Glenn Finch, Brian Goehring and Anthony Marshall
The authors show how cognitive computing offers companies an opportunity to dramatically improve the efficiency of business functions throughout the enterprise – from core back…
The authors show how cognitive computing offers companies an opportunity to dramatically improve the efficiency of business functions throughout the enterprise – from core back office systems to critical middle office capabilities to essential front office functions.
Examples are given of companies that are using cognitive computing to transform the workings of individual business functions.
Cognitive systems will also create breakthrough opportunities for interactions between various functions of the organization.
Practical implications
Self–learning cognitive systems are enabling better-informed customer engagement in which the technology recognizes, learns and improves with every interaction.
Applied to innovation activities, cognitive computing helps organizations better formulate hypotheses, identify and validate new ideas, accelerate and refine scenario envisioning and planning. As organizations become more mature in both digital intelligence and digital re-invention, the dynamic interplay between functions will increasingly become a source of competitive advantage.
Glenn Finch, Brian Goehring and Anthony Marshall
The authors address how a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing --- adaptive data management systems that monitor, analyze, make decisions and learn…
The authors address how a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing --- adaptive data management systems that monitor, analyze, make decisions and learn -- will transform businesses, work and customer offerings.
A survey of 6,050 C-suite executives worldwide identified a small group of cognitive innovators and revealed what they are doing differently.
Cognitive innovators identify customer satisfaction, retention, acquisition and revenue growth as the primary rationale for embracing cognitive technologies.
Practical implications
Cognitive computing systems are already helping make sense of the deluge of data spawned by ordinary commerce because they are able to adapt and learn.
The authors offer a four-step approach to cognitive computing innovation based on their research findings.
Looks at the 2000 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference held at the University of Cardiff in Wales on 6/7 September 2000. Spotlights the 76 or so presentations within and…
Looks at the 2000 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference held at the University of Cardiff in Wales on 6/7 September 2000. Spotlights the 76 or so presentations within and shows that these are in many, differing, areas across management research from: retail finance; precarious jobs and decisions; methodological lessons from feminism; call centre experience and disability discrimination. These and all points east and west are covered and laid out in a simple, abstract style, including, where applicable, references, endnotes and bibliography in an easy‐to‐follow manner. Summarizes each paper and also gives conclusions where needed, in a comfortable modern format.
Tom Schultheiss, Lorraine Hartline, Jean Mandeberg, Pam Petrich and Sue Stern
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the RSR review column, “Recent Reference Books,” by Frances Neel Cheney. “Reference Books in Print” includes all additional books received prior to the inclusion deadline established for this issue. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published, for immediate listing in “Reference Books in Print.” Reference books with imprints older than two years will not be included (with the exception of current reprints or older books newly acquired for distribution by another publisher). The column shall also occasionally include library science or other library related publications of other than a reference character.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.