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Publication date: 10 June 2020

Hui Li, Che-Hui Lien, Stephen W. Wang, Tien Wang and Weiwei Dong

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of three sources of social representation (i.e. direct experience of an event, the media and social interaction) on…




The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of three sources of social representation (i.e. direct experience of an event, the media and social interaction) on tourists’ formation of event image; to examine the effect of event image, satisfaction and city image on tourists’ revisit intentions to the host city; and to explore the mediating role of city image.


This study used the 28th Qingdao International Beer Festival (QIBF) as the case for verifying the relationships in the proposed model. The survey was conducted in Qingdao and 366 valid observations were collected. Structural equation modeling was used to validate the research model.


Event image is found to be significantly and positively influenced by direct experience of an event and social interaction. City image and satisfaction are important predictors of revisit intention. The meaning of event image is transferred to city image. City image plays a pivotal role in mediating the effect of event image and satisfaction on revisit intention to the host city.

Research limitations/implications

This study surveyed Chinese tourists attending QIBF in Qingdao and consequently the outcomes may lack generalizability. This research did not survey foreign tourists. Thus, the differences of attitudes and behaviors between Chinese and foreign tourists are not compared.

Practical implications

The outcomes provide insights into how a city manager can organize an event to enhance tourists’ intentions to revisit the city.


This study represents one of the few studies that use both social representation theory and the theory of brand image transfer in examining the influence of external social contexts on tourists’ formation of event image and investigates how the unique meaning of event activities is transferred to city image. In addition, the mediating role of city image is fully explored in this research.


本研究的目的包括(1)探究社会表征的三个来源(事件的直接体验, 媒体影响, 社会互动)对游客事件形象评价的影响;(2)验证事件形象、满意度、城市形象对游客重访举办地意愿的影响;(3)检验城市形象的中介作用。


本研究以第28届青岛国际啤酒节为案例研究对象, 来验证模型中的变量关系。调研在青岛进行, 共收集有效问卷366份。通过结构方程模型来验证研究假设。


事件形象评价受到直接体验和社会互动的显著积极影响。城市形象和满意度是游客重访意愿重要的影响因素, 事件形象的内涵转移到城市形象。城市形象在事件形象和满意度对重访意愿的影响作用中起到重要的中介作用。


本研究对参加青岛国际啤酒节的中国游客进行调研, 结果可能缺少普适性。本研究没有调研外国游客, 缺少中外游客的态度和行为差异的对比。




本研究将社会表征理论和品牌形象理论应用到事件营销当中, 解释了游客事件形象评价的形成过程中外部社会情境的影响, 以及事件活动的独特内涵向城市形象转移的过程。同时, 本研究验证了城市形象在事件形象和满意度对重访意愿的影响作用中的中介作用。


事件形象, 城市形象, 满意度, 重访意愿, 社会表征理论



Propósitos de investigación

(1) explorar el impacto de tres fuentes de representación social (experiencia directa de eventos, influencia de los medios, interacción social) en la evaluación de la imagen del evento de los turistas; (2) Verificar el impacto de la imagen del evento, la satisfacción y la imagen de la ciudad en la voluntad de los turistas para volver a visitar el lugar; (3) verificar el papel mediador de la imagen de la ciudad.

Métodos de investigación

Este estudio toma el 28° Festival Internacional de Cerveza de Qingdao como un objeto de estudio de caso para verificar la relación de las variables en el modelo. La encuesta se realizó en Qingdao y se recolectó un total de 366 cuestionarios válidos. El modelo de ecuación estructural se utiliza para verificar la hipótesis de investigación.


El estudio muestra que la experiencia directa de los eventos y la interacción social tienen un impacto positivo y significativo en la evaluación de la imagen del evento. La imagen de la ciudad y la satisfacción son factores importantes que influyen en la voluntad de los turistas a volver a visitar. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la imagen de la ciudad desempeña un importante papel de mediación en el efecto de la imagen del evento y la satisfacción en la voluntad de volver a visitar.

Limitaciones de investigación

este estudio encuestó a los turistas que participaron en el Festival Internacional de Cerveza de Qingdao, y los resultados pueden carecer de generalidad. Este estudio no investigó a los turistas extranjeros, solo a los turistas chinos, por eso careció de una comparación de las diferencias en actitudes y comportamientos entre los turistas chinos y extranjeros.

Importancia práctica

las conclusiones de la investigación proporcionan nuevas ideas sobre cómo los administradores de la ciudad pueden organizar mejor las actividades del evento para aumentar la voluntad de los turistas a visitar la ciudad nuevamente.


este estudio aplica la teoría de la representación social y la teoría de la imagen de marca al marketing de eventos, explicando el impacto de los contextos sociales externos en la formación de la evaluación de imágenes de eventos turísticos y el proceso de transferir la connotación única de las actividades de eventos a la imagen urbana. Al mismo tiempo, este estudio demuestra que el papel mediador de la imagen de la ciudad tiene un impacto de la imagen del evento y la satisfacción en la voluntad de volver a visitar.

Publication date: 7 October 2019

Qian Ya Pian, Hui Jin and Hui Li

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between behavior-oriented knowledge sharing and innovative behavior and the moderating effects of collectivism on the…




The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between behavior-oriented knowledge sharing and innovative behavior and the moderating effects of collectivism on the aforementioned relationship. It also assesses the impact of epistemic motivation and pro-social motivation on behavior-oriented knowledge sharing.


Focusing on Chinese context, the study conducts a questionnaire survey to test the research model. Linear regression analysis is used to examine the main effects of the independent variables, and the multi-level linear regression model is used to evaluate the moderating effects of the controlled variables.


The findings reveal that epistemic motivation stimulates individual-oriented knowledge sharing and pro-social motivation stimulates organization-oriented knowledge sharing. Organization-oriented knowledge sharing impacts more than individual-oriented knowledge sharing on innovative behavior. Moreover, collectivism is shown to positively moderate the relationship between behavior-oriented knowledge sharing and innovative behavior.

Practical implications

The study provides evidence that motivation should be significantly considered when sharing knowledge. Managers should prioritize the promotion of employees’ epistemic and pro-social motivation. The study also suggests that encouraging collectivism should be an important objective, as it moderates the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovative behavior positively.


The study emphasized how individual-oriented and organization-oriented knowledge sharing impacts innovative behavior differently and how collectivism moderates that relationship. It also illustrates how epistemic and pro-social motivation affects behavior-oriented knowledge sharing. The study contributes to a stream of research that links knowledge sharing and innovative behavior.


Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 23 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1367-3270


Publication date: 7 August 2017

Hui Li and Hang-yue Ngo

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among Chinese traditionality, job attitudes, and job performance. Chinese traditionality, an indigenous cultural…




The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among Chinese traditionality, job attitudes, and job performance. Chinese traditionality, an indigenous cultural variable, is expected to enhance employees’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction, which in turn affect their job performance.


Data were collected via employee survey from 399 workers in two large firms in China. The HR department helped the authors to distribute a self-administered questionnaire to the respondents. The authors assured them of confidentiality and protected their anonymity. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses.


The results show that Chinese traditionality is positively related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The authors also find that the positive effect of Chinese traditionality on employees’ job performance is mediated by organizational commitment, but not by job satisfaction.

Practical implications

Based on the findings, Chinese firms should pay attention to cultural values, which play an important role in affecting employees’ job attitudes and performance.


This study contributes to the literature in two ways. First, it provides evidence about the significant positive effect of Chinese traditionality on organizational commitment and job attitudes. Second, it reveals a key mechanism through which Chinese traditionality enhances employees’ job performance.


Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, vol. 5 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2049-3983


Publication date: 6 October 2022

Kai-Qi Yuan, Hui Li, Sai Liang and Qian-Xia Chen

The impact of a mixture of positive and negative media coverage on long-run hotel survival remains unknown. This paper aims to investigate how the mixed positive and negative…



The impact of a mixture of positive and negative media coverage on long-run hotel survival remains unknown. This paper aims to investigate how the mixed positive and negative media coverage, namely, inconsistent media coverage, influences long-run hotel survival.


A yearly panel data set covering 792 news-reported hotels in Guangdong province of China, over the period 2010–2020, is analyzed using an inconsistency analysis framework consisting of text mining and survival analysis. The estimates of exponential models on the same observations and Cox estimates on alternative observations are used for robustness checks.


The inconsistency calculation method proposed here can measure the controversy degree well. There exists a U-shaped relationship between inconsistency of media coverage and hotel longevity, and hotel survival is significantly reduced only when the degree of inconsistency is within the range of 17.8%–53.6%. The U-shaped relationship is moderated by negative hotel image and by online media coverage on hotel operation strategy topics.

Practical implications

This study provides suggestions for hotel managers to use media coverage inconsistency to increase long-run hotel survival in the digital era.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is one of the first to investigate long-run hotel survival factors from the perspective of media coverage inconsistency. It also proposes a method to calculate the degree of media coverage controversy, which helps to quantify the relationship between the degree of inconsistency and hotel survival.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 35 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 11 February 2021

Sai Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Chunxiao Li, Hui Li and Xiaoyu Yu

Due to their very different contexts, the responses made by property hosts to online reviews can differ from those posted by hotel managers. Thus, the purpose of this study is to…



Due to their very different contexts, the responses made by property hosts to online reviews can differ from those posted by hotel managers. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the responding behavior of hosts on peer-to-peer property rental platforms.


This study applied a comprehensive framework based on the theory of planned behavior. Empirical models are constructed based on 89,967 guest reviews with their associated responses to reveal the responding pattern of property hosts.


Unlike hotel managers, property hosts are more likely to reply to positive than to negative reviews; moreover, when they do choose to respond to negative reviews, they are likely to do so negatively, in a “tit-for-tat” way. This study also finds that one reason for the difference of responding patterns between property hosts and hotel managers is the hosts’ lack of experience of consumer relationship management and service recovery.

Research limitations/implications

This study provides a good start point for future theoretical development regarding effective responding strategy on peer-to-peer property rental platforms, as well as some useful implications for practitioners.


This study is an early attempt to analyze the impact of the particularity of emerging platforms on the responding behavior of service providers based on a comprehensive conceptual framework and empirical model thus provides a good starting point for the further investigation of effective response strategies on these emerging platforms.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 33 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 10 July 2017

Hui Li, Yu-Hui Xu and Lean Yu

Available information for evaluating the possibility of hospitality firm failure in emerging countries is often deficient. Oversampling can compensate for this but can also yield…



Available information for evaluating the possibility of hospitality firm failure in emerging countries is often deficient. Oversampling can compensate for this but can also yield mixed samples, which limit prediction models’ effectiveness. This research aims to provide a feasible approach to handle possible mixed information caused by oversampling.


This paper uses mixed sample modelling (MSM) when evaluating the possibility of firm failure on enlarged hospitality firms. The mixed sample is filtered out with a mixed sample index through control of the noisy parameter and outliner parameter and meta-models are used to build MSM models for hospitality firm failure prediction, with performances compared to traditional models.


The proposed models are helpful in predicting hospitality firm failure in the mixed information situation caused by oversampling, whereas MSM significantly improves the performance of traditional models. Meanwhile, only partial mixed hospitality samples matter in predicting firm failure in both rich- and poor-information situations.

Practical implications

This research is helpful for managers, investors, employees and customers to reduce their hospitality-related risk in the emerging Chinese market. The two-dimensional sample collection strategies, three-step prediction process and five MSM modelling principles are helpful for practice of hospitality firm failure prediction.


This research provides a means of processing mixed hospitality firm samples through the early definition and proposal of MSM, which addresses the ranking information within samples in deficient information environments and improves forecasting accuracy of traditional models. Moreover, it provides empirical evidence for the validation of sample selection and sample pairing strategy in evaluating the possibility of hospitality firm failure.


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 29 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 17 May 2024

Ya Bu, Xinghui Yu and Hui Li

The paper aims to examine the digital economy's influence on China's regional innovation and development. It focuses on direct effects and spatial spillover across regions, and…



The paper aims to examine the digital economy's influence on China's regional innovation and development. It focuses on direct effects and spatial spillover across regions, and the mediating role of human capital. This analysis is vital for policy and strategic planning in the digital era.


This study uses panel data from 30 Chinese provinces (2004–2019) and uses the entropy method to quantify the digital economy's development. It investigates its impact on regional innovation using a dynamic spatial Durbin model (SDM) and mediation effect model, assessing direct effects, spatial spillover and human capital's mediating role. Various control variables are included for comprehensive analysis.


Findings show the digital economy significantly boosts regional innovation, acting as a growth driver. However, impacts vary regionally, with the central region gaining more than the eastern and western areas. Spatial spillover effects are mixed, showing negative short-term and positive long-term impacts under different weight matrices. Human capital is crucial for fostering innovation through the digital economy.


The paper offers unique insights into the spatial dynamics of the digital economy's impact on regional innovation in China. It advances understanding of the digital economy's role in regional development using innovative methods like the entropy method and dynamic SDM. Highlighting human capital as a key mediating factor enriches discussions on digital economy strategies for regional innovation.


Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, vol. 26 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2398-5038


Publication date: 21 January 2021

Hui Li, Hao Li, Rongfeng Zhang, Yi Liu, Shemiao Qi and Heng Liu

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the structure design process of the cantilever spindle with limited installation space and wishing to increase its critical speed.



The purpose of this paper is to introduce the structure design process of the cantilever spindle with limited installation space and wishing to increase its critical speed.


In this paper, the finite element method was used to analyze the influence of the supporting stiffness and the structure of the spindle on the critical speed, and then the structure of the spindle was designed; moreover, the experiment was accomplished and the experiment results show that the spindle can work stably.


Through analyzing the influence of the supporting stiffness and the structure of the spindle on the critical speed, the following conclusions could be obtained: the shape of the first-mode is the bend vibration of the cantilever of the spindle; the first-order critical speed of the spindle gradually decreases with the diameter and length of the cantilever increasing; the first-order critical speed of the spindle increases with the depth and diameter of the blind hole increasing; and the experiment was accomplished and the experiment results show that the spindle can work stably.


In this paper, the finite element method was used to design the spindle of the testing machine, and satisfactory results were obtained. It can provide a theoretical reference for the design of a similar spindle.


Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, vol. 73 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0036-8792


Publication date: 1 July 2000

Schubert Foo, Siu Cheung Hui, Hong Koon Lim and Li Hui

Asian languages such as Japanese, Korean and in particular Chinese, are beginning to gain popularity in the information retrieval (IR) domain. The quality of IR systems has…


Asian languages such as Japanese, Korean and in particular Chinese, are beginning to gain popularity in the information retrieval (IR) domain. The quality of IR systems has traditionally been judged by the system’s retrieval effectiveness which, in turn, is commonly measured by data recall and data precision. This paper proposes and describes a process for generating an automatic Chinese thesaurus that can be used to provide related terms to a user’s queries to enhance retrieval effectiveness. In the absence of existing automatic Chinese thesauri, techniques used in English thesaurus generation have been evaluated and adapted to generate a Chinese equivalent. The automatic thesaurus is generated by computing the co‐occurrence values between domain‐specific terms found in a document collection. These co‐occurrence values are in turn derived from the term and document frequencies of the terms. A set of experiments was subsequently carried out on a document test set to evaluate the applicability of the thesaurus. Results obtained from these experiments confirmed that such an automatic generated thesaurus is able to improve the retrieval effectiveness of a Chinese IR system.


Library Review, vol. 49 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535


Publication date: 2 September 2021

Lei Fu, Hui Li, Li Lin, Qingyuan Wang, Qi Fan, Xinjie Huang, XiuLan Li, Sheng Lai and Lifei Chen

Most supersonic aircraft were manufactured using 2A70 aluminum alloy. The purpose of this paper is to study the corrosion mechanism and fatigue behavior of an aircraft in a…



Most supersonic aircraft were manufactured using 2A70 aluminum alloy. The purpose of this paper is to study the corrosion mechanism and fatigue behavior of an aircraft in a semi-industrial atmospheric corrosive environment, alternating effects of corrosion and fatigue were used to simulate the aircraft’s ground parking corrosion and air flight fatigue.


For this purpose, the aluminum alloy samples were subjected to pre-corrosion and alternating corrosion-fatigue experiments. The failure mechanisms of corrosion and corrosion fatigue were analyzed using microscopic characterization methods of electrochemical testing, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Miner’s linear cumulative damage rule was used to predict the fatigue life of aluminum alloy and to obtain its safe fatigue life.


The results showed that the corrosion damage caused by the corrosive environment was gradually connected by pitting pits to form denudation pits along grain boundaries. The deep excavation of chloride ions and the presence of intergranular copper-rich phases result in severe intergranular corrosion morphology. During cyclic loading, alternating hardening and softening occurred. The stress concentration caused by surface pitting pits and denudation pits initiated fatigue cracks at intergranular corrosion products. At the same time, the initiation of multiple fatigue crack sources was caused by the corrosion environment and the morphology of the transient fracture zone was also changed, but the crack propagation rate was not basically affected. The polarization curve and impedance analysis results showed that the corrosion rate increases first, decreases and then increases. Fatigue failure behavior was directly related to micro characteristics such as corrosion pits and microcracks.


In this research, alternating effects of corrosion and fatigue were used to simulate the aircraft’s ground parking corrosion and air flight fatigue. To study the corrosion mechanism and fatigue behavior of an aircraft in a semi-industrial atmospheric corrosive environment, the Miner’s linear cumulative damage rule was used to predict the fatigue life of aluminum alloy and to obtain its safe fatigue life.


Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, vol. 68 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0003-5599


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