Discusses the requirement for teleoperation and the optimum division of tasks between the human operator and the robot controller. Concludes that a combination of adaptive…
Discusses the requirement for teleoperation and the optimum division of tasks between the human operator and the robot controller. Concludes that a combination of adaptive autonomous control with teleoperation will allow operators to take a more supervisory role.
To report on a workshop, “Future UK Robotics Research Opportunities and Challenges”, held at Salford University in November 2005.
To report on a workshop, “Future UK Robotics Research Opportunities and Challenges”, held at Salford University in November 2005.
The driver for the workshop was fear that the UK could miss out on future opportunities in the robotics market, which recent figures suggest could be six times larger in 20 years' time compared with today. The workshop was split into two main sessions. In the morning, the theme was funding sources currently available for research programmes, with presentations from representatives of the European Commission, EURON (the European Robotics Research Network), EUROP (European Robotics Platform) and the UK EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council). All these bodies can provide support to UK researchers for appropriate projects. In the afternoon, the focus was on the technical challenges for robotics particularly in the service domain, which is forecast to be the big growth area. Three areas were discussed: human‐robot interfaces, robot modularisation and field robotics. Finally, the outcomes from a final “break out” session are given, the main proposal being a UK national “Grand Challenge” that would reinforce the relevance of robotics to future everyday life.
There are many opportunities in both the funding of and the challenges to UK (and other European) researchers in robotics, particularly in service environments.
Provides a review of the current status of European robotics research programmes and the fundings available to UK teams.
Philippe Desbats, Franck Geffard, Gérard Piolain and Alain Coudray
Aims to describe how to make an industrial robot work as a telemanipulator with force feedback, in order to carry out various tasks for remote handling in nuclear fuel cycle…
Aims to describe how to make an industrial robot work as a telemanipulator with force feedback, in order to carry out various tasks for remote handling in nuclear fuel cycle plants.
The robot Staübli RX170 (used as a slave arm) has been fitted with a force‐torque sensor and an electronic system for sensors' signals multiplexing. The overall system has been made tolerant to γ radiation up to a 10 kGy integrated dose. The industrial robot has been coupled to a master arm with force feedback capability and to the computer assisted teleoperation controller TAO2000 developed by CEA‐LIST.
The result of the maintenance operation reported in the paper, carried out with a Staübli RX170 robot at AREVA/COGEMA La Hague plant, illustrates the validity of this approach and demonstrates how remote handling can benefit from this new technology.
Introduces the teleoperation of industrial robots as a new solution for the maintenance of nuclear facilities. Wrist force/torque sensing and advanced master‐slave controller provide the operators with a high performance teleoperation system. Only limited modification of the existing design of the industrial robot has been carried out in order to transform it into a nuclear telemanipulator.
The Joint European Torus (JET) is the flagship for European Fusion Research. This study seeks to address the issue of the need for remote handling in the process of recreating…
The Joint European Torus (JET) is the flagship for European Fusion Research. This study seeks to address the issue of the need for remote handling in the process of recreating nuclear fusion as a limitless source of clean energy.
Describes in detail the JET remote handling system with its “man in the loop” approach providing the operator with “remote hands” inside the JET Torus.
Finds that the increase in requirement for remote operations has necessitated rationalization of task procedures and their associated paper work.
This paper opens the gates for increasing productivity, broadening the scope of remote handling procedures, increasing operating loads and reducing downtime.
Aims to clarify the use of “nuclear” robots with special reference to one UK contractor (Magnox) and the cost‐effectiveness of its decommissioning programme.
Aims to clarify the use of “nuclear” robots with special reference to one UK contractor (Magnox) and the cost‐effectiveness of its decommissioning programme.
Goes through the protocol of the use of robots in the disposal of contaminated scrap.
Justifies the use of a built‐to‐order modular linear (Cartesian) robot system required by Magnox.
Provides valuable advice for handling nuclear materials, especially reactors.
Hui Shao and Kenzo Nonami
According to UN estimates more than 2,000 people are killed or maimed every month by land‐mines. Although some mechanical solutions to their removal have been proposed, this is…
According to UN estimates more than 2,000 people are killed or maimed every month by land‐mines. Although some mechanical solutions to their removal have been proposed, this is still heavily dependent on human manipulation. This study seeks to posit a robotic solution to this extremely hazardous operation.
Examines an active tele‐operated master‐slave robot hand system in which the master and slave hands have completely different structures.
A secure grasping strategy with a neuro‐fuzzy position control is optional, involving robust position control and accurate force control.
To the best of the authors' knowledge, the configuration and control system of the tele‐operation master‐slave robotic hand is novel in the applied robotics research field.
Brian P. DeJong, Eric L. Faulring, J. Edward Colgate, Michael A. Peshkin, Hyosig Kang, Young S. Park and Thomas F. Ewing
Sets out to discuss lessons learned from the creation and use of an over‐the‐internet teleoperation testbed.
Sets out to discuss lessons learned from the creation and use of an over‐the‐internet teleoperation testbed.
Seven lessons learned from the testbed are presented.
This teleoperation interface improves task performance, as proved by a single demonstration.
In helping to overcome time‐delay difficulties in the operation, leading to dramatically improved task performance, this study contributes significantly to the improvement of teleoperation by making better use of human skills.
Shows how two events one week apart earlier this year pointed the way for the UK to put itself in the vanguard of the next stage of intelligent robotics development. First came…
Shows how two events one week apart earlier this year pointed the way for the UK to put itself in the vanguard of the next stage of intelligent robotics development. First came the publication of a report Technology and Market Review of the Robotics Sector which studied the state and prospects of robotics in seven sectors of UK industry and proposed that special efforts, including demonstrator projects should be focused first on the food industry sector and then on the medical sector. The second event was the launch of SILVER SIG, a Special Interest Group for Intelligent VEhicles and Robotics. A major participant in SILVER is the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, DERA, which is committed to linking commercial industry with government research ‐ in this case in the development of intelligent vehicles.