Michael Lounsbury, Deborah A. Anderson and Paul Spee
Volumes 70 and 71 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations combine to comprise cutting edge theory and empirical scholarship at the interface of practice and institution in…
Volumes 70 and 71 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations combine to comprise cutting edge theory and empirical scholarship at the interface of practice and institution in organization studies. As we highlight, this interface has spurred particularly generative conversations with many open questions, and much to explore. We provide a review of scholarly developments in practice theory and organizational institutionalism that have given rise to this interest in building a bridge between scholarly communities. As signaled by recent efforts to construct a practice-driven institutionalism, we highlight how connecting practice theory with the institutional logics perspective provides a particularly attractive focal point for scholarship at this interface due to a variety of shared ontological and epistemological commitments, including the constitution of actors and their behavior. Collectively, the papers assembled unlock exciting opportunities to connect distinct, but related scholarly communities on practice and institution, seeding scholarship that can advance our understanding of organizational and societal dynamics.
Michael Lounsbury, Deborah A. Anderson and Paul Spee
Volumes 70 and 71 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations combine to comprise cutting edge theory and empirical scholarship at the interface of practice and institution in…
Volumes 70 and 71 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations combine to comprise cutting edge theory and empirical scholarship at the interface of practice and institution in organization studies. As we highlight, this interface has spurred particularly generative conversations with many open questions, and much to explore. We provide a review of scholarly developments in practice theory and organizational institutionalism that have given rise to this interest in building a bridge between scholarly communities. As signaled by recent efforts to construct a practice-driven institutionalism, we highlight how connecting practice theory with the institutional logics perspective provides a particularly attractive focal point for scholarship at this interface due to a variety of shared ontological and epistemological commitments, including the constitution of actors and their behavior. Collectively, the papers assembled unlock exciting opportunities to connect distinct, but related scholarly communities on practice and institution, seeding scholarship that can advance our understanding of organizational and societal dynamics.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
Chafik Bouhaddioui, Jean-Marie Dufour and Masaya Takano
The authors propose a semiparametric approach for testing independence between two infinite-order cointegrated vector autoregressive series (IVAR(∞)). The procedures considered…
The authors propose a semiparametric approach for testing independence between two infinite-order cointegrated vector autoregressive series (IVAR(∞)). The procedures considered can be viewed as extensions of classical methods proposed by Haugh (1976, JASA) and Hong (1996b, Biometrika) for testing independence between stationary univariate time series. The tests are based on the residuals of long autoregressions, hence allowing for computational simplicity, weak assumptions on the form of the underlying process, and a direct interpretation of the results in terms of innovations (or shocks). The test statistics are standardized versions of the sum of weighted squares of residual cross-correlation matrices. The weights depend on a kernel function and a truncation parameter. Multivariate portmanteau statistics can be viewed as a special case of our procedure based on the truncated uniform kernel. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics under the null hypothesis are derived, and consistency is established against fixed alternatives of serial cross-correlation of unknown form. A simulation study is presented which indicates that the proposed tests have good size and power properties in finite samples.
D.M. Tench, D.P. Anderson, P. Jambazian, P. Kim, J. White, D. Hillman, D. Frommelt, G.K. Lucey, T. Gher and B. Piekarski
The recently developed Reduced Oxide Soldering Activation (ROSA™) method is shown to be compatible with long‐term use with mass soldering processes. Prototype regeneration cells…
The recently developed Reduced Oxide Soldering Activation (ROSA™) method is shown to be compatible with long‐term use with mass soldering processes. Prototype regeneration cells operated for as long as six months with minimal maintenance retained their effectiveness for providing short wetting times under a variety of perturbations. The operating window for the process is wide and component degradation caused by exposure to the fully charged solution is minimal. The ROSA treatment provides soldering performance comparable to that attainable with a fully activated rosin flux and offers the promise of providing low soldering defect rates without the use of CFC solvents.
John Chao, Myungsup Kim and Donggyu Sul
This paper proposes a new class of estimators for the autoregressive coefficient of a dynamic panel data model with random individual effects and nonstationary initial condition…
This paper proposes a new class of estimators for the autoregressive coefficient of a dynamic panel data model with random individual effects and nonstationary initial condition. The new estimators we introduce are weighted averages of the well-known first difference (FD) GMM/IV estimator and the pooled ordinary least squares (POLS) estimator. The proposed procedure seeks to exploit the differing strengths of the FD GMM/IV estimator relative to the pooled OLS estimator. In particular, the latter is inconsistent in the stationary case but is consistent and asymptotically normal with a faster rate of convergence than the former when the underlying panel autoregressive process has a unit root. By averaging the two estimators in an appropriate way, we are able to construct a class of estimators which are consistent and asymptotically standard normal, when suitably standardized, in both the stationary and the unit root case. The results of our simulation study also show that our proposed estimator has favorable finite sample properties when compared to a number of existing estimators.
John D. Martin and Paul F. Anderson
The lease versus purchase decision has intrigued and perplexed both the academician and the practitioner for many years. The enigmatic nature of this problem stems largely from…
The lease versus purchase decision has intrigued and perplexed both the academician and the practitioner for many years. The enigmatic nature of this problem stems largely from the fact that lease‐purchase is a financial hybrid containing both financing and investment elements. The decision is unique in that the amount of financing provided by the lease alternative is not a matter of managerial discretion. Leasing commits the firm to what is, in effect, 100 per cent nonequity financing of the asset's acquisition. A purchase decision, on the other hand, allows the firm some flexibility in determining the optimal debt‐equity financing mix. This necessarily raises the question of how a firm should deal with the issue of financial risk differences between the alternatives.
Mohammed H. Fahmy, Ahmed Ageeb Elokl and Ramy Abdel-Khalek
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the ring structure of the twisted partial skew generalized power series ring
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the ring structure of the twisted partial skew generalized power series ring
The authors first introduce the history and motivation of this paper. Secondly, the authors give a brief exposition of twisted partial skew generalized power series ring, in addition to presenting some properties of such structure, for instance, a-rigid ring, a-compatible ring and (G,a)-McCoy ring. Finally, the study’s main results are stated and proved.
The authors establish the relation between the diameter and girth of the zero-divisor graph of twisted partial skew generalized power series ring
The results of the twisted partial skew generalized power series ring embrace a wide range of results of classical ring theoretic extensions, including Laurent (skew Laurent) polynomial ring, Laurent (skew Laurent) power series ring and group (skew group) ring and of course their partial skew versions.