Joanne McNally and Caroline Humphreys
This article sets out to describe the approach that Caer Las has adopted to evaluating its delivery of services to vulnerable people. It attempts to capture the work undertaken to…
This article sets out to describe the approach that Caer Las has adopted to evaluating its delivery of services to vulnerable people. It attempts to capture the work undertaken to develop a service evaluation system that is congruent with the organisation's core values. It highlights the challenges and dilemmas that emerge when a route is taken which doesn't always sit comfortably with a burdensome, prescriptive regulatory framework.
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the RSR review column, “Recent Reference Books,” by Frances Neel Cheney. “Reference Books in Print” includes all additional books received prior to the inclusion deadline established for this issue. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published, for immediate listing in “Reference Books in Print.” Reference books with imprints older than two years will not be included (with the exception of current reprints or older books newly acquired for distribution by another publisher). The column shall also occasionally include library science or other library related publications of other than a reference character.
Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these…
Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these shortages are very real and quite severe.
David B. Szabla, Elizabeth Shaffer, Ashlie Mouw and Addelyne Turks
Despite the breadth of knowledge on self and identity formation across the study of organizations, the field of organizational development and change has limited research on the…
Despite the breadth of knowledge on self and identity formation across the study of organizations, the field of organizational development and change has limited research on the construction of professional identity. Much has been written to describe the “self-concepts” of those practicing and researching in the field, but there have been no investigations that have explored how these “self-concepts” form. In addition, although women have contributed to defining the “self” in the field, men have held the dominant perspective on the subject. Thus, in this chapter, we address a disparity in the research by exploring the construction of professional identity in the field of organizational development and change, and we give voice to the renowned women who helped to build the field. Using the profiles of 17 American women included in The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, we perform a narrative analysis based upon the concepts and models prevalent in the literature on identity formation. By disentangling professional identity formation of the notable women in the field, we can begin to see the nuance and particularities involved in its construction and gain deeper understandings about effective ways to prepare individuals to work in and advance the field.
The following annotated list of materials on providing library orientation to users and instructing them in library and information skills is the tenth annual review of this…
The following annotated list of materials on providing library orientation to users and instructing them in library and information skills is the tenth annual review of this literature and covers publications from 1983. A few items have not been annotated because the compiler was unable to secure a copy of these items.
Joanne Zaida Taylor and Luke Budworth
The purpose of this paper is to examine trends in safety and quality culture, using quantitative data gathered from food companies who have taken the Culture Excellence…
The purpose of this paper is to examine trends in safety and quality culture, using quantitative data gathered from food companies who have taken the Culture Excellence assessment. It is the fourth paper in a theme issue of Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, discussing the importance of measuring food safety and quality culture.
The quantitative elements of the Culture Excellence assessment were analysed, exploring the differences between different dimensions of culture and the potential variation between managers, supervisors and operators.
Managers were found to generate higher scores for the culture of their company than operators, and to have particularly higher scores in certain dimensions of culture (e.g. Empowerment). Operators however reported receiving food safety training more frequently. Operators were also more likely to have a positive result on practical elements of the assessment (e.g. targets) than psychological ones (e.g. reward). All of the above findings were statistically significant at p < 001 with small to medium effect sizes.
This paper introduces quantitative data on food safety culture from the food industry with quantitative analysis to highlight issues and trends. It will be of value to food safety and quality practitioners, trainers, auditors and other stakeholders involved in the food industry.
Joanne Zaida Taylor and Katherine Isabelle Rostron
The purpose of this paper is to describe the 16-year research and development journey of the Culture Excellence assessment tool, which is used widely to assess safety and quality…
The purpose of this paper is to describe the 16-year research and development journey of the Culture Excellence assessment tool, which is used widely to assess safety and quality culture in the food industry. It is the third article in a theme issue of Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, discussing the importance of measuring food safety and quality culture.
An iterative process of in-depth interviews and mixed-method case studies led to the development of a conceptual model and an online assessment tool, which are used to gain insight into safety and quality culture.
The research process resulted in a conceptual model of four categories and 20 dimensions of safety and quality culture, alongside a practical online assessment tool to enable their measurement; these categories and dimensions are demonstrated using qualitative quotations.
This paper introduces qualitative data on safety and quality culture direct from the food industry with academic analysis to highlight new dimensions and issues. It will be of value to food safety and quality practitioners, trainers, auditors and other stakeholders involved in the food industry.
Laura A. Wankel and Charles Wankel
Universities are increasing hubs of digital activity; much commendable, some reprehensible. It is dismaying that in some learners' minds the divide between them is murky rather…
Universities are increasing hubs of digital activity; much commendable, some reprehensible. It is dismaying that in some learners' minds the divide between them is murky rather than clear. Today's students are largely digital natives born into computing and its venues. In many colleges, during orientation the preponderance of incoming students use their new college e-mail accounts to enable in Facebook, etc., easy online communication with others in the institution. Unlike past decades when a student might be handed flyers or read postings on poles and walls, today's students are in a maelstrom of social media, and other new technologies that students are socially pressed to use. In her book Ruling the Waves, Debora Spar suggested that cyberspace is like a frontier town, a place where there are “not a lot of rules or marshals in town” (Spar, 2001). People online often feel relatively unconstrained, creative, and innovative. At the same time, chaos, disorder, nefariousness, and just plain “bad behavior” are rife. New technologies foster the sense of a new normality. Yet just because it is now possible to act in new ways through new technologies does not make those ways acceptable.
Stephen Case, Charlie E. Sutton, Joanne Greenhalgh, Mark Monaghan and Judy Wright
This study aims to examine the extent to which “What Works” reviews in youth justice enable understanding of the features of effectiveness (what works, for whom, in what…
This study aims to examine the extent to which “What Works” reviews in youth justice enable understanding of the features of effectiveness (what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why?) specified in the Effects–Mechanisms–Moderators–Implementation–Economic cost (EMMIE) framework.
The EMMIE framework examined findings within a sample of “What Works” style reviews of preventative youth justice intervention effectiveness.
“What Works” style reviews of evaluations of preventative youth justice interventions often omit the requisite details required to examine all of the necessary elements of effectiveness contained within the EMMIE framework. While effectiveness measures were typically provided, the dominant evaluation evidence-base struggles to consider moderators of effect, mechanisms of change, implementation differences and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, “What Works” samples cannot facilitate sufficient understanding of “what works for whom, in what circumstances and why?”. The authors argue that Realist Synthesis can fill this gap and shed light on the contexts that shape the mechanisms through which youth justice interventions work.
The authors extended the approach adopted by an earlier review of effectiveness reviews (Tompson et al., 2020), considering more recent reviews of the effectiveness of preventative interventions using the EMMIE framework. Unlike previous reviews, the authors prioritised the utility of the EMMIE framework for assessing the factors affecting the effectiveness of preventative interventions in youth justice.
Stephen Baglione, Louis Tucci, William Smith and Joanne Snead
This study forces respondents to tradeoff between invasive human resource practices and salary.
This study forces respondents to tradeoff between invasive human resource practices and salary.
Respondents evaluated 16 calibration profiles to estimate a conjoint model among four categories: pre-employment, employment at the office, employment outside the office, and salary. Each profile included one level from the four categories.
In a study of mostly full-time employees, conditions at work were paramount. Salary was second followed closely by pre-employment monitoring. Monitoring outside of the office was a distance last.
Practical implications
In a tight employment market, salary may not be the deciding selection factor for employment.
Employee monitoring is advancing dramatically and making human resource activities commonplace and invasive. This study forces respondents to confront these practices and determine whether salary can compensate for their acceptance.