This case features an entrepreneur who must decide whether to sell his small distribution company. The case explores several issues for class discussion: (1) valuation of a…
This case features an entrepreneur who must decide whether to sell his small distribution company. The case explores several issues for class discussion: (1) valuation of a private company, (2) assessing the entrepreneur's perspective and alternatives, (3) deal structuring (including earnouts), (4) risks and their effect on value, and (5) advice from a banker's perspective.

In light of contemporary critiques of New Zealand comprehensive schooling published mainly in the popular press, it is timely to re‐examine the origins of and the rationale for…
In light of contemporary critiques of New Zealand comprehensive schooling published mainly in the popular press, it is timely to re‐examine the origins of and the rationale for the widespread adoption of this model of education. The comprehensive schooling philosophy, it was recently alleged, has produced a situation in which ‘as many as one in five pupils in the system is failing’ and where ‘there is a large group at the bottom who are not succeeding’. This group was estimated to include some 153,000 students out of the total current New Zealand student population of 765,000. In this context, however, Chris Saunders and Mike Williams, principals of Onehunga High School and Aorere College in Auckland respectively, have noted that having underachieving students in secondary schools in particular is not a recent phenomenon. A large ‘tail’ of poor performing high school students has long been a cause of concern, Williams suggests.
Sarah Lawson, Sheila Apted, Monica Dart, Chris Saunders, R Moss and Alan Duckworth
ANY TIME YOU can buy a hardback Walden in good condition for sixty‐five cents, you should grab it. And so I did. Thoreau would have approved, for I contemplated just what…
ANY TIME YOU can buy a hardback Walden in good condition for sixty‐five cents, you should grab it. And so I did. Thoreau would have approved, for I contemplated just what sixty‐five cents was and whether I was likely to find another Walden for less. I set it to one side for further consideration while I browsed through other volumes in the little bookshop on 40th Street in Philadelphia. Here was a Proust for ninety cents, here was Billy Budd, here was an old edition of Hawthorne. The Proust, however, staggered under the weight of heavy inky under‐scorings; I already had a copy of Billy Budd; and the Hawthorne, I knew, existed in much better editions. Later there was a tempting French dictionary and an interesting cache of history books, but one by one Walden vanquished all comers. By the end of the afternoon it was the only possible purchase.
Rapid changes in the facilities management environment combined with the rising expectations of users has made effective customer service one of the most important factors…
Rapid changes in the facilities management environment combined with the rising expectations of users has made effective customer service one of the most important factors contributing to success in today’s efficient facilities management operations. To create an effective customer service programme, it is necessary to analyse needs and set appropriate standards that consider the total requirements and unique resource structure of the service providers in the facility environment. By taking advantage of the latest industry research and proven methods for establishing service standards, the facility manager can design and implement customer service programmes that contribute dramatically to customer satisfaction and the overall performance of the facilities management operation.
Clive Bingley, Helen Moss, Allan Bunch and CAVAN MCCARTHY
I DRAW, respectfully of course, the attention of the Chairman of the British Library Board to the fact that, notwithstanding his belief that the new BL building in the Euston Road…
I DRAW, respectfully of course, the attention of the Chairman of the British Library Board to the fact that, notwithstanding his belief that the new BL building in the Euston Road will, in the fullness of time, upstage such other mighty institutions as the Library of Congress, the latter has in the meantime upstaged the BL.
Marta Ortega Vega, Chris Attoe, Hannah Iannelli, Aleks Saunders and Sean Cross
Public mental health training can effectively support well-being at a population level. The application of this type of training is increasingly prevalent, however, training…
Public mental health training can effectively support well-being at a population level. The application of this type of training is increasingly prevalent, however, training evaluation is currently limited and inconsistent. This paper aims to summarise the characteristics of public mental health training available in England, presents key quality criteria for this training and identifies gaps in training provision.
This paper uses a pragmatic mixed-methods approach including database and Google Searches, focus groups and survey methods. The data analysis included a structured data extraction template for the training availability scoping and thematic analysis of the survey and focus groups.
This paper identifies a total of 74 training courses targeting workplace employees, young people and the general population. Most courses were delivered face-to-face (54), followed by e-learning (16) and blended modalities (4). This paper derives four core quality principles, focussing on the training approach, key features of training, trainer attributes and evaluation. There were no significant gaps in training provision, although areas for future development included consistency in public mental health terminology, systems and populations requiring additional training and the logistics of training delivery, etc.
The results contribute to the evidence base of interventions that are currently available, supporting the efforts to evaluate the impact of training provision in this area. This paper provides a novel approach to assessing training quality and discuss areas for development and innovation in this field.
Tania Yordanova Todorova, Serap Kurbanoglu, Joumana Boustany, Güleda Dogan, Laura Saunders, Aleksandra Horvat, Ana Lúcia Terra, Ane Landøy, Angela Repanovici, Chris Morrison, Egbert J. Sanchez Vanderkast, Jane Secker, Jurgita Rudzioniene, Terttu Kortelainen and Tibor Koltay
The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multinational survey on copyright literacy of specialists from libraries and other cultural institutions.
The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multinational survey on copyright literacy of specialists from libraries and other cultural institutions.
This paper is based on a multinational survey of copyright literacy competencies of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals and those who work in the cultural heritage sector (archives and museums), conducted in 13 countries, namely Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (CR), Finland (FI), France (FR), Hungary (HU), Lithuania (LT), Mexico (MX), Norway (NO), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Turkey (TR), UK and USA in the period July 2013-March 2015. An online survey instrument was developed in order to collect data from professionals regarding their familiarity with, knowledge and awareness of, and opinions on copyright-related issues.
Findings of this study highlight gaps in existing knowledge of copyright, and information about the level of copyright literacy of LIS and cultural sector professionals. Also attitudes toward copyright learning content in academic education and continuing professional development training programs are investigated.
This study aimed to address a gap in the literature by encompassing specialists from the cultural institutions in an international comparative context. The paper offers guidance for further understanding of copyright in a wider framework of digital and information literacy; and for the implementation of copyright policy, and the establishment of copyright advisor positions in cultural institutions. The recommendations support a revision of academic and continuing education programs learning curriculum and methods.