Investing money can be extremely easy, but most of us shy away from making financial decisions that smack of risk, even though we are perfectly willing to buy a house with a…
Investing money can be extremely easy, but most of us shy away from making financial decisions that smack of risk, even though we are perfectly willing to buy a house with a mortgage or buy everyday items with credit cards. According to Gloria Dinerman, a former Wall Street analyst and now President of Library Co‐Op, librarians are even more conservative than the rest of the population, and although they search for investment information for their clients, they seldom spend time gathering information on avenues for library investing.
While each of our fifty states have varied restrictions on legal investments for library funds, generally, putting funds into new issues as opposed to securities is considered…
While each of our fifty states have varied restrictions on legal investments for library funds, generally, putting funds into new issues as opposed to securities is considered inappropriate for money generated through public taxation. Since endowment portfolios show more flexibility, with limitations set basically by the terms of the trust, it is within this parameter that a knowledgeable investor can turn to the new‐issue market as a way to take part in the development of a potential resource for higher earnings for the library.
There is a real question as to whether your library will get a better return on its investment money if it hires a professional financial advisor. Whether the advisor works for…
There is a real question as to whether your library will get a better return on its investment money if it hires a professional financial advisor. Whether the advisor works for him or herself or is affiliated with a bank, brokerage house, or independent planning group — there is little variation in the types of services you will receive.
Earning money through investments is addictive. Once you begin to feel the elation created by better than average returns, the momentum to continue and improve your cash…
Earning money through investments is addictive. Once you begin to feel the elation created by better than average returns, the momentum to continue and improve your cash management accelerates with every placement. The following is a basic introduction to how investments work, the simplicity of transactions, and the importance of additional earnings. It should lead library personnel toward prudent investments that stress safety of the principal within the securities market.
Do banks intimidate you? Do you feel guilty if you question the quality of service? Do you have great expectations and then settle for short shrift?
Commentary on the Crash of '87: What’s the best way to make a million dollars in the stock market? Start with two million.
Interest rates on CDs are down. Interest rates on government securities are down. Interest rates on savings accounts are miniscule. As your library's investor, you probably had…
Interest rates on CDs are down. Interest rates on government securities are down. Interest rates on savings accounts are miniscule. As your library's investor, you probably had included earned interest on the income side of your budget — and most likely you're not quite making the dollar figure you had planned. One alternative means to equal your projections is to enter the very popular mutual fund market.
You have bought your investments. You are relatively confident that your choices were the best buys at the time you made your purchase. You set up your goals for the long and…
You have bought your investments. You are relatively confident that your choices were the best buys at the time you made your purchase. You set up your goals for the long and short term and, with the help of your broker, you are ready to sit back and watch the action.
Discusses the DISRAELI method of hiring staff which looks atpersonal qualities during interviews. Presents the eight points of themethod: diversity; initiative; skills;…
Discusses the DISRAELI method of hiring staff which looks at personal qualities during interviews. Presents the eight points of the method: diversity; initiative; skills; responsibilities; accomplishments; energy; loyalty; and integrity. Gives examples of possible interview questions.
Many grant proposals requesting federal or state dollars would fare better by targeting local sources. Why? Local funding sources have more commitment to the success of a local…
Many grant proposals requesting federal or state dollars would fare better by targeting local sources. Why? Local funding sources have more commitment to the success of a local project than do regional, state, or federal sources; fewer bureaucratic procedures/reporting requirements are involved in designing and implementing a locally funded project; and no strings are attached to its continuation once the outside funding cycle has ended.