After Fads and Advocative, Ideological Social Science, Whither OD?
Most personnel and OD reading audiences, although prominent for their general silence on the subject, are finally becoming aware of the faddish nature of their “profession”. Many are rightfully embarrassed if asked to explain what happened to the great panaceas of Theory Y, Grid Management, Life Cycle Theory, Sensitivity Training, Dual‐Factor Theory, MBO, Theory Z and Quality Circles. And those who lower their profiles when such questions are asked begin to get hostile when pressed for an answer to the question “If they were such wondrous elixirs when introduced, on what bases have they been discarded?” An honest answer would have to be akin to one I was given by a top manager at Union Carbide when his corporation dissolved their nine‐man OD department at corporate headquarters in 1969: “We don't issue news releases highlighting our goof‐ups.”
Lee, J.A. (1985), "After Fads and Advocative, Ideological Social Science, Whither OD?", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 11-20.
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited