Fernando Morgado, Paula Bacelar-Nicolau, Jaime Rendon von Osten, Paulo Santos, Leonor Bacelar-Nicolau, Harith Farooq, Fátima Alves, Amadeu M.V.M. Soares and Ulisses M. Azeiteiro
Higher education system has a critical role to play in educating environmentally aware and participant citizens about global climate change (CC). And, as shown by the 21st…
Higher education system has a critical role to play in educating environmentally aware and participant citizens about global climate change (CC). And, as shown by the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change – COP 21, held in Paris in December 2015, there is still a path to be followed regarding the role played by universities in the negotiations and in influencing decision-making on a matter of such global importance. The purpose of this first study conducted within Portuguese (Europe), Mexican (Spanish-speaking North America University) and Mozambican (Africa) universities is to investigate higher education system students’ perceptions on CC.
The data were collected through a questionnaire aiming at characterising students from the socio-demography, and from their perceptions, motivations, attitudes and knowledge relating to the topic of CC. Statistical analysis was used to compare and characterise the three national groups under study.
This study did not show significant perception differences among the analysed subsamples, although there was a tendency for Mexican students to express lesser belief that CC was happening, and for Mozambicans to show a greater belief in CC issues and motivation to mitigate its effects which may be related to the specifics contexts. The results show that relevant differences among nationalities mostly concerned the magnitude of choices (e.g. most respondents of each nationality expressed interest in CC issues, but the magnitude of this expression differed according to nationality). The principal component analysis (second and third components) clearly embodied nationality profiles (discussed in the context of different cultures, educational structures and CC impacts).
Research limitations/implications
Further research is warranted to understand the integration of CC into higher education curriculum to improve and target educational efforts to suit students’ needs.
Practical implications
How CC perceptions vary cross-nationally and how research studies that examine the integration of CC into higher education curriculum are areas for which more research is needed.
The results highlight the importance of socio-cultural dimensions of each country in relation to the understanding or perception of CC issues, namely, in what concerns aspects related with gender roles, age, active learning and citizenship. This study’s data evidenced that despite the surveyed students being familiarized with CC phenomena, this knowledge does not translate necessarily into concrete mitigation practices and behaviours.
José Guilherme Moreira Simões Vieira, Joana Salgueiro, Amadeu Mortágua Velho da Maia Soares, Ulisses Azeiteiro and Fernando Morgado
The development of models that allows the evaluation and prediction of erosion processes is an important tool for the management and planning of coastal systems. Mangrove forests…
The development of models that allows the evaluation and prediction of erosion processes is an important tool for the management and planning of coastal systems. Mangrove forests systems are under threat by the impacts of erosion, which is also intensified by human activity (and aggravated in the scenarios of global warming and climate change). The purpose of this paper is to develop a model of geographic information systems (GIS) that can be used for any estuary area, but it can also be used for mangroves.
This paper uses georeferentiation which is defined as a set of parameters that best characterize the mangrove areas: elevation (m); geomorphology; geology; land cover; anthropogenic activities; distance to the coastline (m) and maximum tidal range (m). Three different methods are used to combine the various vulnerability parameters, namely, DRASTIC index, analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and square root of the geometric mean.
The three approaches presented in this work show different types evaluating vulnerability to erosion, highlighting a stronger overvaluation of the areas presented with a high vulnerability, through the use of DRASTIC index when compared with two other approaches. The use of the AHP shows similarity to the square root of the geometric mean model, but the AHP also presents a higher percentage of vulnerable areas classified as having medium to very high vulnerability. On the other hand, the use of square root of the geometric mean led to a higher percentage of areas classified as having low and very low vulnerability.
Research limitations/implications
These three qualitative models, based on a cognitive approach, using the set of parameters defined in this research, are a good tool for the spatial distribution of erosion in different mangroves in the world.
Global warming and climate change scenarios require adaptation and mitigation options supported by science-based strategies and solutions.
Ulisses Azeiteiro, Fernando Gonçalves, Walter Leal Filho, Fernando Morgado and Mário Pereira
Ignacio Diaz-Cano, Fernando M. Quintana, Miguel Lopez-Fuster, Francisco-Javier Badesa, Pedro L. Galindo and Arturo Morgado-Estevez
Fillet welding is one of the most widespread types of welding in the industry, which is still carried out manually or automated by contact. This paper aims to describe an online…
Fillet welding is one of the most widespread types of welding in the industry, which is still carried out manually or automated by contact. This paper aims to describe an online programming system for noncontact fillet welding robots with “U”- and “L”-shaped structures, which responds to the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In this paper, the authors propose an online robot programming methodology that eliminates unnecessary steps traditionally performed in robotic welding, so that the operator only performs three steps to complete the welding task. First, choose the piece to weld. Then, enter the welding parameters. Finally, it sends the automatically generated program to the robot.
The system finally managed to perform the fillet welding task with the proposed method in a more efficient preparation time than the compared methods. For this, a reduced number of components was used compared to other systems: a structured light 3 D camera, two computers and a concentrator, in addition to the six-axis industrial robotic arm. The operating complexity of the system has been reduced as much as possible.
Practical implications
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no scientific or commercial evidence of an online robot programming system capable of performing a fillet welding process, simplifying the process so that it is completely transparent for the operator and framed in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Its commercial potential lies mainly in its simple and low-cost implementation in a flexible system capable of adapting to any industrial fillet welding job and to any support that can accommodate it.
In this study, a robotic robust system is achieved, aligned to Industry 4.0, with a friendly, intuitive and simple interface for an operator who does not need to have knowledge of industrial robotics, allowing him to perform a fillet welding saving time and increasing productivity.
J. Norberto Pires, A. Loureiro, T. Godinho, P. Ferreira, B. Fernando and J. Morgado
Associating robot manipulators with industrial welding operations is common and maybe one of the most successful applications of industrial robots. Nevertheless, it is far from…
Associating robot manipulators with industrial welding operations is common and maybe one of the most successful applications of industrial robots. Nevertheless, it is far from being a solved technological process, mainly because the welding process is not fully understood but also because robots are still at an early satge of development, being difficult to use and program by regular operators. This is also true for Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), which are not intuitive to use and are therefore unsatisfactory. In this paper we discuss these problems and present a system designed with the double objective of serving our R&D efforts on welding applications, but also our need to assist industrial partners working with welding setups. Frequently industrial partners are not happy with available commercial systems, requiring tailored solutions that could be adapted to several robots and robot controllers. The developed system is explained in some detail, and demonstrated using two test cases which reproduce two situations very common in industry: multi‐layer butt welding (used on big structures requiring very strong welds) and multi‐point fillet welding (used for example on structural pieces for the construction industry).
J. Norberto Pires, T. Godinho, P. Ferreira and A. Loureiro
In this paper a solution capable of extracting robot motion information from CAD data is briefly presented and explored.
In this paper a solution capable of extracting robot motion information from CAD data is briefly presented and explored.
The motion information is added by the user to the CAD file, defining in this way the approach, fly‐by and welding trajectories. So the user programs the robot. An application is then used to extract that information and constitute a pre‐program, which should be tuned with the real robot using a small set of rules. In this way, versatility of robotic cells is improved and its programming is simplified.
The developed CAD interface is tested using a robot welding experiment on a steel beam used for industrial buildings.
This paper builds on work previously described in “CAD interface for automatic robot welding programming” published in Industrial Robot, Vol. 31, No. 1.
J. Norberto Pires, T. Godinho and P. Ferreira
Industrial robots play an important role in industry, due to their flexibility. Many applications (almost all that require human intervention) may be performed with advantages by…
Industrial robots play an important role in industry, due to their flexibility. Many applications (almost all that require human intervention) may be performed with advantages by robots. Nevertheless, set‐up operations, necessary when changing production models, are still tricky and time‐consuming. It is common to have detailed data of working pieces in computer aided design (CAD) files, resulting from product design and project. This information is not used satisfactorily, or even not used at all, for robot programming. In this paper, we propose a solution capable of extracting robot motion information from the CAD data.
This study aims to explore the influence of postdisaster tourism development on the objective quality of life (QoL) of residents in Wenchuan County, simulate the long-run trend of…
This study aims to explore the influence of postdisaster tourism development on the objective quality of life (QoL) of residents in Wenchuan County, simulate the long-run trend of postdisaster tourism development and QoL based on three proposed policy scenarios and formulate some practical suggestions to promote sustainable tourism development.
This study uses the system dynamic approach to develop a system dynamics (SD) model called “tourism–economy–environment–living” (TEEL) by using four subsystems: “the economic subsystem,” “the tourism subsystem,” “the environmental subsystem” and “the living subsystem.”
The results show that the influence of postdisaster tourism development on QoL is complex. Based on Butler’s destination life cycle theory, the influence of postdisaster tourism on objective QoL exhibits a nonlinear change closely tied to the development stages of tourist destinations. It showed that the QoL index increased after an initial decrease in the early stage (2009–2013) and then decreased in the later stage (2013–2019). Simulations of TEEL based on three different scenarios show that the current development path of tourism development is not ideal. The synergy scenario, highlighting the importance of the harmonious development of the TEEL, is the optimal scenario.
This study fills the gap in the literature on the influence of postdisaster tourism development on objective QoL from the perspective of SD. Modeling tourism development and objective QoL will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of whether and how tourism development can enhance residents’ QoL in disaster-affected areas.
本研究旨在探讨灾后旅游发展对汶川县居民客观生活质量(QoL)的影响, 并基于三种拟议的政策情景模拟灾后旅游发展和生活质量的长期演化趋势, 并制定一些切实可行的建议, 以促进旅游业的可持续发展。
本研究运用系统动力学方法, 通过使用四个子系统, 即“经济子系统”、“旅游子系统”“环境子系统”和“生活子系统”, 建立了一个称为“旅游-经济-环境-生活”(TEEL)的系统动力学模型。
研究结果表明, 灾后旅游发展对客观QoL的影响是复杂的。根据巴特勒的目的地生命周期理论, 灾后旅游对目标QoL的影响呈现非线性变化, 与旅游目的地的发展阶段密切相关。结果表明, QoL指数在前期(2009–2013年)出现初始下降后上升, 而后在后期(2013–2019年)下降。基于三种不同方案的TEEL模拟表明, 当前旅游发展路径并非最佳。协同方案强调了TEEL和谐发展的重要性, 是在所有方案中最佳。
Este estudio tiene por objetivo explorar la influencia del desarrollo del turismo post-catástrofe en la calidad de vida (CdV) objetiva de los residentes del condado de Wenchuan, simular la tendencia a largo plazo del desarrollo del turismo tras la catástrofe y la CdV basándose en tres escenarios políticos propuestos, y formular algunas sugerencias prácticas para promover el desarrollo del turismo sostenible.o.
Este estudio utiliza el enfoque de dinámica de sistemas para desarrollar un modelo de dinámica de sistemas denominado “turismo-economía-medioambiente-vida” (TEMV) utilizando cuatro subsistemas: “el subsistema económico”, “el subsistema turístico”, “el subsistema medioambiental” y “el subsistema de vida”.
Los resultados muestran que la influencia del desarrollo del turismo post-catástrofe en la CdV objetiva es compleja. Basándose en la teoría de Butler sobre el ciclo de vida del destino, la influencia del turismo post-catástrofe en la CdV objetiva presenta un cambio no lineal estrechamente vinculado a las etapas de desarrollo de los destinos turísticos. Se demuestra que el índice de CdV aumentó después de una disminución inicial en la primera etapa (2009-2013) y luego disminuyó en la etapa posterior (2013-2019). Las simulaciones de TEMV basadas en tres escenarios diferentes muestran que la actual trayectoria de desarrollo del turismo no es ideal. El escenario de sinergia, que destaca la importancia del desarrollo armonioso del TEMV, es el escenario óptimo.
Este estudio llena la brecha existente en la literatura sobre la influencia del desarrollo del turismo post-catástrofe en la calidad de vida (CdV) objetiva desde la perspectiva de la dinámica de sistemas. La modelización del desarrollo turístico y la CdV objetiva contribuirá a una comprensión integral de si el desarrollo turístico puede mejorar, y cómo, la CdV de los residentes en las zonas afectadas por catástrofes
Francesco Gangi, Eugenio D'Angelo, Lucia Michela Daniele and Nicola Varrone
This paper aims to provide new evidence on firm-specific determinants and effects of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) in the food industry.
This paper aims to provide new evidence on firm-specific determinants and effects of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) in the food industry.
The current study is designed to empirically answer dual related research questions. First, we investigate the extent to which effective corporate governance (CG) mechanisms foster CSER. Second, we analyse the impact of CSER engagement on corporate financial performance (CFP). Consistent with the research design, to avoid sample selection bias, the authors employed Heckman two-step model (1979) to a worldwide sample of 324 food firms between 2011 and 2017.
The findings of the study reveal that effective board characteristics foster CSER engagement. Furthermore, CSER engagement is a positive predictor of improved profitability and also reduces the cost of debt (COD).
This article has elements of originality regarding the research questions, the context and the method. First, the authors demonstrate that CSER is a “missing link” between CG and CFP in the food industry. The authors’ contribution complements the debate on CSER and CFP through the stakeholder theory, the resource-based view and the innovation management perspective. They disentangle the effect of CG from the impact of social and environmental responsibility after correcting for endogeneity bias. The implications of the study contribute to a win-win scenario for companies investing in CG that result in higher CSER engagement, better profits and lower cost of capital.