

Azeiteiro, U., Gonçalves, F., Leal Filho, W., Morgado, F. and Pereira, M. (2004), "World Trends in Environmental Education", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 458-459.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

This book contains many of the keynote papers delivered at the First World Environmental Education Congress (FWEEC) held in Espinho, Portugal in May 2003. The FWEEC, held 21‐24 May 2003, gathered 282 participants from 38 countries, offering an international platform for educators, scientists, researchers, scholars, politicians, technicians, activists, media and teachers to present and debate world‐wide issues in environmental education.

The themes the book deals with include environmental policies and education; media and communication; environmental activism and citizenship; local activities; sustainable agriculture and tourism; economics and sustainability; communication; evaluation techniques; teacher training and general aspects of research. The papers offer an up‐dated overview of various trends related to offering international environmental education, including aspects of research, teaching and project‐based work.

Due to its nature and international scope, this publication is of special interest to educators, scientists, researchers, politicians, technicians, environment activists, teachers and others interested in the ways environmental education is seen and practised all over the world.

Overview of contents:

  • some aspects of environmental education in member countries of the European Union;

  • conferences on environmental education in Europe;

  • distance Learning for sustainability education;.

  • evaluating environmental education programmes effectively;

  • programme, performance, and professionalism: improving the field by data;

  • environmental education: the Portuguese experience;

  • environmental education in transition: looking beyond sustainability and sustainable development; and

  • a review of a selection of environmental education research in southern Africa.

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