(1999), "IFLA announces new Secretary-General, Ross Shimmon", Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 27 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
IFLA announces new Secretary-General, Ross Shimmon
IFLA announces new Secretary-General, Ross Shimmon
Keywords Librarians, Professional associations, Professional institutes
Mr Ross Shimmon has been announced as the new Secretary-General of IFLA, commencing in April 1999.
Ross Shimmon will leave the position of Chief Executive of The Library Association (UK), a position he has held since 1992. As Chief Executive he was responsible to the Council of the Library Association for the management of the Association and for providing professional leadership.
On his appointment to IFLA, Mr Shimmon said: ''I am excited at the prospect of working with IFLA at a time when the profession has a stunning opportunity. Our time has come. We must take advantage of the growing recognition worldwide of the importance of information and knowledge and the skills necessary for their creative exploitation.''
Throughout his career Mr Shimmon worked at a variety of levels in professional associations in the UK and in other countries. After several years in the UK in public and academic libraries and in library education, Mr Shimmon was employed in Papua New Guinea from 1979 until 1983 at the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea. He received a Life Membership from the Papua New Guinea Library Association in 1983, just before returning to the UK and becoming a member of LA staff.
Christine Deschamps, President of IFLA, commenting on Mr Shimmon's appointment said: ''I am confident that as IFLA enters the new millennium, the qualifications possessed by RossÇShimmon are exactly those needed by the Federation: skilled negotiator and manager; resourcefulness; commitment to high professional standards; broad experience in a membership organisation; and ability to work in the international environment.''
Source: Press release