Chowdhury Noushin Novera, Zobayer Ahmed, Rafsanjany Kushol, Peter Wanke and Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Although there has been a significant amount of research on Smart Tourism, the articles have not yet been combined into a thorough literature review that can examine research…
Although there has been a significant amount of research on Smart Tourism, the articles have not yet been combined into a thorough literature review that can examine research streams and the scope of future research. The purpose of this study is to examine the literature on the impact of deploying the Internet of Things (IoT) in tourism sector development to attract more visitors using a text mining technique and citation based bibliometric analysis for the first time.
This study uses R programming to do a full-text analysis of 36 publications on IoT in tourism and visualization of similarities viewer software to conduct a bibliometric citation analysis of 469 papers from the Scopus database. Aside from that, the documents were subjected to a longitudinal study using Excel and word frequency using a trending topic using the R-tool.
Results from the bibliometric study revealed the networks that exist in the literature of Tourism Management. With the use of log-likelihood, the findings from text mining identified nine theme models on the basis of relevancy, which is presented alongside an overview of the existing papers and a list of the primary authors with posterior probability using latent Dirichlet allocation.
This study examines tourism literature in which IoT plays a significant role. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to combine text mining with a bibliometric review. It significantly analyzes and discusses the impact of technology in the tourism sector development on attracting tourists while presenting the most important and frequently discussed topics and research in these writings. These findings provide researchers, tourism managers and technology professionals with a complete understanding of e-tourism and to provide smart devices to attract tourists.
Aunque ha habido un número importante de estudios sobre el turismo inteligente, todavía no se dispone de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva que permita examinar las corrientes de investigación y las sugerencias de investigación futuras. Este estudio examina la literatura sobre el impacto del Internet de las cosas en el desarrollo del sector turístico para atraer más visitantes utilizando una técnica de minería de textos y un análisis bibliométrico basado en citas.
Este estudio utiliza la programación R para hacer un análisis de texto completo de 36 publicaciones sobre IoT en el turismo y el software de visualización de similitudes (VOS) para realizar un análisis bibliométrico de citas de 469 documentos de la base de datos Scopus. Además, los documentos fueron sometidos a un estudio longitudinal mediante Excel y a la frecuencia de palabras mediante un tema de tendencia utilizando la herramienta R.
Los resultados del estudio bibliométrico revelaron las redes existentes en la literatura de la Gestión Turística. Con el uso de la log-verosimilitud, los resultados de la minería de textos identificaron nueve modelos temáticos sobre la base de la relevancia, que se presentan junto con una visión general de los documentos existentes y una lista de los autores principales con probabilidad posterior utilizando la asignación latente de dirichlets.
Este estudio examina la literatura sobre turismo en la que la IoT desempeña un papel importante. Este estudio es el primero que combina la minería de textos con una revisión bibliométrica. Analiza y discute de forma significativa el impacto de la tecnología en el desarrollo del sector turístico para atraer a los turistas, a la vez que presenta los temas e investigaciones más importantes y más frecuentemente discutidos en estos escritos. Estos resultados proporcionan a los investigadores, gestores turísticos y profesionales de la tecnología una comprensión integral del turismo electrónico y los dispositivos inteligentes para atraer a los turistas.
虽然已经有大量关于智慧旅游的研究, 但这些文章尚未整合成一个全面的文献综述, 可以检阅目前的研究流和未来研究的范畴。本研究首次使用文本挖掘技术和基于引文的文献计量分析, 来研究有关在旅游业发展中部署物联网对吸引更多游客的影响的文献。
本研究使用R编程对36篇关于旅游业物联网的文章进行全文分析, 并使用相似性可视化(VOS)查看器软件对Scopus数据库中的469篇论文进行文献计量引文分析。除此之外, 还利用Excel对这些文献进行了纵向研究, 并使用R工具对趋势主题进行了词频分析。
文献计量研究的结果揭示了旅游管理文献中现有的网络。通过使用对数似然, 文本挖掘的结果根据相关性确定了9个主题模型, 这些模型与现有论文的概述和主要作者名单在使用潜在狄里奇分配(LDA)的后验概率一起呈现。
本研究对旅游物联网相关文献进行了分析研究, 它首次将文本挖掘与文献计量学审查相结合。这项研究着重分析和讨论了技术在旅游行业发展中对吸引游客的影响, 同时介绍了这些文章中最重要和经常讨论的主题和研究。这些发现为研究人员、旅游管理者和技术专家提供了对科技与旅游的全面了解, 并提供关于智能设备来吸引游客的建议。
Tahereh Saheb, Francisco J. Liébana Cabanillas and Elena Higueras
This study aims to determine how Internet of Things (IoT) risks and benefits affect both the intention to use and actual use of a smartwatch.
This study aims to determine how Internet of Things (IoT) risks and benefits affect both the intention to use and actual use of a smartwatch.
The stimulus–organism–behavior–consequence (SOBC) hypothesis is used to explain the mechanisms underpinning the discontinuity between intention and technology usage. A total of 394 questionnaires distributed to smartwatch users were analyzed, using convergent analysis, discriminant analysis and structural modeling.
The IoT’s technical features, such as continuous connectivity and real-time value, serve as effective stimuli for smartwatches, positively influencing individuals’ responses and behavioral consequences associated with smartwatch usage. While IoT risks such as data, performance and financial have no negative relationship with the usefulness of smartwatches, data and financial risks have a negative influence on their ease of use. Additionally, as ease of use and usefulness have a positive impact on intention to use, users’ behavior is positively influenced by their intentions to use a smartwatch.
The study applies technology acceptance theory and the SOBC paradigm to smartwatches to determine if users’ intentions to use them impact their behavior. Furthermore, the research analyzed the technical elements of smartwatches in terms of IoT advantages and risks.
El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar cómo los riesgos y beneficios del Internet de las Cosas afectan tanto a la intención de uso como al uso real de un smartwatch.
Se utiliza el modelo Estímulo-Organismo-Comportamiento-Consecuencia (SOBC) para explicar los mecanismos que sustentan la discontinuidad entre la intención y el uso de la tecnología. Se analizaron 394 cuestionarios distribuidos a usuarios de smartwatches, empleando análisis convergente, análisis discriminante y modelización estructural.
Las características técnicas del IoT, como la conectividad continua y el valor en tiempo real, sirven como estímulos efectivos para los smartwatches, influyendo positivamente en las respuestas de los individuos y en las consecuencias conductuales asociadas al uso del smartwatch. Mientras que los riesgos de la IO, como los datos, el rendimiento y los financieros, no tienen una relación negativa con la utilidad de los smartwatches, los riesgos de los datos y los financieros influyen negativamente en su facilidad de uso. Además, dado que la facilidad de uso y la utilidad tienen un impacto positivo en la intención de uso, el comportamiento de los usuarios está positivamente influenciado por sus intenciones de usar un smartwatch.
El estudio aplica la teoría de la aceptación de la tecnología y el paradigma SOBC a los smartwatches para determinar si las intenciones de uso de los usuarios influyen en su comportamiento. Además, la investigación analiza los elementos técnicos de los smartwatches en cuanto a las ventajas y los riesgos del IoT.
刺激-组织-行为-后果(SOBC)假说被用来解释意图和技术使用之间不连续的基础机制。对发放给智能手表用户的394份调查问卷进行了分析, 采用了收敛分析、判别分析和结构模型法。
物联网的技术特点, 如持续连接和实时价值, 作为智能手表的有效刺激, 对个人的反应和与智能手表使用相关的行为后果产生积极影响。虽然数据、性能和财务等物联网风险与智能手表的有用性没有消极关系, 但数据和财务风险对其易用性有消极影响。此外, 由于易用性和有用性对使用意图有积极影响, 用户的行为受到他们使用智能手表的意图的积极影响。
该研究将技术接受理论和SOBC范式应用于智能手表, 以确定用户的使用意图是否影响其行为。此外, 该研究还从物联网的优势和风险方面分析了智能手表的技术要素。
Trinidad Domínguez Vila, Lucía Rubio-Escuderos and Elisa Alén González
Information and communication technologies are being increasingly used across various sectors including the tourism industry. However, equitable access to online information…
Information and communication technologies are being increasingly used across various sectors including the tourism industry. However, equitable access to online information remains a significant challenge, especially for people with disabilities (PwD). There is a pressing need for research into the accessibility of the internet to promote social equality. This study aims to identify patterns in both the technical accessibility and the content information related to accessibility and disability that is available on the official websites of leading global tourist destinations.
A cluster analysis assessed the technical accessibility of the websites, while a principal component analysis evaluated the content information concerning accessibility and disability.
There has been a substantial improvement in the technical accessibility of tourism websites over that described in earlier studies. There have been no advances in content information on accessibility and disability, which continues to be very heterogeneous and dispersed.
This evaluation of the technical accessibility and content related to accessibility and disability on tourism websites provides a basis for developing strategies to eliminate barriers that PwD encounter in accessing tourism information. To augment the efficacy of big data inputs, it is imperative to homogenise variables associated with technical access and content information on accessibility. Such standardisation will improve the functionality of algorithms critical to the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technologies. These enhancements are likely to spur innovations that bridge the inequality gap and promote environments where technology serves as a cornerstone of social inclusion and equality.
信息和通信技术在包括旅游业在内的很多行业的应用越来越广泛。 互联网是游客不可或缺的工具, 但并非每个人(在本研究中为残疾人、PwD)都能以相同的方式获取可用信息。有必要对无障碍使用互联网进行研究, 以促进社会平等。本研究旨在识别全球主要旅游目的地官方网站的技术可及性以及网站内容上有关可及性和残疾信息的规律。
聚类分析评估了网站的技术可及性, 主成成分分析评估了网站的可及性和残疾的相关内容信息。
与早期研究中描述的相比, 旅游网站的技术可访问性有了实质性的改善。关于无障碍和残疾的内容信息没有任何改善, 仍然非常异质性和分散性。
本研究对旅游网站的技术可及性以及有关可及性和残障人士的内容信息的评估为制定以消除残疾人旅游所面临的障碍的未来战略奠定了基础。为了提高大数据输入的有效性, 技术可及性和可及性内容信息相关的变量必须标准化和同质化。这将提高关键算法的效率,以增加物联网和人工智能技术的功能。这些改进可以促进创新, 缩小不平等差距, 并营造让技术成为社会包容和平等基石的环境因素。
Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) se utilizan cada vez más en diversos sectores, incluido el turístico. Sin embargo, el acceso equitativo a la información online sigue siendo un reto importante, especialmente para las personas con discapacidad. Existe una necesidad acuciante de investigar la accesibilidad de Internet para promover la igualdad social. Este estudio identifica patrones en la accesibilidad técnica y en el contenido de la información sobre accesibilidad y discapacidad disponible en las páginas web oficiales de los principales destinos turísticos mundiales.
Un análisis de conglomerados evaluó la accesibilidad técnica y un análisis de componentes principales analizó el contenido de la información sobre accesibilidad y discapacidad en los sitios web.
Se constata una mejora sustancial en la accesibilidad técnica de las páginas web de turismo con respecto a los resultados de estudios anteriores. No ha habido avances en el contenido de la información sobre accesibilidad y discapacidad, que sigue siendo muy heterogénea y dispersa.
Esta evaluación de la accesibilidad técnica y del contenido de la información relativo a la accesibilidad y la discapacidad en las páginas web turísticas proporciona una base para desarrollar estrategias que eliminen las barreras con las que se encuentran las personas con discapacidad para acceder a la información turística. Para mejorar la eficacia de las entradas de big data, es necesario estandarizar las variables relacionadas con la accesibilidad técnica y el contenido de la información sobre accesibilidad. Esta normalización mejorará la funcionalidad de los algoritmos fundamentales para el internet de las cosas y las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial. Es probable que estas mejoras impulsen innovaciones que reduzcan la brecha de la desigualdad y promuevan entornos en los que la tecnología sirva como piedra angular de la inclusión social e igualdad.
Jeremias Lachman and Andrés López
The purpose of this paper is to study the factors that act as innovation obstacles in precision agriculture (PA) technologies in Argentina, one of the world leading exporters of…
The purpose of this paper is to study the factors that act as innovation obstacles in precision agriculture (PA) technologies in Argentina, one of the world leading exporters of cereals and oilseeds. The focus of this study is on the supply side, i.e. the factors that are perceived by PA firms as obstacles for the expansion of their market.
Based on a survey to 67 firms that develop PA technologies in Argentina, this study examines the impact of different types of obstacles on firms’ growth and innovation activities. This analysis is complemented with the results that emerge from a series of interviews with different stakeholders (such as firms’ managers, policymakers and experts).
In this study, it was determined that market and cost factors negatively affect firms’ growth, while institutional obstacles reduce the amount of innovation efforts. In turn, knowledge barriers positively impact on the relevance firms assigned to R&D activities. This study helps identify different strategies that firms have put in place to overcome the barriers they face. Finally, policy implications of the results are discussed.
PA technologies may contribute to greening agricultural production and offer an opportunity for the emergence of domestic suppliers of innovative equipment and services based on the use of data science, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things. To the bets of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that explores the obstacles that prevent growth and impact on innovation activities of PA firms. The insights from this study are valuable for both researchers and policymakers aiming to foster emergence of high-tech clusters in developing countries.
El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar los factores que actúan como obstáculos a la innovación en tecnologías emergentes, tomando el caso de la agricultura de precisión en Argentina.
Estudiamos el caso de la agricultura de precisión en Argentina combinando técnicas econométricas y análisis cualitativo. Sobre la base de una encuesta a 67 empresas que desarrollan tecnologías de agricultura de precisión en Argentina, examinamos el impacto de diferentes tipos de obstáculos en el crecimiento de las empresas y las actividades de innovación. Este análisis se complementa con hallazgos derivados de una serie de entrevistas con diferentes actores (gerentes de empresas, responsables de políticas, expertos, agricultores, etc.).
Encontramos que los obstáculos de mercado y de costos afectan negativamente el crecimiento de las empresas, mientras que los obstáculos institucionales reducen la cantidad de esfuerzos de innovación. A su vez, las barreras de conocimiento tienen un impacto positivo en la relevancia que las empresas asignan a las actividades de I + D. También identificamos diferentes estrategias que las empresas han puesto en marcha para superar las barreras que enfrentan. Finalmente, discutimos las implicaciones de política de nuestros hallazgos.
Las tecnologías de AP contribuyen a una agricultura sustentable y ofrecen una oportunidad al surgimiento de proveedores locales de equipamiento y servicios, basados en ciencia de datos, inteligencia artificial e Internet de las Cosas. Para los autores, este es el primer estudio que explora los obstáculos al crecimiento y a la innovación en firmas de AP. Las contribuciones de este estudio son relevantes tanto para futuras investigaciones como para hacedores de políticas interesados en promover el surgimiento de clusters high-tech en países en desarrollo.
Palabras clave
Obstáculos a la innovación, Política de innovación, Agricultura de precisión
O objetivo deste artigo é estudar os fatores que atuam como obstáculos à inovação em tecnologias emergentes, tomando o caso da agricultura de precisão na Argentina.
O caso da agricultura de precisão na Argentina é estudado combinando técnicas econométricas e análises qualitativas. Com base numa pesquisa com 67 empresas que desenvolvem tecnologias de agricultura de precisão na Argentina, examinamos o impacto de diferentes tipos de obstáculos nas atividades de crescimento e inovação das empresas. Esta análise é complementada com as conclusões que emergem de uma série de entrevistas com diferentes partes interessadas (gestores das empresas, responsáveis políticos, especialistas, agricultores, etc.).
Descobrimos que os fatores de mercado e custo afetam negativamente o crescimento das empresas, enquanto os obstáculos institucionais reduzem a quantidade de esforços de inovação. Além do mais, as barreiras do conhecimento impactam positivamente na relevância que as empresas atribuem às atividades de P & D. Também identificamos diferentes estratégias que as empresas implementaram para superar as barreiras que enfrentam. Finalmente, discutimos as implicações políticas de nossos resultados.
As tecnologias de AP contribuem para a agricultura sustentável e oferecem uma oportunidade para o surgimento de fornecedores locais de equipamentos e serviços, baseados na ciência de dados, inteligência artificial e na Internet das Coisas. Para os autores, este é o primeiro estudo que explora os obstáculos ao crescimento e inovação nas firmas de PA. As contribuições deste estudo são relevantes tanto para pesquisas futuras quanto para formuladores de políticas interessados em promover o surgimento de clusters de alta tecnologia em países em desenvolvimento.
Palabras clave
Obstáculos à inovação, Política de inovação, Agricultura de precisão
José M. Fernández-Batanero, Marta Montenegro-Rueda, José Fernández-Cerero and Eloy López Menéses
The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of the studies in terms of country, participant profile and methodology, as well as to determine what the Internet of…
The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of the studies in terms of country, participant profile and methodology, as well as to determine what the Internet of Things (IoT) is currently contributing to higher education.
The study was developed following the methodology supported by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement and the PICOS strategy, retrieving scientific literature from Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC and Google Scholar. Of the 237 studies that the search yielded, 11 were included.
The results showed that among the opportunities offered by IoT is that it not only brings the introduction of information and communication technology into the classroom, but also enhances student interest, thus, improving the quality of teaching in higher education. On the other hand, one of the challenges it faces is the attitude of teachers towards its adoption, as well as the level of digital competence of teachers.
This study presents how higher education institutions are including the IoT in their educational activities. The IoT refers to a network of digital interconnectivity between devices, people and the internet itself that enables the exchange of data between them, allowing key information about the use and performance of devices and objects to be captured to detect patterns, make recommendations, improve efficiency and create better user experiences.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how Internet of Things can contribute to the achievement of a sustainable development based on people, profit and planet. Based on the…
The purpose of this study is to analyze how Internet of Things can contribute to the achievement of a sustainable development based on people, profit and planet. Based on the triple bottom line theoretical framework, this work explores the relation between technology and the creation of value in management operative and support processes carried out by a firm with a direct impact in society and the environment. By doing so, new insights on strategic management to create value and consolidate sustainable business models are provided.
The present study analyzes firms within the context of the European Union, considering the involvement of the region in achieving sustainable development, in particular, the usage of technology and specifically Internet of Things to create value and contribute to company’s position as leaders in the industry’s change toward sustainable development. To achieve this goal, the Spanish market was analyzed, specifically companies who were publicly listed in the IBEX35, which is the benchmark stock market index of Spain’s main stock exchange (Bolsa de Madrid). In addition, firms were also considered regarding the strong impact within their industries not only nationally, but also worldwide.
Findings show that companies incorporating Internet of Things can enhance their role as leaders in change toward sustainable development. Similarly, the usage of these technologies positively impacts the pollution reduction and limiting usage of non-renewable resources, as well as positively impacting people’s lives. Furthermore, technology has a positive effect on the creation of value, considering management, operative and support processes. By considering people and planet, companies can have a profitable business model that is also sustainable in the long-run, creating a win-win situation within the triple bottom line.
This study shows the links between Internet of Things and sustainable development within the framework of the triple bottom line. It portrays the relevance of technology in value creation to achieve business models that can cater to profit, people and planet objectives. Consequently, practitioners can incorporate Internet of Things elements to create value and contribute to their corporate social responsibility objectives, establishing synergies between managerial and socio-environmental aspects. Moreover, researchers studying business strategy can incorporate these variables to further enlarge the results herein derived. Finally, this work reinforces the usage of triple bottom line theory to analyze a firm’s sustainable development and its business models.
Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet, Evandro Luiz Lopes, Caio Henrique Fernandes Srulzon and Luciana Massaro Onusic
“Internet of things” is a broad term used to describe network connectivity to physical objects. Called connectable or smart objects, they are embedded in electronic circuits and…
“Internet of things” is a broad term used to describe network connectivity to physical objects. Called connectable or smart objects, they are embedded in electronic circuits and software that make them capable of detecting, collecting and transmitting data and information. This paper aims to examine the influence of the attributes of “internet of things” products in the functional and emotional experience of purchase intention.
The study used a model adapted from Yaping et al. (2014), with adjustment for the constructs “emotional experience”, “functional experience” and “purchase intention”. The survey consisted of a sample of 747 valid questionnaires regarding users of “internet of things” products, through a structured questionnaire with 36 assertions, which were answered based on the Likert scale. The quantitative research approach followed an exploratory descriptive phase followed by the application of structural equation modeling.
Results validated most of the relationships of the model, with high levels of significance. In addition, there was a greater influence of emotional experience than functional on purchase intention for the selected sample, which mainly consisted of young people.
In short, the study confirmed the statistical significance of the structural paths, indicating that the proposed model is consistent, and with an appropriate adjustment can be applied in future research.
Jorge Alfonso Lara-Pérez, Alberto Aguilera-Tovar and Alejandra Hernandez-Rodriguez
Adoption and implementation of sustainable strategies (SS) in firms have been widely studied; however, there is scarce evidence of factors that affect the overall firm performance…
Adoption and implementation of sustainable strategies (SS) in firms have been widely studied; however, there is scarce evidence of factors that affect the overall firm performance (FP). Therefore, in this research the variables knowledge management (KM) and professionalization (PR) toward the adoption of SS and their impact on FP are promoted.
Data from 120 firms in manufacturing industry in Coahuila, Mexico, were collected, and the study is based on the PLS-SEM technique.
The results revealed that (1) KM and PR present a positive impact on SS and (2) SS are positively related to FP.
Practical implications
For manufacturing managers, it is necessary to implement SS that meet the expectations of stakeholders, in addition to training human resources with the ability to achieve the aims of the firm and at the same time take care of the environment. As for corporate policymakers, it is essential that they promote global environmental care strategies based on collaborative business.
This research contributes to literature on business management, mainly to the incorporation of SS that allow boosting the economic aspect, but without neglecting social and environmental part.
Las investigaciones acerca de la adopción e implementación de estrategias sostenibles (ES) en las organizaciones han sido muy estudiadas, sin embargo, hay poca evidencia de los factores que inciden en el rendimiento empresarial (RE). Por consiguiente, en esta investigación promueve la gestión del conocimiento (GC) y profesionalización (PR) hacia la adopción de ES y su impacto en el RE.
Se incluyen datos de 120 empresas manufactureras de Coahuila, México y la investigación está basada en la técnica PLS-SEM.
En concreto, los resultados revelaron que: (1) la gestión del conocimiento y la profesionalización presentan un impacto positivo en las estrategias sostenibles y (2) las estrategias sostenibles se relacionan positivamente con el rendimiento empresarial.
Implicaciones prácticas:
Para los directivos de la industria manufacturera, es necesario implementar estrategias sostenibles que cumplan con las expectativas de los grupos de interés, además de formar recursos humanos con la capacidad de alcanzar los objetivos organizacionales y al mismo tiempo lograr un cuidado del medio ambiente. En cuanto a los responsables políticos, es esencial que promuevan estrategias globales de cuidado del medio ambiente basadas en la colaboración empresarial.
La investigación contribuye a la literatura de la gestión empresarial, en la incorporación de estrategias sostenibles que impulsen el aspecto económico, pero sin descuidar la parte social y ambiental.
- Sustainable strategies
- Knowledge management
- Professionalization
- Firm performance
- Structural equation modeling
- Estrategias sostenibles
- Gestión del conocimiento
- Profesionalización
- Rendimiento empresarial
- Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales
- O economic development, Innovation, Technological change, and growth
- O1 economic development
- O14 industrialization, Manufacturing and service industries, Choice of technology
- O Desarrollo económico, Cambio tecnológico y crecimiento
- O1 desarrollo económico
- O14 industrialización, Industrias manufactureras y de servicios, Elección de tecnología
Aline Luiza Brusco Pletsch, Elisete Aparecida Ferreira Stenger and Simone Sehnem
This research centres on how digital technologies are revolutionizing agriculture, affording farmers improved access to information, crop forecasts, markets and innovations, in…
This research centres on how digital technologies are revolutionizing agriculture, affording farmers improved access to information, crop forecasts, markets and innovations, in addition to facilitating training and other benefits. The purpose of this investigation is to examine how technologies used in the Agro 4.0 industry facilitate agricultural and livestock practices.
A thorough examination of the existing literature on this subject was conducted, encompassing articles published between 2013 and 2023 that have been catalogued in Scopus and the Web of Science.
The analysis of these studies reveals the growing significance of innovations such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, precision agriculture, the Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics in the transformation of agriculture and livestock farming. The implementation of these technologies is occurring across various sectors of agricultural production, including livestock production, shrimp farming, vertical farming, supply chains, irrigation, grain inspection, the dairy sector and smart farms. The impacts identified include improvements in productivity, intelligent analysis systems, operational efficiency, transparency and reliability, management per square metre, optimization, environmental sustainability, animal welfare, enhancement of food security and risk reduction.
Therefore, the contributions of technologies are associated with data-based decision-making, digital skills to maximize agribusiness performance, digital transformation in the field and competitiveness in the global market.