TO MARK what in their new celebration brochure is colourfully and correctly described as ‘a century of progress’, Millers Oils promoted a series of open day hospitality events…
TO MARK what in their new celebration brochure is colourfully and correctly described as ‘a century of progress’, Millers Oils promoted a series of open day hospitality events over the period 20–22 May, with twice‐daily sessions at the Brighouse, West Yorkshire plant.
The Presidential Address to the Liverpool Engineering Society by Mr. Farthing (the salient points of which are reproduced in this issue) has particular bearing upon lubrication…
The Presidential Address to the Liverpool Engineering Society by Mr. Farthing (the salient points of which are reproduced in this issue) has particular bearing upon lubrication and especially on young lubrication engineers. Mr. Farthing stressed the very wide field open to young engineers and the difficulties associated with training in order to cover as wide a field as may be necessary. It is usually so important to gain a wide knowledge before one can specialise and this is certainly the case with lubrication engineers. One cannot begin to fully appreciate the intricacies of a lubrication system with all its accessory components lubricating and guarding, for example, a large motive power plant or rolling mill, until one has more than a mere working knowledge of the plant itself, the duties it must perform, how it performs them and the snags that arise which might be overcome by correct lubrication. In view of the fact that lubrication systems are just as important in a textile mill as in a power station or a large brick works, the almost impossible‐to‐achieve‐range of knowledge that would simplify the work of a lubrication engineer is very obvious. Fortunately, lubricating principles apply to most cases and knowing how to apply one's knowledge from basic principles is the key to success in this difficult profession.
Iran’s influence on a number of cultural, political, and economic areas including religion and philosophy, literature, science and education, as well as statecraft is surveyed…
Iran’s influence on a number of cultural, political, and economic areas including religion and philosophy, literature, science and education, as well as statecraft is surveyed. The chapter also discusses how successive Iranian empires contributed to the growth of world trade and commerce. It is shown that Iran has had a great impact on the world throughout its long history and that its prominent role in contributing to the human heritage stands in sharp contrast to its isolation today, which is construed as a historical anomaly.
The MOST RECENT INSTALLATION FOR the filling of oil drums and barrels is that put into operation at the works of John W. Miller & Son, Ltd., Hillside Oil Works, Brighouse, Yorks.…
The MOST RECENT INSTALLATION FOR the filling of oil drums and barrels is that put into operation at the works of John W. Miller & Son, Ltd., Hillside Oil Works, Brighouse, Yorks., and we recently inspected this. It is a result of the combined ingenuity of Mr. Miller and Avery‐Hardoll Ltd., Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey. Some eighteen months ago, Mr. Miller decided that it was possible to speed up the production of filled packages to meet their increasing demand and, in view of the acute labour problems, it was necessary to design an automatic system that would reduce staff and yet ensure reliable and accurate filling. As a result the filling department was completely reorganised.
John Brightman, J.H. Arkell and H. Briggs
July 25, 1972 Industrial relations — Unfair dismissal — Trade union — Unregistered trade union — Meeting called by employee regarding union membership — Dismissal of employee �…
July 25, 1972 Industrial relations — Unfair dismissal — Trade union — Unregistered trade union — Meeting called by employee regarding union membership — Dismissal of employee — Whether employee's right to take part in union activities applicable to un‐registered union — Industrial Relations Act, 1971 (c.72), s.5(l) (c).
The purpose of this work is to make a distinction between supportive and operative information systems. The overall aim is to find and argue for a methodology approach which is…
The purpose of this work is to make a distinction between supportive and operative information systems. The overall aim is to find and argue for a methodology approach which is relevant for designing supportive information systems.
The focus of this work is on the fundamental philosophical conditions for a methodology that can be used for designing supportive information systems. The analyses are founded on works by James G. Miller, John P. van Gigch and C. West Churchman, which means that living systems theory, the metamodeling approach, according to van Gigch, and Churchman's inquiring systems have been used to highlight epistemological considerations that this sketch of a methodology is based on.
Two kinds of information systems have been stressed: operative and supportive information systems. The differences between them are described and their distinction has been accomplished by using, i.e. Miller's theory. The methodology approach bears a strong resemblance to that of system design, according to van Gigch, and that of interactive planning, according to Russell L. Ackoff. The following phases of a sketch of a methodology for designing supportive information systems have been identified: identification phase, specification phase, design phase, and implementation phase.
The different conditions for designing operative and supportive information systems are described. An epistemological contribution related to the basis for a methodology is given. The value of the paper is that it emphasises that the selection and development of a methodology is not a trivial matter.
Alan N. Miller and John P. Kohl
More than a decade after the first officially reported case in the United States, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) now poses a major challenge for American…
More than a decade after the first officially reported case in the United States, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) now poses a major challenge for American organisations. Despite the plethora of coverage by the news media and an emerging literature in academic and practitioner journals, managers and business educators still lack clear and accurate information about the disease, the legal rights of its victims, and how organisations should deal with employees who have AIDS or who are infected with the HIV (AIDS causing) virus, but who remain asymptomatic.