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1 – 10 of over 10000Ruth Lewis-Morton, Sarah Harding, April Lloyd, Alison Macleod, Simon Burton and Lee James
The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of co-producing a formulation alongside a service user and the clinical team within a secure inpatient service. This paper has…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of co-producing a formulation alongside a service user and the clinical team within a secure inpatient service. This paper has been co-authored by the service user and members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT).
An open-ended focus group discussion was facilitated with the service user and members of her MDT. The process of thematic analysis was applied to the focus group transcript.
The following themes highlighted important outcomes of co-producing a formulation within a secure inpatient setting; “Meaningful Collaboration”, “Co-Produced Understanding” and a “Shift in Power Differential”. This paper demonstrates the importance of meaningful co-production within a secure inpatient service whilst also highlighting the challenges and tensions of working in a co-produced way within this context.
Research limitations/implications
This paper explores the process of co-producing and developing a formulation from the perspective of one service user and their MDT within a secure inpatient setting. It would be unhelpful to extrapolate broad assumptions from this case study although this study does raise important considerations for future research and encourages an emphasis on a co-produced design and dissemination.
Practical implications
This case study highlights the importance of co-production in clinical endeavours, service delivery and development perspectives and in the dissemination of this information.
The importance of co-producing and co-authoring alongside service users have been highlighted in this paper. This approach to co-production and co-authorship is highly recommended in future research endeavours.
Heather Cairns-Lee, James Lawley and Paul Tosey
The purpose of this chapter is to enable interviewers to understand how they can elicit interviewee-generated data that are not ‘muddied’ by the researcher. The chapter has three…
Chapter Summary
The purpose of this chapter is to enable interviewers to understand how they can elicit interviewee-generated data that are not ‘muddied’ by the researcher. The chapter has three main components. First, we discuss the authorship of data and illustrate how questions may unwittingly affect this authorship. Second, we outline the problem with ‘leading’ questions and introduce three features of leading questions that are relevant to researchers from different research epistemologies. Third, we introduce the ‘cleanness rating’, which is a way to categorise how questions are used in an interview according to the extent to which they are leading or ‘clean’. We conclude with the difference this can make for researchers, including enhancing the capacity for interviewers to reflect on their practice and making their role in the generation of interview data more transparent.
America’s patent rate (per 100,000 population) rose steeply to 34 from 1820‐1885, hovered between 28‐36 for the next 40 years then started its plunge to the present 18. This…
America’s patent rate (per 100,000 population) rose steeply to 34 from 1820‐1885, hovered between 28‐36 for the next 40 years then started its plunge to the present 18. This article examines the numerous possible causes often found in the literature ‐ expenditures on R&D, poor patent protection, high fees and pendency delays, decline in education in sciences and engineering, etc. While there is some evidence to support each of these, none is as important as the decline in our immigrants from Europe. Projections of possible improvements in our creativity and innovation in sciences and technology are bound in the characteristics of our present and future immigrant streams, and these are not expected to replace the role played by our previous immigrant streams.
Most personnel and OD reading audiences, although prominent for their general silence on the subject, are finally becoming aware of the faddish nature of their “profession”. Many…
Most personnel and OD reading audiences, although prominent for their general silence on the subject, are finally becoming aware of the faddish nature of their “profession”. Many are rightfully embarrassed if asked to explain what happened to the great panaceas of Theory Y, Grid Management, Life Cycle Theory, Sensitivity Training, Dual‐Factor Theory, MBO, Theory Z and Quality Circles. And those who lower their profiles when such questions are asked begin to get hostile when pressed for an answer to the question “If they were such wondrous elixirs when introduced, on what bases have they been discarded?” An honest answer would have to be akin to one I was given by a top manager at Union Carbide when his corporation dissolved their nine‐man OD department at corporate headquarters in 1969: “We don't issue news releases highlighting our goof‐ups.”
Entrepreneurship as used here refers to the capacity for innovation, investment, and development of new marekts, products, and techniques. Using this definition, the Japanese have…
Entrepreneurship as used here refers to the capacity for innovation, investment, and development of new marekts, products, and techniques. Using this definition, the Japanese have emerged as the world’s foremost entrepreneurs in the last twenty years. It is entrepreneurship that makes investment efficiency ratios high and leads to growth. Americans invented the transistor and most of the associated devices; but the Japanese, through an astute combination of capital investment and entrepreneurship, produced the electronic devices that contributed to their economic growth. They have learned what European and American managers practiced during and since the industrial revolution to the mid‐20th century.
Most of the efforts to analyze the Japanese phenomenon have been in one way or another superficial or misguided. Moreover, there have been so many of them that most of us are…
Most of the efforts to analyze the Japanese phenomenon have been in one way or another superficial or misguided. Moreover, there have been so many of them that most of us are simply tired of reading about Japan. This is unfortunate, because an honest look at the Japanese phenomenon can be very instructive. Many of the superficial analyses have focused on only one or two elements in Japan’s very complex socio‐industrial‐political system. These misguided analyses base their conclusions on something other than hard facts.
The Sanitary Committee of a certain County Council, strong with the strength of recent creation, have lately been animated by a desire to distinguish themselves in some way, and…
The Sanitary Committee of a certain County Council, strong with the strength of recent creation, have lately been animated by a desire to distinguish themselves in some way, and, proceeding along the lines of least resistance, they appear to have selected the Public Analyst as the most suitable object for attack. The charge against this unfortunate official was not that he is incompetent, or that he had been in any way negligent of his duties as prescribed by Act of Parliament, but simply and solely that he has the temerity to reside in London, which city is distant by a certain number of miles from the much favoured district controlled by the County Council aforesaid. The committee were favoured in their deliberations by the assistance of no less an authority than the “Principal” of a local “Technical School”;—and who could be more capable than he to express an opinion upon so simple a matter? This eminent exponent of scientific truths, after due and proper consideration, is reported to have delivered himself of the opinion that “scientifically it would be desirable that the analyst should reside in the district, as the delay occasioned by the sending of samples of water to London is liable to produce a misleading effect upon an analysis.” Apparently appalled by the contemplation of such possibilities, and strengthened by another expression of opinion to the effect that there were as “good men” in the district as in London, the committee resolved to recommend the County Council to determine the existing arrangement with the Public Analyst, and to appoint a “local analyst for all purposes.” Thus, the only objection which could be urged to the employment of a Public Analyst resident in London was the ridiculous one that the composition of a sample of water was likely to seriously alter during the period of its transit to London, and this contention becomes still more absurd when it is remembered that the examination of water samples is no part of the official duty of a Public Analyst. The employment of local scientific talent may be very proper when the object to be attained is simply the more or less imperfect instruction of the rising generation in the rudiments of what passes in this country for “technical education”; but the work of the Public Analyst is serious and responsible, and cannot be lightly undertaken by every person who may be acquainted with some of the uses of a test‐tube. The worthy members of this committee may find to their cost, as other committees have found before them, that persons possessing the requisite knowledge and experience are not necessarily indigenous to their district. Supposing that the County Council adopts the recommendation, the aspirations of the committee may even then be strangled in their infancy, as the Local Government Board will want to know all about the matter, and the committee will have to give serious and valid reasons in support of their case.
“What was it like over there?” we were asked from the instant we got off the Freedom Bird. And then:
Environmental determinants of International Business Negotiations: A Strategic Planning Model Negotiation is a skill which can be learned. Most American and Western executives do…
Environmental determinants of International Business Negotiations: A Strategic Planning Model Negotiation is a skill which can be learned. Most American and Western executives do not, however, devote sufficient time or effort to learn the art of negotiation or to understand the cultural differences among nations. The accelerating interdependency among global societies and the growing role of U.S. and Western countries in international trade, especially with Third World governments, strongly necessitate learning, experience, and training in this important task. True understanding of environmental determinants, styles, and tactics of international business negotiations is a must, if one is to achieve desirable outcomes. The old attitude of bargaining overseas and the John Wayne approach will not work anymore. “Go native” and “adaptibility” will be the key words for successful international business negotiations in the future.
The Milk (Amendment) Order, 1917, which came into force on December 31st, provides that milk shall be sold retail only by Imperial measure; that no colouring matter shall be added…
The Milk (Amendment) Order, 1917, which came into force on December 31st, provides that milk shall be sold retail only by Imperial measure; that no colouring matter shall be added to milk or cream intended for sale; that no milk to which any water has been added shall knowingly be sold or offered for sale; that no person may use for the purpose of his trade any milk can or milk bottle which bears the name, trade name, trade mark, or trade device of some person other than himself or his employer, except with the consent of such person. The Order contains a new clause, in substitution for Clauses 4 and 6 of the Milk Order, 1917 (which are revoked), providing that where milk is sold wholesale by or on behalf of any person other than the producer the maximum prices chargeable shall, unless otherwise determined, pursuant to the Order, be as follows:—