In 1973 we published a booklet bearing the above title. This outlined points the inventor should observe in seeking patent protection using the legislation and procedures existing…
In 1973 we published a booklet bearing the above title. This outlined points the inventor should observe in seeking patent protection using the legislation and procedures existing at that time.
The TUC calls them ‘pseudo‐unions’. The men who have broken away to form their own negotiating groups say they are guided by professional codes—and firms are caught up in the…
Analyses the relationship between concepts of enterprise and hierarchy and what effects both terms mean in the growth and development of companies. The method chosen to examine…
Analyses the relationship between concepts of enterprise and hierarchy and what effects both terms mean in the growth and development of companies. The method chosen to examine these issues is that of a case study of a UK trawling company. Attempts to look at the issue of a company management in a lateral way, not so much comparing enterprise and hierarchy to try and prove one or the other is the main reason for company success or failure, but to look at their relationship over a long period of time. Firms need to keep a capacity to be entrepreneurial in order to develop properly but they also need rigour to provide stability. However, as this case study proves, it would appear that a solely hierarchical management structure is more likely to be the norm after the founding entrepreneur has vacated power than the mixed needed to ensure ongoing viability.
Introduction In the intense debates concerning industrial relations reform in the last decade and a half, few issues have attracted more heated controversy than the question of…
Introduction In the intense debates concerning industrial relations reform in the last decade and a half, few issues have attracted more heated controversy than the question of the closed shop. The industrial events of the winter of 1978–9 have led to a renewed debate. This culminated in the TUC producing a Code of Practice for trade unions on the operation of the closed shop; and the Conservative Party in their election manifesto committing themselves to a reform of the present legislation in this area.
In his travels early in the new year, the Minister of Labour, Mr Godber, announced two interesting developments — first a new arrangement for training unemployed boys on…
In his travels early in the new year, the Minister of Labour, Mr Godber, announced two interesting developments — first a new arrangement for training unemployed boys on Tees‐side. In the next 12 months about 100 will enter six‐month courses of introduction to industrial methods and techniques.
Emily Bouck and Rajiv Satsangi
Mathematics can be a challenging content area for all students and especially for students with disabilities. Assistive technology can support the access, participation and…
Mathematics can be a challenging content area for all students and especially for students with disabilities. Assistive technology can support the access, participation and achievement of students with disabilities in mathematics in general and in inclusive mathematics settings in particular. In this chapter, assistive technology to academic and functional mathematics will be discussed; particularly, manipulatives, calculators and other technology-mediated mathematics interventions (e.g., apps or computer programs) will be highlighted.
This review sets out the legislative amendments that have been made to the Children Act 1989 since it was implemented in 1991. It highlights the most significant changes to the…
This review sets out the legislative amendments that have been made to the Children Act 1989 since it was implemented in 1991. It highlights the most significant changes to the original wording of the Act, with brief summaries of the relevant background and references to comment by leading figures in law and social work. The review follows the structure of the Act, beginning with the welfare principle and covering: private law provisions; local authority duties to children in need; care orders; and child protection. It is concluded that the majority of the amendments have arisen through increased recognition of the impact of domestic violence on children, campaigning by the fathers' rights movements and the economic pressures on local authorities that have prevented the provision of adequate services to children in need.
The use of boron compounds or other preservatives of the nature of drugs in cream is alleged to be necessary mainly for two reasons, namely, long distance transit leading to a…
The use of boron compounds or other preservatives of the nature of drugs in cream is alleged to be necessary mainly for two reasons, namely, long distance transit leading to a considerable lapse of time between despatch and consumption, and the uncertainty attaching to the disposal of consignments of perishable and valuable material in a fresh or apparently fresh condition.
Kevin Doughty and Gareth Williams
The use of telecare with appropriate domiciliary care packages may provide the means to manage many of the risks associated with the increasing number of older people who wish to…
The use of telecare with appropriate domiciliary care packages may provide the means to manage many of the risks associated with the increasing number of older people who wish to continue to live independently in their own homes. Those who become especially frail or disabled can retain their independence and quality of life if their homes are made ‘smart’. This paper discusses the range of services that are available, or under development, for the prototype ‘MIDAS’ (Modular Intelligent Domiciliary Alarm System) telecare system, which enable traditional community alarm, telecare and assistive technologies to be used in an integrated and intelligent fashion. A range of services that allow autonomous operation within the home (and hence increase the perceived independence of a client by decreasing the reliance on a response centre operator) known as ‘HAMISH’ may be used. It offers a wider range of cost‐effective services of relevance to both the individual, and to society, in different types of home environment including dispersed housing and new sheltered housing schemes.
Thalia Anthony, Juanita Sherwood, Harry Blagg and Kieran Tranter