Describes a new system being tested in France for interlending.Uses Microsoft Windows graphic software to scan the document, store itsend it on and invoice costs. Includes initial…
Describes a new system being tested in France for interlending. Uses Microsoft Windows graphic software to scan the document, store it send it on and invoice costs. Includes initial evaluation of pilot phase and concludes that, if successful, FOUDRE will complete the range of document access facilities available in French academic libraries.
Describes interlending activities in French academic libraries.Explains their use of new technologies including electronic documentdelivery and electronic mail. Charging policies…
Describes interlending activities in French academic libraries. Explains their use of new technologies including electronic document delivery and electronic mail. Charging policies are discussed and a list of specialised resource centres is provided.
The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online…
The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online information and documentation work. They fall into the following categories:
Reports on the OCLC Users’ Council meeting of February 5‐7, 1996. Issues discussed included nominations for the board of trustees, the OCLC president’s report, the Users’ Council…
Reports on the OCLC Users’ Council meeting of February 5‐7, 1996. Issues discussed included nominations for the board of trustees, the OCLC president’s report, the Users’ Council executive committee report and reports on users of electronic information. Also under discussion were a number of strategies for the future.
A review of the 3rd International Conference on Interlending andDocument Supply at the National Library of Hungary in Budapest from 29March to 1 April, 1993, and of the concurrent…
A review of the 3rd International Conference on Interlending and Document Supply at the National Library of Hungary in Budapest from 29 March to 1 April, 1993, and of the concurrent UNESCO workshop on East‐West information transfer. Developments in networking will move interlending and document supply from their present peripheral position in library services to centre stage, although the charges are part of a long‐established and continuing process, rather than a dramatic departure from past practice. Outlines the reasons why electronic information will continue to become more competitive than traditionally published sources and discusses some of the consequences of change. In the process of change Eastern Europe is well placed to benefit from Western development and, already, shows signs of making more substantial progress. Makes suggestions for individual and institutional actions.
Traces the history of OCLC’s development as an international organization, reviews current activities around the world and describes evolving strategies for globalization of the…
Traces the history of OCLC’s development as an international organization, reviews current activities around the world and describes evolving strategies for globalization of the OCLC co‐operative.
The OCLC Users Council met at OCLC headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, onJanuary 9‐11 to discuss “Libraries, OCLC, and ElectronicPublishing.” It was the second of three meetings devoted…
The OCLC Users Council met at OCLC headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, on January 9‐11 to discuss “Libraries, OCLC, and Electronic Publishing.” It was the second of three meetings devoted to the council′s 1993‐94 theme, “The Bibliographic Commons and Beyond: Electronic Publishing and Knowledge Management.”
Describes a number of experiments with electronic documentdelivery, and the copyright problems that are affecting its use.Considers the inadequacies of interlending for the user…
Describes a number of experiments with electronic document delivery, and the copyright problems that are affecting its use. Considers the inadequacies of interlending for the user, the interlending in Eastern Europe and Australia. Outlines the impact of CD‐ROM on document supply and suggests that interlending can be a social, cultural and economic measure.