that remain under-explored in extant literature: institutional trust, field-level studies of collegiality, and collegiality and communication. Finally, we offer some remarks on methodological and theoretical implications of this research and conclude by summarizing our research agenda in a list of themes.

Open Access
Publication date: 13 May 2022

Karin Nilsson, Bodil J. Landstad, Kerstin Ekberg, Anna Nyberg, Malin Sjöström and Emma Hagqvist

This aim of this study was to explore how hospital-based physicians in Sweden experienced the challenges in working conditions related to the provision of care during the initial…




This aim of this study was to explore how hospital-based physicians in Sweden experienced the challenges in working conditions related to the provision of care during the initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when hospitals transitioned to pandemic care.


The study has a qualitative design. Twenty-five hospital-based physicians were interviewed about their experiences from working in a hospital while healthcare organisations initially responded to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the empirical material.


The analysis resulted in four themes: involuntary self-management, a self-restrictive bureaucracy, passive occupational safety and health (OSH) management, and information overload. These themes reflect how the physicians perceived their work situation during the pandemic and how they tried to maintain quality care for their patients.

Practical implications

The study gives valuable insights for formulating preparedness in regard to crisis management plans that can secure the provision of care for future emergencies in the healthcare services.


This paper shows that a crisis management plans in the healthcare services should include decision structures and management, measures of risk assessment and OSH management, and the maintenance of personnel wellbeing. A prepared healthcare management can preserve quality care delivery while under crisis.


International Journal of Health Governance, vol. 27 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2059-4631


Publication date: 20 February 2024

Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano, Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman and Renato Peñaflor Guerra

This study aims to understand the leadership characteristics of founders of social and environmental enterprises in Latin America who have achieved business success with a focus…



This study aims to understand the leadership characteristics of founders of social and environmental enterprises in Latin America who have achieved business success with a focus on sustainability despite difficult social, economic, political and even health contexts in which they live.


This nonexperimental research is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. Twenty-one in-depth interviews were conducted with social/environmental entrepreneurs of the Kunan Network (an organization that groups the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Peru).


The study analyzes the leadership profile and characteristics of entrepreneurs who have created profitable businesses with a social/environmental focus that solve relevant social problems and contribute to improving people’s quality of life and caring for the environment.

Research limitations/implications

Although only 21 business leaders with outstanding participation and positive social and environmental impact were included in this study, they were supported and recognized by the Kunan Network.


The study contributed to the conceptualization and understanding of the profile of leaders of social and environmental enterprises, whose main challenges are to solve social or environmental problems of society and contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the environment. Knowing the profile of these entrepreneurs generates value to the knowledge of the subject and contributes to understand and propose strategies to improve the ecosystem of social-environmental entrepreneurship in emerging countries such as Peru. This will contribute to the creation of relationships and alliances with various social actors: public, private, third sector, academia, among others, for the management and promotion of sustainable business.


El estudio busca conocer las características de liderazgo de los fundadores de empresas sociales y ambientales en América Latina que lograron el éxito de sus negocios desde un enfoque de sostenibilidad a pesar del difícil contexto social, económico, político e incluso sanitario en el cual viven.


En la investigación no experimental de tipo estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, se realizaron 21 entrevistas en profundidad a emprendedores socio/ambientales de la Red Kunan (organización que agrupa el ecosistema emprendedor en el Perú).


El estudio analiza el perfil de liderazgo y las características que tienen los emprendedores que crearon negocios rentables con enfoque social/ambiental que resuelven problemas sociales relevantes y contribuyen al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas y al cuidado del ambiente.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

El estudio incluyó solo a 21 líderes emprendedores con destacada participación y impacto social y ambiental positivo, sin embargo es importante el reconocimiento y respaldo que estos tienen de parte de la Red Kunan.


El estudio contribuyó a la conceptualización y comprensión del perfil de los líderes de empresas sociales y ambientales cuyos principales desafíos son resolver problemas sociales y/o ambientales de la sociedad y contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas y del medio ambiente. Conocer el perfil de estos emprendedores creemos que genera valor al conocimiento del tema y contribuye a entender y proponer estrategias para mejorar el ecosistema del emprendimiento social/ambiental en países emergentes como el peruano; lo cual contribuye a generar relaciones y alianzas con diversos actores sociales: públicos, privados, tercer sector, academia, entre otros para la gestión y promoción de negocios sostenibles.


O estudo procura conhecer as características da liderança dos fundadores das empresas sociais e ambientais na América Latina que alcançaram o sucesso desde uma abordagem sustentável apesar do contexto social, econômico, político e sanitário difícil no qual vivem.


Na pesquisa não experimental de tipo de estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, se realizaram 21 entrevistas detalhadas a empreendedores socio/ambientais da Kunan Rede (organização que agrupa o ecossistema empreendedor no Peru).


O estudo analisa o perfil de liderança e as características dos empreendedores que criaram negócios rentáveis com uma abordagem socioambiental que resolvem problemas sociais relevantes e contribuem ao melhoramento da qualidade de vida das pessoas e ao cuidado do meio ambiente.

Limitações/implicações da pesquisa

O estudo só incluiu 21 líderes empreendedores com destacada participação e um impacto socioambiental positivo. Não obstante, é importante mencionar que aqueles líderes têm o reconhecimento e apoio da Kunan Rede.


O estudo contribui para a conceptualização e compreensão do perfil dos líderes de empresas sociais e ambientais e cujos desafios principais são resolver problemas sociais e/ou ambientais da sociedade e ajudar ao melhoramento da qualidade de vida das pessoas e do meio ambiente. Conhecer o perfil desses empreendedores pode gerar valor ao conhecimento do tema e ajudar ao seu entendimento e propor estratégias para aprimorar o ecossistema do empreendedorismo socioambiental em países emergentes como Peru, assim pode contribuir ao relacionamento e parcerias com diversos atores sociais do setor público, privado, terceiro setor, academias, entre outros, para a gestão e promoção de negócios sustentáveis.

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