Chahinez Ghernoug, Mahfoud Djezzar, Hassane Naji and Abdelkarim Bouras
The purpose of this paper is to numerically study the double-diffusive natural convection within an eccentric horizontal cylindrical annulus filled with a Newtonian fluid. The…
The purpose of this paper is to numerically study the double-diffusive natural convection within an eccentric horizontal cylindrical annulus filled with a Newtonian fluid. The annulus walls are maintained at uniform temperatures and concentrations so as to induce aiding thermal and mass buoyancy forces within the fluid. For that, this simulation span a moderate range of thermal Rayleigh number (100RaT100,000), Lewis (0.1Le10), buoyancy ratio (0N5) and Prandtl number (Pr=0.71) to examine their effects on flow motion and heat and mass transfers.
A finite volume method in conjunction with the successive under-relaxation algorithm has been developed to solve the bipolar equations. These are written in dimensionless form in terms of vorticity, stream function, temperature and concentration. Beforehand, the implemented computer code has been validated through already published findings in the literature. The isotherms, streamlines and iso-concentrations are exhibited for various values of Rayleigh and Lewis numbers, and buoyancy ratio. In addition, heat and mass transfer rates in the annulus are translated in terms of Nusslet and Sherwood numbers along the enclosure’s sides.
It is observed that, for the range of parameters considered here, the results show that the average Sherwood number increases with, while the average Nusselt number slightly dips as the Lewis number increases. It is also found that, under the convective mode, the local Nusselt number (or Sherwood) increases with the buoyancy ratio. Likewise, according to Lewis number’s value, the flow pattern is either symmetric and stable or asymmetric and random. Besides that, the heat transfer is transiting from a conductive mode to a convective mode with increasing the thermal Rayleigh number, and the flow structure and the rates of heat and mass transfer are significantly influenced by this parameter.
Research limitations/implications
The range of the Rayleigh number considered here covers only the laminar case, with some constant parameters, namely the Prandtl number (Pr = 0.71), and the tilt angle (α=90°). The analysis here is only valid for steady, two-dimensional, laminar and aiding flow within an eccentric horizontal cylindrical annulus. This motivates further investigations involving other relevant parameters as N (opposite flows), Ra, Pr, Le, the eccentricity, the tilt angle, etc.
Practical implications
An original framework for handling the double-diffusive natural convection within annuli is available, based on the bipolar equations. In addition, the achievement of this work could help researchers design thermal systems supported by annulus passages. Applications of the results can be of value in various arrangements such as storage of liquefied gases, electronic cable cooling systems, nuclear reactors, underground disposal of nuclear wastes, manifolds of solar energy collectors, etc.
Given the geometry concerned, the bipolar coordinates have been used to set the inner and outer walls boundary conditions properly without interpolation. In addition, since studies on double-diffusive natural convection in annuli are lacking, the obtained results may be of interest to handle other configurations (e.g., elliptical-shaped speakers) with other boundary conditions.
Abdeslam Omara, Mouna Touiker and Abderrahim Bourouis
This paper aims to consider numerical analysis of laminar double-diffusive natural convection inside a non-homogeneous closed medium composed of a saturated porous matrix and a…
This paper aims to consider numerical analysis of laminar double-diffusive natural convection inside a non-homogeneous closed medium composed of a saturated porous matrix and a clear binary fluid under spatial sinusoidal heating/cooling on one side wall and uniform salting.
The domain of interest is a partially square porous enclosure with sinusoidal wall heating and cooling. The fluid flow, heat and mass transfer dimensionless governing equations associated with the corresponding boundary conditions are discretized using the finite volume method. The resulting algebraic equations are solved by an in-house FORTRAN code and the SIMPLE algorithm to handle the non-linear character of conservation equations. The validity of the in-house FORTRAN code is checked by comparing the current results with previously published experimental and numerical works. The effect of the porous layer thickness, the spatial frequency of heating and cooling, the Darcy number, the Rayleigh number and the porous to fluid thermal conductivity ratio is analyzed.
The results demonstrate that for high values of the spatial frequency of heating and cooling (f = 7), temperature contours show periodic variations with positive and negative values providing higher temperature gradient near the thermally active wall. In this case, the temperature variation is mainly in the porous layer, while the temperature of the clear fluid region is practically the same as that imposed on the left vertical wall. This aspect can have a beneficial impact on thermal insulation. Besides, the porous to fluid thermal conductivity ratio,
Practical implications
The findings are useful for devices working on double-diffusive natural convection inside non-homogenous cavities.
The authors believe that the presented results are original and have not been published elsewhere.
J.W. Peterson, B.T. Murray and G.F. Carey
The purpose of this paper is to consider double‐diffusive convection in a heated porous medium saturated with a fluid. Of particular interest is the case where the fluid has a…
The purpose of this paper is to consider double‐diffusive convection in a heated porous medium saturated with a fluid. Of particular interest is the case where the fluid has a stabilizing concentration gradient and small diffusivity.
A fully‐coupled stabilized finite element scheme and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) methodology are introduced to solve the resulting coupled multiphysics application and resolve fine scale solution features. The code is written on top of the open source finite element library LibMesh, and is suitable for parallel, high‐performance simulations of large‐scale problems.
The stabilized adaptive finite element scheme is used to compute steady and unsteady onset of convection in a generalized Horton‐Rogers‐Lapwood problem in both two and three‐dimensional domains. A detailed study confirming the applicability of AMR in obtaining the predicted dependence of solutal Nusselt number on Lewis number is given. A semi‐permeable barrier version of the generalized HRL problem is also studied and is believed to present an interesting benchmark for AMR codes owing to the different boundary and internal layers present in the problem. Finally, some representative adaptive results in a complex 3D heated‐pipe geometry are presented.
This work demonstrates the feasibility of stabilized, adaptive finite element schemes for computing simple double‐diffusive flow models, and it represents an easily‐generalizable starting point for more complex calculations since it is based on a highly‐general finite element library. The complementary nature of h‐adaptivity and stabilized finite element techniques for this class of problem is demonstrated using particularly simple error indicators and stabilization parameters. Finally, an interesting double‐diffusive convection benchmark problem having a semi‐permeable barrier is suggested.
Kashif Irshad, Amjad Ali Pasha, Mohammed K. Al Mesfer, Mohd Danish, Manoj Kumar Nayak, Ali Chamkha and Ahmed M. Galal
The entropy and thermal behavior analyses of non-Newtonian nanofluid double-diffusive natural convection inside complex domains may captivate a bunch of scholars’ attention…
The entropy and thermal behavior analyses of non-Newtonian nanofluid double-diffusive natural convection inside complex domains may captivate a bunch of scholars’ attention because of the potential utilizations that they possess in modern industries, for example, heat exchangers, solar energy collectors and cooling of electronic apparatuses. This study aims to investigate the second law and thermal behavior of non-Newtonian double-diffusive natural convection (DDNC) of Al2O3-H2O nanofluid within a C-shaped cavity emplacing two hot baffles and impacted by a magnetic field.
For the governing equations of the complicated and practical system with all considered parameters to be solved via a formidable numerical approach, the finite element method acts as an approach to achieving the desired solution. This method allows us to gain a detailed solution to the studied geometry.
This investigation has been executed for the considered parameters of range, such as power-law index, baffle length, Lewis number, buoyancy ratio, Hartmann number and Rayleigh number. The main results reveal that isothermal and concentration lines are significantly more distorted, indicating intensified concentration and temperature distributions because of the growth of baffle length (L). Nuave decreases by 8.4% and 0.8% while it enhances by 49.86% and 33.87%, respectively, because of growth in the L from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.2 to 0.3.
Such a comprehensive study on the second law and thermal behavior of DDNC of Al2O3-H2O nanofluid within a C-shaped cavity emplacing two hot baffles and impacted by magnetic field has not yet been carried out.
M.M. Rahman, Sourav Saha, Satyajit Mojumder, Khan Md. Rabbi, Hasnah Hasan and Talaat A. Ibrahim
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the nature of the flow field, temperature distribution and heat and mass transfer in a triangular solar collector enclosure with…
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the nature of the flow field, temperature distribution and heat and mass transfer in a triangular solar collector enclosure with a corrugated bottom wall in the unsteady condition numerically.
Non-linear governing partial differential equations (i.e. mass, momentum, energy and concentration equations) are transformed into a system of integral equations by applying the Galerkin weighted residual method. The integration involved in each of these terms is performed using Gauss’ quadrature method. The resulting non-linear algebraic equations are modified by the imposition of boundary conditions. Finally, Newton’s method is used to modify non-linear equations into the linear algebraic equations.
Both the buoyancy ratio and thermal Rayleigh number play an important role in controlling the mode of heat transfer and mass transfer.
Calculations are performed for various thermal Rayleigh numbers, buoyancy ratios and time periods. For each specific condition, streamline contours, isotherm contours and iso-concentration contours are obtained, and the variation in the overall Nusselt and Sherwood numbers is identified for different parameter combinations.
Mourad Moderres, Said Abboudi, Malika Ihdene, Sofiane Aberkane and Abderahmane Ghezal
Double-diffusive convection within a tri-dimensional in a horizontal annulus partially filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium is numerically investigated. The aim of this…
Double-diffusive convection within a tri-dimensional in a horizontal annulus partially filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium is numerically investigated. The aim of this work is to understand the effects of a source of heat and solute on the fluid flow and heat and mass transfer rates.
In the formulation of the problem, the Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer model is adopted to the fluid flow in the porous annulus. The laminar flow regime is considered under steady state conditions. Moreover, the transport equation for continuity, momentum, energy and mass transfer are solved using the Patankar–Spalding technique.
Through this investigation, the predicted results for both average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers were correlated in terms of Lewis number, thermal Grashof number and buoyancy ration. A comparison was made with the published results and a good agreement was found.
The paper’s results are validated by favorable comparisons with previously published results. The results of the problem are presented in graphical forms and discussed. This paper aims to study the behavior of the flow structure and heat transfer and mass for different parameters.
This paper aims to adopt incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method to simulate MHD double-diffusive natural convection in a cavity containing an oscillating…
This paper aims to adopt incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method to simulate MHD double-diffusive natural convection in a cavity containing an oscillating pipe and filled with nanofluid.
The Lagrangian description of the governing partial differential equations are solved numerically using improved ISPH method. The inner oscillating pipe is divided into two different pipes as an open and a closed pipe. The sidewalls of the cavity are cooled with a lower concentration C_c and the horizontal walls are adiabatic. The inner pipe is heated with higher concentration C_h. The analysis has been conducted for the two different cases of inner oscillating pipes under the effects of wide range of governing parameters.
It is found that a suitable oscillating pipe makes a well convective transport inside a cavity. Presence of the oscillating pipe has effects on the heat and mass transfer and fluid intensity inside a cavity. Hartman parameter suppresses the velocity and weakens the maximum values of the stream function. An increase on Hartman, Lewis and solid volume fraction parameters leads to an increase on average Nusselt number on an oscillating pipe and left cavity wall. Average Sherwood number on an oscillating pipe and left cavity wall decreases as Hartman parameter increases.
The main objective of this work is to study the MHD double-diffusive natural convection of a nanofluid in a square cavity containing an oscillating pipe using improved ISPH method.
Fausto Arpino, Nicola Massarotti, Alessandro Mauro and Perumal Nithiarasu
The purpose of the paper is to numerically simulate steady‐state thermo‐solutal convection in rectangular cavities with different aspect ratios, subject to horizontal temperature…
The purpose of the paper is to numerically simulate steady‐state thermo‐solutal convection in rectangular cavities with different aspect ratios, subject to horizontal temperature and concentration gradients, and validate the results against numerical and experimental data available from literature.
The fully explicit Artificial Compressibility (AC) version of the Characteristic Based Split (CBS) scheme is adopted to solve double diffusion (DD) problems. A stabilization analysis is carried out to efficiently solve the problems considered in the present work. The thermal and solutal buoyancy forces acting on the fluid have been taken into account in case of aiding and opposing flow conditions.
The stability limits derived by the authors for the thermo‐solutal convection assume a fundamental role to efficiently solve the DD problems considered. In the cases characterized by higher Rayleigh number the convergent solution is obtained only by employing the new stability conditions. The efficient matrix free procedure employed is a powerful tool to study complex DD problems.
In this paper, the authors extend the stabilization analysis for the AC‐CBS scheme to the solution of DD, fundamental to efficiently solve the present problems, and apply the present fully explicit matrix free scheme, based on finite elements, to the solution of DD natural convection in cavities.
The thermal-diffusion (Soret) and the diffusion-thermo (Dufour) effects play a crucial role in double diffusive mixed convection in a lid-driven cavity; but they have not been…
The thermal-diffusion (Soret) and the diffusion-thermo (Dufour) effects play a crucial role in double diffusive mixed convection in a lid-driven cavity; but they have not been studied properly by researchers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate effects of Soret and Dufour parameters on double diffusive laminar mixed convection of shear-thinning and Newtonian fluids in a two-sided lid-driven cavity.
Finite Difference Lattice Boltzmann method (FDLBM) has been applied to solve the complex problem. This study has been conducted for the certain pertinent parameters of Richardson number (Ri=0.00062-1), power-law index (n=0.2-1), Soret parameter (Sr=−5-5) as Dufour number effects have been investigated from Dr=−5 to 5 at Buoyancy ratio of N=1 and Lewis number of Le=5.
Results indicate that the augmentation of Richardson number causes heat and mass transfer to decrease. The fall of the power-law index declines heat and mass transfer at Ri=0.00062 and 0.01 in various Dufour and Soret parameters. At Ri=1, the heat and mass transfer rise with the increment of power-law index for Dr=0 and Sr=0. The least effect of power-law index on heat and mass transfer among the studied Richardson numbers was observed at Ri=1. The positive Dufour numbers augment the heat transfer gradually as the positive Soret numbers enhance the mass transfer. The Dr=−5 and Sr=−5 provokes the negative average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers, respectively, to be generated. The least magnitude of the average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers were obtained at Dr=−1 and Sr=−1, respectively.
Soret and Dufour effects in double diffusive mixed convection has not been studied in a lid-driven cavity. In addition. this study has been conducted also for shear-thinning fluids.
Zehba A.S. Raizah and Abdelraheem M. Aly
This paper aims to adopt incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method for studying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) double-diffusive natural convection from an inner open…
This paper aims to adopt incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH) method for studying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) double-diffusive natural convection from an inner open pipe in a cavity filled with a nanofluid.
The Lagrangian description of the governing equations was solved using the current ISPH method. The effects of two pipe shapes as a straight pipe and V-pipe, length of the pipe LPipe (0.2-0.8), length of V-pipe LV (0.04-0.32), Hartmann parameter Ha (40-120), solid volume fraction ϕ (0-0.1) and Lewis number Le (1-50) on the heat and mass transfer of nanofluid have been investigated.
The results demonstrate that the average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are increased by increment on the straight-pipe length, V-pipe length, Hartmann parameter, solid volume fraction and Lewis number. In addition, the variation on the open pipe shapes gives a suitable choice for enhancement heat and mass transfer inside the cavity. The control parameters of the open pipes can enhance the heat and mass transfer inside a cavity. In addition, the variation on the open pipe shapes gives a suitable choice for enhancement heat and mass transfer inside the cavity.
ISPH method is developed to study the MHD double-diffusive natural convection from the novel shapes of the inner heated open pipes inside a cavity including straight-pipe and V-pipe shapes.