Cecilia Isabel Calderón-Valencia, Judith Cavazos-Arroyo and Alfonso López Lira-Arjona
Kevin Downing, Flora Ning and Kristina Shin
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of problem‐based learning (PBL) in higher education based on a large sample of first‐year undergraduates from two…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of problem‐based learning (PBL) in higher education based on a large sample of first‐year undergraduates from two programmes at a Hong Kong University (n=132). One programme uses an entirely problem‐based approach to learning, whilst the other uses traditional methods.
Using the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) as a measure of metacognition, differences in metacognitive development are explored between each group of students between the beginning and end of their first 15 months in each programme.
Despite significantly weaker entry scores on the LASSI, the mean final scores, taken after 15 months and three semesters of study in the different curriculum environments demonstrate dramatic improvements in metacognition for the PBL group. In addition, analysis of student learning experience measured at the end of the programme revealed that the PBL group reported significantly higher scores in their overall course satisfaction and generic skills development.
Practical implications
The paper argues that, in addition to the formal learning context, everyday challenges emerging from the additional new social contexts provided by problem‐based curricula provide fertile environments for the development of metacognition and enhancement of the learning experience. The implications of PBL environments on fostering constructivist learning and enhancing student experience are discussed.
This research is original in its use of the LASSI inventory as a pre‐ and post‐measure of metacognitive development in undergraduates. This is an online questionnaire administered to two groups of students following similar programmes except one is problem based and the other more traditional, and the results are strikingly significant.
Nuno Da Camara, Victor Dulewicz and Malcolm Higgs
Although the proliferation of research in emotional intelligence (EI) in the last 25 years has largely focused on the individual level, some researchers have proposed theories and…
Although the proliferation of research in emotional intelligence (EI) in the last 25 years has largely focused on the individual level, some researchers have proposed theories and measurement models for EI at the organizational level. Drawing from earlier work which conceptualizes organizational emotional intelligence (OEI) as a climate-level construct involving shared norms and practices this chapter sets out to investigate the relationship between perceptions of organizational emotional intelligence (OEI) and turnover intentions amongst employees. Since turnover intentions are a reliable indicator of actual turnover they are deemed to be a critical indicator for organizational performance. This chapter also builds on previous research which found that the relationship between OEI as a climate-level construct and intention to leave was mediated by organizational emotional appeal (i.e., overall reputation) and trust in senior management to explore the mediating role of other employee attitudes which have been traditionally linked to climate and individual-level outcomes in organizations, namely job satisfaction and affective commitment. By surveying employees in a UK-based charity organization (n = 173), the study finds that both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediate the impact of OEI on intention to leave and explain a moderate amount of variance in the focal construct. However, the majority of the mediation occurs through job satisfaction with a reduced mediation effect for affective commitment. Potential reasons for these results in the charity context are discussed. The chapter contributes to a wider understanding of the way in which perceptions of OEI impact on employee attitudes toward the organization and the job; and, in turn, how these attitudes impact on turnover intentions.
John T. E. Richardson and Adrian Kirkwood
Questionnaires have been devised to investigate informal learning in the workplace based on an analogy with approaches to studying in higher education. This chapter focuses…
Questionnaires have been devised to investigate informal learning in the workplace based on an analogy with approaches to studying in higher education. This chapter focuses attention on issues of theory by critically evaluating different models of the relationship between employees’ approaches to workplace learning and their perceptions of the workplace context. In addition, this chapter focuses attention on issues of method by critically evaluating two particular instruments that have been devised in order to measure employees’ approaches to workplace learning and their perceptions of the workplace context. We use data from an online survey in which the Approaches to Work Questionnaire and the Workplace Climate Questionnaire were administered to employees who were taking courses by distance learning with the UK Open University. Factor analyses confirmed that both questionnaires measured three distinct scales. Canonical correlation analysis showed that the employees’ scores on the two instruments shared 43% of their variance. Path analysis found evidence that variations in approaches to learning lead to variations in perceptions of the workplace climate but not for the converse relationship.
Adrian Heng Tsai Tan, Birgit Muskat and Anita Zehrer
The purpose of this paper is to identify and synthesize major streams of research on quality of student experience in higher education, to present an agenda for future research.
The purpose of this paper is to identify and synthesize major streams of research on quality of student experience in higher education, to present an agenda for future research.
The paper presents a systematic review of research published in high-quality journals during the period 2000 to 2014 in the areas of quality of student experience and higher education.
Findings highlight current research trends on the quality of student experience in higher education. Results show five prevailing research streams: exploration of learning experience; exploration of student experience; gender differences in assessment of higher education experience; improvement in quality of student experience; and student satisfaction with higher education experience.
Research Limitations/implications
The identification of the five research streams provides the basis for a synthesis of key issues identified within each research stream. In addition, the identification of purposes and limitations in existing research supports attempts to address issues of the quality of student experiences in higher education.
Practical Implications
Literature currently portrays the quality of student experience as a student-centric idea. Together with the purposes and limitations identified in existing research, the paper proposes an agenda for future research that increases the variety of research streams to provide a deeper understanding of the student experience and to enhance the delivery of quality in higher education.
The findings contribute to the research scene by providing important insights in terms of the current trends and focus of existing research in the area of quality of student experiences in higher education.
Theodore T. Y. Chen, Qiang Zhou, Hui Fang and Yanling Wang
The Braun and Simpson’s (2004) study indicates that the Pause method is an effective teaching approach for auditing based on four sets of hypotheses in developing students’ oral…
The Braun and Simpson’s (2004) study indicates that the Pause method is an effective teaching approach for auditing based on four sets of hypotheses in developing students’ oral, written and interpersonal communication skills. In addition, it is more beneficial to the learning process and more enjoyable than the lecture-only method. The extent of achieving both of these is dependent on the type of activity that is consistent with the student’s preferred Pause method activity. Students will achieve higher examination scores when following their preferred Pause activity. Our study replicates the Braun and Simpson’s study in Greater China using one university in Hong Kong and one in mainland China as students in these jurisdictions are more passive learners and their value of learning more extrinsic than intrinsic. The results are similar to the Braun and Simpson’s study, thus enhancing the universality of the “Pause” method.
Under the constraints of given passenger service level and coupling travel demand with train departure time, this study optimizes the train operational plan in an urban rail corridor to minimize the numbers of train trips and rolling stocks considering the time-varying demand of urban rail passenger flow.
The authors optimize the train operational plan in a special network layout, i.e. an urban rail corridor with dead-end terminal yard, by decomposing it into two sub-problems: train timetable optimization and rolling stock circulation optimization. As for train timetable optimization, the authors propose a schedule-based passenger flow assignment method, construct the corresponding timetabling optimization model and design the bi-directional coordinated sequential optimization algorithm. For the optimization of rolling stock circulation, the authors construct the corresponding optimization assignment model and adopt the Hungary algorithm for solving the model.
The case study shows that the train operational plan developed by the study's approach meets requirements on the passenger service quality and reduces the operational cost to the maximum by minimizing the numbers of train trips and rolling stocks.
The example verifies the efficiency of the model and algorithm.
Fayaz Kharadi, Karthikeyan A, Virendra Bhojwani, Prachi Dixit, Nand Jee Kanu and Nidhi Jain
The purpose of this study is to achieve lower and lower temperature as infrared sensors works faster and better used for space application. For getting good quality images from…
The purpose of this study is to achieve lower and lower temperature as infrared sensors works faster and better used for space application. For getting good quality images from space, the infrared sensors are need to keep in cryogenic temperature. Cooling to cryogenic temperatures is necessary for space-borne sensors used for space applications. Infrared sensors work faster or better at lower temperatures. It is the need for time to achieve lower and lower temperatures.
This study presents the investigation of the critical Stirling cryocooler parameters that influence the cold end temperature. In the paper, the design approach, the dimensions gained through thermal analysis, experimental procedure and testing results are discussed.
The effect of parameters such as multilayer insulation, helium gas charging pressure, compressor input voltage and cooling load was investigated. The performance of gold-plated and aluminized multilayer insulation is checked. The tests were done with multilayer insulation covering inside and outside the Perspex cover.
Practical implications
By using aluminized multilayer insulation inside and outside the Perspex cover, the improvement of 16 K in cool-down temperature was achieved. The cryocooler is charged with helium gas. The pressure varies between 14 and 18 bar. The optimum cooling is obtained for 17 bar gas pressure. The piston stroke increased as the compressor voltage increased, resulting in total helium gas compression. The optimum cool-down temperature was attained at 85 V.
The cryocooler is designed to achieve the cool-down temperature of 2 W cooling load at 100 K. The lowest cool-down temperature recorded was 105 K at a 2 W cooling load. Multilayer insulation is the major item that keeps the thermal radiation from the sun from reaching the copper tip.
Successful sensorless collision detection by a robot depends on the accuracy with which the external force/torque can be estimated. Compared with collaborative robots, industrial…
Successful sensorless collision detection by a robot depends on the accuracy with which the external force/torque can be estimated. Compared with collaborative robots, industrial robots often have larger parameter values of their dynamic models and larger errors in parameter identification. In addition, the friction inside a reducer affects the accuracy of external force estimation. The purpose of this paper is to propose a collision detection method for industrial robots. The proposed method does not require additional equipment, such as sensors, and enables highly sensitive collision detection while guaranteeing a zero false alarm rate.
The error on the calculated torque for a robot in stable motion is analyzed, and a typical torque error curve is presented. The variational characteristics of the joint torque error during a collision are analyzed, and collisions are classified into two types: hard and soft. A pair of envelope-like lines with an effect similar to that of the true envelope lines is designed. By using these envelope-like lines, some components of the torque calculation error can be eliminated, and the sensitivity of collision detection can be improved.
The proposed collision detection method based on envelope-like lines can detect hard and soft collisions during the motion of industrial robots. In repeated experiments without collisions, the false alarm rate was 0 per cent, and in repeated experiments with collisions, the rate of successful detection was 100 per cent. Compared with collision detection method based on symmetric thresholds, the proposed method has a smaller detection delay and the same detection sensitivity for different joint rotation directions.
A collision detection method for industrial robots based on envelope-like lines is proposed in this paper. The proposed method does not require additional equipment or complex algorithms, and highly sensitive collision detection can be achieved with zero false alarms. The proposed method is low in cost and highly practical and can be widely used in applications involving industrial robots.