Fadhlur Rahim Azmi, Abu Abdullah, Haslinda Musa and Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood
Food industry players obtain the advantages of profits growth within the halal industry whereby the market is dynamic to generate profit. Hence, this study aims to analyse the…
Food industry players obtain the advantages of profits growth within the halal industry whereby the market is dynamic to generate profit. Hence, this study aims to analyse the perception of food manufacturers towards the adoption of the halal food supply chain (HFSC).
For this study, 103 halal food manufacturers in Malaysia were selected as respondents. Perceptions of respondents towards HFSC were recorded using a five-point questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed by authors and adapted from a previous study. The questionnaire was circulated by two experts with proficiency in this filed.
By conducting exploratory factor analysis, the study found the perception of food manufacturers, which is expected business benefits play an important role in the adoption of HFSC. Halal integrity becomes the second factor to lead the company to its adoption. Organizational readiness is the third factor that drives the company to adopt HFSC.
Research limitations/implications
Majority of the sample was responded by Bumiputera companies. The study suggests focussing the study for non-Bumiputera companies to examine their influence towards HFSC. Furthermore, future studies should explore different sectors of halal, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, travel and tourism, logistics, finance and e-commerce. Moreover, ensuring the status of halal should be more emphasized in food chains; thus, the source of risk in HFSC should be explored to secure the integrity of halal.
Practical implications
The paper includes implications for the halal food industry, whereby the adoption of HFSC will contribute to the business benefits to create a more competitive advantage to the industry. Moreover, the implications of halal practice can create consumers’ trust on the halal product.
This paper fulfils an analysed need to study specifically on upstream parties by adopting HFSC.
Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman, Nurul Hasyima Khairuddin, Haslinda Hashim and Siti Rahayu Hussin
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between market orientation and innovative marketing strategies and the effect of innovative marketing strategies on the performance…
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between market orientation and innovative marketing strategies and the effect of innovative marketing strategies on the performance of agro-food manufacturers.
Systematic random sampling was used, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 380 agro-food manufacturers. Several statistical analyses, including Pearson correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis, were used to analyze the relationship between market orientation and innovative marketing strategies, and the effect of innovative marketing strategies on the performance of agro-food manufacturers.
All dimensions of market orientation – customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination – have significant relationships with innovative marketing strategies (product, price, promotion and distribution), while customer orientation and promotion showed a very strong relationship among other variables measured. Innovative marketing strategies, specifically promotion, had the most effect on the performance of agro-food manufacturers.
Research limitations/implications
The sample for this study was selected among agro-food manufacturers in major locations in Peninsular Malaysia. Hence, the findings may only give an initial overview of the current state of the agro-food manufacturers.
This study highlighted the significance of market orientation and innovative marketing strategies for the betterment of performance in the agro-food manufacturing sector.
Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Siti Rahayu Hussin, Hossein Nezakati, Raja Nerina Raja Yusof and Haslinda Hashim
This paper aims to investigate the socio-demographic variables that affect the motivation of Muslim tourists in Malaysia, and to examine the travel characteristics factors that…
This paper aims to investigate the socio-demographic variables that affect the motivation of Muslim tourists in Malaysia, and to examine the travel characteristics factors that affect the motivation in decision making of Muslim tourists travelling to Malaysia.
The study surveys questionnaires for data collection. Convenience sampling technique was used on the selected sample. The study was conducted in Malaysia, where the target respondents included Muslim family tourists with ages ranging from 18 to 64 years.
The findings show that motivation differs significantly among different levels of the socio-demographic characteristics except for gender and income. The result also reported that a majority of tourists’ travel behaviour was significantly different unless when it comes to seeking accommodation. Results also revealed a tendency for long holiday stays among Muslim tourists in Malaysia.
Research limitations/implications
In this study, the examination of motivation on the Muslim family tourists has provided significant influence in managing the family tourist experience. On the other hand, most previous studies have shown that motivation is positively guided by general “push and pull” factors. However, this research demonstrates that components such family financial income and age of respondents has an effect on Muslim family tourists’ motivation, thus justifying the experience effect.
Practical implications
It is crucial for the service provider and destination management organizations to differentiate their products and services so that the packages and experience will be more meaningful.
Social implications
Destination packages should be appropriately designed and positioned in the target markets to meet the needs and wants of different Muslim family groups. Communication should emphasize not only the most distinctive characteristics but also the most suitable holiday packages that the family tourist can afford to pay. This would assist the family in the decision-making process and choice processes and facilitate the family’s expectation.
This research paper related to Islamic tourism marketing which can be used to formulate appropriate marketing strategies, build a viable market segment and design practical marketing strategies to attract potential Muslims travellers.
Khondoker Abdul Mottaleb, Dil Bahadur Rahut and Ashok K. Mishra
The purpose of this paper is to examine the rice consumption by rice grain types under the rising income scenario in Bangladesh. Generally, with an increase in income, households…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the rice consumption by rice grain types under the rising income scenario in Bangladesh. Generally, with an increase in income, households tend to consume more food items that are high-value, enriched foods and protein, such as meat and fish, by substituting for cereals. However, consumers also substitute when it comes to grain quality. For example, cereals, such as rice, are available in a range of qualities from the ordinary type (coarse-grain) to the premium type (fine grain). The authors postulate that as household incomes increase, households may consume more premium-type rice (or fine-grain rice), while overall consuming less rice or fewer carbohydrates.
Using the Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2000, 2005, and 2010, and applying multivariate probit and seemingly unrelated regression estimation procedures, this study quantifies the impact of income, household demographics, and urbanization on rice consumption by rice grain types (coarse-grain, medium-grain, and fine-grain types).
The results show that urban, wealthy households and, households headed by educated heads and spouses, are more likely to consume fine-grain rice than their counterparts.
After yield, grain type is the second most important factor for farmers when considering the adoption of a new variety. The price of rice and other cereals is highly associated with the grain type. This study concludes that plant breeding programs of major cereals, such as rice and wheat, should take into account the consumer grain-type preferences when developing new varieties.
Nelvin XeChung Leow and Jayaraman Krishnaswamy
A lesson has been learned from the pandemic experience that less damages to the environment and realizing more social responsibilities would be the direction of the post-pandemic…
A lesson has been learned from the pandemic experience that less damages to the environment and realizing more social responsibilities would be the direction of the post-pandemic period globally. The purpose of this study is to focus on identifying the appropriate determinants of the proposed urban travel behavior model to develop Smart Mobility in Smart Cities to protect the environment. Potential to realize Smart Cities with infrastructure development has been explored in this study if road users are keen to combat climatic change which is clear from the challenges of flattening the infection rate through the enforcement of rules and regulations by the various government.
The proposed urban travel behavior model includes sub-drivers for each of the main drivers in the theory of interpersonal behavior (TIB). These sub-drivers emphasize in forming intentions to perform the behavioral changes while driving on urban roads during COVID-19 and post-pandemic periods. A primary online survey was conducted among road commuters in the most crowded place in Malaysia, the Greater Kuala Lumpur. A total of 383 respondents who frequently drive on road during the past one year were surveyed for this study. This data analysis of this quantitative study applied a partial least squares-structural equation modeling approach to determine the significant findings and results.
The significant findings of the study reveal that environmental consciousness and timely deviation in driving during traffic congestion are positively and significantly influencing the travel behavior performance (TBP) of commuters on urban roads. On the other hand, wet conditions due to weather, narrow road infrastructure and habits of road commuters are negatively influencing TBP. Social responsibility is positively and significantly influencing TBP through the mediating effect of the intention of road commuters’ behavior.
Research limitations/implications
The current environmental concerns and societal adherence efforts in breaking the chain of the infectious COVID-19 among people can be manifested to develop Smart Cities with less air and noise pollution in the future. In this context, the present study proposes an urban travel behavior model and tests for its suitability of a greener and cleaner environment for the benefit of future generations. The limitation of the present study is that travel hazards are not included in the framework, as it is a topic of its own volume.
It is timely to implement Smart Mobility on road business models for Smart Cities as the consequences of the pandemic make us to realize the importance of environmental concerns and the social responsibilities of everyone. TIB considers four drivers, namely, attitude, subjective norm, affect and habit which induce intention to perform behavioral decisions. The novelty of the present study is the development of sub-drivers for these four drivers in the context of the urban travel behavior model.
Wisdom Apedo Deku, Jiuhe Wang and Narain Das
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not need only traditional marketing strategies in the dynamic business environment of the manufacturing sector. Entrepreneurial marketing…
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not need only traditional marketing strategies in the dynamic business environment of the manufacturing sector. Entrepreneurial marketing dimension (EMD) is an alternative marketing approach for SMEs. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate whether EMD innovation has a positive and significant effect on SMEs performance on Ghanaian Halal food and beverages.
Correlative descriptive research method was used and 432 questionnaires with five-point Likert scale were distributed among owners-managers of manufacturing sectors of Ghanaian Halal food and beverages SMEs producers were chosen by a simple random sampling method. Structural equations modelling structural equations modelling techniques was used to analyse data.
The result of data analysis indicates a positive and significant effect of EMD on manufacturing SMEs performances of Halal food. Nevertheless, the effect of EMD on the production performance of the aforementioned companies is confirmed positive. The findings also show that production performances of Halal food SMEs result in their financial performance.
Research limitations/implications
The study’s sample is limited to Halal food SMEs manufacturing in Ghana. More research can be done investigating this relationship from different sectors and in Islamic and non-Islamic countries.
Practical implications
This research implies that Halal food SMEs manufacturing producers in a country is imperative in Muslim-minority countries. This study gives a benchmark for the non-Muslim-majority countries which endeavour to embark on the Halal SMEs manufacturing food. Muslim-minority countries that envision to succeed in the global Halal market could emulate Ghana’s approach in branding itself as a recognised non-Muslim-majority country in producing Halal foods. This can be done by implementing innovative, proactive, opportunist, risk-taking and customer-oriented initiatives to achieve better market and innovative performances and higher profits.
This paper fills a knowledge gap by presenting the first comprehensive overview of Halal food SMEs manufacturing performance research that enhances the ongoing discussion in hospitality, entrepreneurship and marketing fields in Islamic and non-Islamic contexts.
Jian Pei Kong, Rawa Ak Bau, Linda Jok and Azlee Bin Ayub
Recent public health initiatives have promoted accumulating 10,000 steps per day. Little previous research has evaluated the using pedometer in sustaining the physical activity…
Recent public health initiatives have promoted accumulating 10,000 steps per day. Little previous research has evaluated the using pedometer in sustaining the physical activity level during worksite intervention. Hence, this study aims to the step changes of pedometer in a multicomponent worksite intervention.
This trial enrolled 43 participants recruited from brochures at outpatient clinic. Throughout the 12-week multidisciplinary lifestyle program, participant required to wear a pedometer and reported daily step count at baseline, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th week. The primary outcome measure was the step goal over the 12th week of intervention.
All subjects regardless men and women prior enter into the intervention recorded less than 5,000 of average steps count per day which is sedentary. At the 12th week of intervention, there were only 9.3 per cent subjects are sedentary. Majority of subjects (55.8 per cent) had achieved at least somewhat active, followed by low active (23.3 per cent). There were only 11.6 per cent subjects are classified as highly active at the end of the intervention. The result indicated the changes of average steps per day from baseline to 2nd (p < 0.01), 4th (p < 0.01), 6th (p < 0.01), 8th (p < 0.01), 10th (p < 0.01) and 12th (p < 0.01) week were significant. Likewise, the changes of average steps per day from previous time were significant at 4th (p < 0.01) week and 10th (p < 0.001) week.
Research limitations/implications
This study did not associate the improvement health parameter and step counter as the core stone of this study intervention were extensive individual dietary regime and reinforcement of ZUMBA participation among participants through motivational interviewing counseling. Third, there was no control group in this study, where no pedometer and goal setting were provided to the control group in the previous reported effectiveness study (Jian Pei et al., 2017).
The step goal during a multicomponent worksite intervention in primary health-care setting has not been clearly defined. Besides, there are no clear data of generally daily step among primary health-care employees.